I have to say that the scene in front of me is indeed beyond the scope of scientific explanation. If the opponent is a werewolf, then the black light curtain in the sky, as well as the fangs and canines just now, can all be explained.

On the European continent, there has been a long-standing debate on the existence of vampires and werewolves. Even today, when technology is so popular and overwhelms everything, many people still firmly believe in the existence of werewolves and vampires.

At this moment, the real werewolf appeared in front of her, and Shihua found that her heart didn't fluctuate too much.

Shihua turned her head to look at Hua Ye, her face was still calm and indifferent, as if she didn't care about legendary creatures like werewolves at all.

The long-standing doubts came to my mind again.

How can an ordinary person date so many girls at the same time?

Unless...not ordinary people.


The angry roar sounded again. The man who was kicked away by Hua Ye seemed to have never suffered such humiliation. With both hands on the ground, he was about to jump up and fight back.



The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded, and a cloud of smoke and dust was splashed.

Everyone present turned their heads to look.

Seeing this man lying on the ground, the ferocious and angry expression on his face turned into bewilderment and bewilderment.

"Hanks, what are you doing?" A young man couldn't help but said, "Don't be funny at this time."

"I'm not, I didn't..." Hanks, lying on the ground, panicked, put his hands on the ground, ready to jump up again, and then fell to the ground with a 'plop' again.

The man panicked all of a sudden, and finally decided not to take off, but to stand up, but... he couldn't stand up.

"Hanks, stand up quickly!"

"Stand up, I can't stand up." Hanks sat on the ground, quickly reached out to touch his legs, and said in a panic, "My legs... no, it's the lower body, I don't feel anything at all!"


The air was suddenly quiet for a moment.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Hua Ye. There was no doubt that it was the young man in front of him who made the trick.

Sherlock looked at Hua Ye with a cold face: "I admit that you are a powerful onmyoji."

You don't need to admit whether you are strong or not, and I am not an onmyoji, and I didn't use onmyoji to make that person unconscious just now, it was just a weak point attack.

Have you heard of Paodingjieniu?

You weak and half-devils, not to mention ordinary flesh and bones, even know the operation of the dark power in your body clearly!

Just like the Devil's Eye, in Hua Ye's eyes, these people are full of fatal weaknesses.

"However..." Sherlock untied his tie, his voice was low, and a dark green light lit up in his eyes, "The glory of the Stuart family cannot be desecrated."

The men behind Sherlock also transformed at the same time, probably due to the lack of moonlight tonight, they did not turn into a werewolf covered in black cats, but their ears became pointed, their pupils turned green, and fangs grew out of their mouths That's it, in this form, both strength and speed will increase dramatically. Compared with skill, strength and speed are the aspects that really determine the outcome of a fight.

"Oops." Anna whispered, "Uncle Sherlock is about to attack, he is a boss monster, much stronger than that guy just now, Xiao Ye is about to be beaten out of the urine."

Alice immediately became anxious: "Then hurry up and help!"

"That..." Anna blushed, "Uncle Sherlock can knock me down with one hand."


You are a silver gun candle head with a strong mouth, you can only put your mouth on it, and it is useless when it comes to business!

"I heard that when he was digging potatoes in Siberia last year, he encountered a hibernating brown bear, and then twisted off the bear's head with his bare hands and kept it at home as a trophy."

Speaking of the brown bear's head, Alice thought of the black bear's head specimen hanging in her grandfather's house. Is it also the proof of the prey that grandpa singled out to kill?

"Also, when Uncle Sherlock was surfing in the Pacific Ocean, he killed three sharks by himself."

"Not long ago in Africa, I killed a lion..."

"This is not human at all!"

It wasn't until Alice finished complaining that she realized that werewolves really couldn't be counted as human beings.

"Such a powerful guy, doesn't he pay attention to the dignity of the strong!"

Anna tilted her head and looked: "It's not a lion group, the wolves are all hunting together, right?"


"You can always stop the others, right?" The short bean clenched his fists and looked at Hua Ye nervously. "At least help the big facial paralysis relieve the pressure."

"Others are fine." Anna rolled up her sleeves, "I'm also good at fighting."

As the saying goes, two fists can't beat four hands, this group of people can't fight alone, obviously they want to fight in groups, surely one person with big facial paralysis can't support it?

Shihua glanced at Alice, and there was a stainless steel spoon silently in his hand.

Hua Ye said calmly, "No need to help."

Shihua said, "I'm fine."

Although it is not clear what happened, the situation is urgent, Shihua will naturally not stand idly by.

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