"It's from the Stuart family. People from this family are the most troublesome." Anna handed the snack in her hand to Dwarf Douding, "Alice, you go back to the supermarket."

"No return."

Alice shook her head resolutely, leaving the two of you outside and fleeing alone, how could such a thing be possible!

"Okay then." Anna scratched her head, but didn't insist, "For my sake, they shouldn't hurt you."

Your face?

He's obviously a big-chested and brainless idiot, but he doesn't see any face at all!


Anna suddenly looked down, and her blue eyes looked at Alice without blinking.

"You, what are you doing?"

Alice was a little puzzled.

"elder sister."

Anna suddenly puffed out her mouth and called her sister, which startled Alice.

"What are you calling my sister all of a sudden?"

"I just said something." Anna was a little depressed, "Hey, I'm so angry, the game failed, of course I will call your sister as agreed."


A row of black lines fell above Alice's head.

"How is your brain circuit so long!" The short bean pinched his waist with one hand, and his ponytails were swinging behind his back, and he couldn't help complaining, "When you had a middle school conversation with Liuhua before, you already played games. It’s a failure, after talking so much, you should at least call me sister dozens of times.”

"Huh?" Anna blinked and counted with her fingers, "It seems to be true, sister..."

"Call again when you have time, it's important to get down to business now."

Seeing a few big men in suits approaching, Alice subconsciously moved closer to Hua Ye.

In her opinion, this Stuart family member who doesn't know what the hell should be a gangster, maybe the most famous mafia member in Italy, anyway, it's not easy to provoke.

Although Alice had great confidence in Hua Ye, she still couldn't help being a little worried at the moment. She was in a foreign country and unfamiliar with the place, so even if she could fight, how many fights could one person have?

The kung fu masters in the movie can only fight ten.

More importantly, if it is really a gangster, this group of people probably has guns on them. There is no ban on gun control in the West, and people who join gangsters must have guns.

No matter how good your martial arts are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives. No matter how good you can fight alone, you can't use your body to catch bullets!

Thinking of this, Alice bit her lower lip, and gently tugged at the corner of Hua Ye's clothes.


Hua Ye turned his head to look.

"You..." Alice stood on tiptoe and tried to bite her ear, but unfortunately she could only reach Hua Ye's shoulder, without a bench under her feet, so she couldn't get close to Hua Ye's ear. Come here' gesture, "You lower your head, I have something to tell you."

Hua Ye lowered his head.

"Anna knows these people, and with Anna here, they shouldn't do anything excessive." The sweet and sweet warm breath fell into Hua Ye's ears, and Alice whispered worriedly, "Don't talk later, Let me apologize."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "What apology?"

Others are aggressively blocking the road, and I have to give in and apologize, and I don't want to lose face when I say it!

It's just a few war scum, let alone a punch, even a finger can kill them!

"Forbearance is calm for a while." Alice worried, "We'll talk about it when everyone returns to Japan, okay?"

Anna tilted her head and looked over: "Hey, I remember that for a while, the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and when I took a step back, the more I thought about it, the more I suffered, right?"

Alice: "..."

During the conversation, several men had already approached.

Shihua stood quietly beside Hua Ye, without knowing the situation, she didn't intend to speak.

Anna took a step forward, stood in front of Alice, and shouted, "Uncle Sherlock."

The leading man was tall and tall, about forty years old, with a high nose bridge, combed hair meticulously, and unshaved fine stubble on his cheeks. He looked quite masculine, but his eyes were full of aggressiveness. The gloomy light flickered under the light, which made Alice a little scared and didn't dare to look directly.


Sherlock Stuart stopped and said calmly, "William was bullied."

"It's not that he's not as skilled as others..." Aina puffed up her cheeks and muttered, "When he entered the door, he threw his gloves to challenge Xiaoye to a duel, and even said exaggerated things. He peed standing up every day. How could he not wet his shoes? It's normal for people to teach you a lesson, right?"

your sister!How can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river? Where did you learn to pee standing up!

"Well, we were wrong about what happened this afternoon." Alice squeezed Hua Ye's fingers tightly, "We apologize..."

With a calm face, Sherlock said lightly, "It's not about apologizing."

Alice's face changed, what does this guy mean?

Do you still want to re-enact what happened in the afternoon?

Sherlock's eyes moved slightly, looked at Hua Ye, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "William hasn't been able to stand up yet."

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