After getting on the tram, due to the large number of passengers, Wei Nai gave up the seat to Kang Na, and stood beside her.

Hua Ye grabbed the armrest and looked calmly at the scene flying backwards outside the window, but the corner of his eye fell on Wei Nai.

I have to say, compared to Gabriel and the others, Vinay is more like an angel.

Even after walking for a day, he is still standing upright at this moment. In order not to disturb others, he is still holding his backpack in his hand. His face is meticulous and serious. He is looking down at Kang Na who is lightly dozing off, with the corners of his mouth turned up , the eyes are soft, and there are gentle waves rippling inside.

"What are you looking at?" Wei Nai turned around suddenly.

"Look at you." Hua Ye replied casually.

Wei Nai was stunned, her eyes couldn't help but widen, then she turned her head and looked out of the window, but she could clearly see the blush spreading from her earlobe: "You you you you you, what are you talking about!"

Telling the truth, is it wrong to tell the truth these days!

After a moment of silence, Wei Nai casually asked in a low voice: "By the way, how did you and Qianye know each other?"

Although the two parties played together for two days, they were not that close after all. Of course, Wei Nai would not call each other by their names directly.

"Some time ago, I didn't have much money on me, so I found a part-time job, and then we got to know each other."

"Is that so?" Wei Nai stretched out her hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, and gave Hua Ye a soft look, "But I see that you are very busy every day, and you either sleep or look out the window during class. daze……"

Although it is true that it looks like this, but how do you know it so clearly!

Wei Nai blushed, and said with erratic eyes: "Why, why don't you know, you are a classmate!"

"Before getting on the tram, what did Chiba want to tell you?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Because the biscuits I make are delicious, she just wants me to make some biscuits."

"Really?" Wei Nai raised her eyebrows and looked at it, obviously not believing it. Usually at home, she either orders takeout or eats bread, and she doesn't bother to cook at all. How can she make delicious biscuits?

Hua Ye curled his lips: "When it's ready, I'll give you some, and you'll know."

"no need……"

"Take it as a gift in return."

"Well, well, I'm curious about the taste..." Wei Nai hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed, "As a reward, I'll make you another bento tomorrow... Or omelette rice and fried shrimp tempura Lo?"

Unknowingly, Wei Nai has already remembered which lunch boxes Hua Ye likes to eat.

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded, "You cook much better than the cafeteria."

"No, in fact, the food in the cafeteria is also very good." The corners of Wei Nai's mouth were slightly raised, with a nice curve.

Time passed quietly.

After getting off the tram, the sun is already setting outside, and the sky is full of sunset.

The red Huoshaoyun looks like fish scales, spreading out layer upon layer in the air, looking magnificent and magnificent.

After leaving the tram station, there is a park in the middle of the lake. Many people are playing and resting by the lake, including children and old people, and crisp laughter can be heard far away.

got windy.

Blow and wrinkle a lake of spring water.

The reflection of the setting sun shatters in the lake, and slowly merges again, which is too beautiful to behold.

"Okay, everyone, go back and try to get home before dark." Wei Nai suggested.

Although everyone lived not far away, they were in different directions after all.

"Then, His Highness Satania and I will go back first." Rafael waved goodbye with a smile.

"Hey, why should I go back with you!" Satania blinked, "I remember we don't live in the same direction."

Raphael clasped his hands together, his long hair was dancing in the wind, and he had a happy smile on his face: "Because I really want to sleep with His Highness Satania today."

"No! Who wants to sleep with you!"

Rafael didn't care, and said with a smile: "By the way, is the 'beep—' from last time still there?"

"That, that terrible thing has already been thrown away!" Satania's face flushed suddenly, obviously recalling some bad memories, "Anyway, you don't want to do that kind of thing to me again!"

"Really?" Rafael changed the subject lightly, "Let's go quickly, if we go back late, the discounted pineapple buns will be sold out."

"Pineapple buns!" Satania's eyes lit up, and she immediately put aside her vigilance just now, "Vinette, I'm going back first! Otherwise, I won't be able to eat pineapple buns!"

"Then, see you tomorrow." Rafael waved goodbye with a smile, and left with Satania.

Ah, I always feel that the red-haired idiot will be trained/educated by Wu Mi...

Hua Ye did not go with them, because there was still a blue-eyed young dragon to be sent back.

After parting from Wei Nai and the others at a crossroads, he took Kang Na to the door of Xiao Lin's house.

Just as he reached out to press the doorbell, the door opened with a "click", and then Thor's energetic voice sounded: "Welcome back, Lord Xiaoye!"

No wonder you are said to be a lustful dragon maid!

What kind of trouble is this pair of obscene breasts/bottoms that are bumping up and down, as if they are about to explode in the next moment!

Don't you feel heavy!

"Master Thor." Kang Na walked out from behind Hua Ye, and said softly with her small face up.

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