Having said that the last time is the last time, Hua Ye doesn't care if these people are not convinced or not, and next time, they will put their family's urns neatly together.

Alice breathed a sigh of relief, and hugged Hua Ye's arm: "Go, go, it's freezing outside."


The black light curtain covering the sky quietly shattered, as if a soap bubble had been gently punctured, the eerie silence disappeared immediately, and the buzzing of vehicles and the noise of pedestrians came to my ears again, as if it had been a lifetime.

"Wait a moment."

Anna suddenly leaned over to Hua Ye's side, raised her chin and said, "Uncle Sherlock, Alice and I have agreed to marry Xiao Ye together. On the train this afternoon, I even decided to name my daughter!"

Say hello to your sister, who will have a daughter with you!Don't talk to yourself!

Anna reached out to hug Hua Ye's arm, but Hua Ye raised his hand to block it.

Please respect yourself, we don't know each other well, it's not something you can hug if you want!

If other girls are rejected by Hua Ye like this, even if they don't have red eyes, they will definitely bite their lips, and their self-esteem will be damaged. It's a pity that Alice's childhood playmate is an idiot. He thought he was playing with her and opened his eyes wide , with shining eyes, grabbed Hua Ye's hand.

"Hey, watch me catch you."

Alice squinted her eyes, raised her hand to cover her forehead and said, "Anna, finish talking before playing."

"Ah, I forgot." The blond girl turned to look at Sherlock, "Tell William not to come to me in the future, I don't like him."

Sherlock nodded silently: "William will not appear in front of you in the future."

Compared with the survival of the family, the love of children is nothing.

"That's all right." Anna had a bright smile on her face, and turned to look at Hua Ye with anticipation, "Alice, let's go back and have a baby soon?"

"Birth, give birth to your sister!"

Those private experiences in the afternoon are just fooling you, I have never done anything with this big facial paralysis!Even if he really did that kind of thing, he would definitely take protective measures. It would be an exaggeration to have a baby in the first grade!

From the corner of her eye, seeing Shihua turn her head to look at her, Alice laughed dryly and changed the subject: "Anna is an idiot, she always says strange things..."

"I'm not an idiot." Anna pouted, "Obviously you said that Xiaoye's kung fu in bed... woohoo."

Before she could finish speaking, Alice raised her hand to cover her mouth. This little bean's face was flushed, and the small canine teeth at the corners of her mouth were exposed. "If you talk nonsense again, I will sew your mouth shut!"


Shihua turned her head to look at Hua Ye, raised her eyebrows slightly, her wine-red eyes were full of disgust: "Kung fu in bed?"

What's wrong with bed work?

Mating is a necessary way for species to reproduce. The stronger the ability, the better the individual genes, and the easier it is to survive in the competition of natural selection. If you doubt it, try it yourself!

The doll girl from the Rose Society walked in front of Hua Ye, and said calmly, "My lord, does what you promised just now count?"

Hua Ye said, "Of course it counts."

The words spoken, the water poured out, and the things that have been promised, of course they will not go back on their word.

"Thank you sir."

Sophia bent down and bowed, her silver hair fell from her shoulders, she didn't make a request to Hua Ye, she turned around and disappeared into the darkness silently.

Alice withdrew her gaze, pinched her waist with one hand and said, "Go back to the hotel!"



When we got back to the hotel, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

With snacks in hand, Hua Ye knocked on the door of the useless angel.

The door quickly opened a gap, and half of a fair and lovely face poked out from behind the door. After seeing Hua Ye, Taplis's blue eyes suddenly turned into crescent moons: "Hey, it's the senior, come in. .”

Hua Ye walked into the room, glanced over, and saw Gabriel sitting on the bed with a laptop on her lap, playing games energetically.

"Snacks are here." Hua Ye walked to the bed and sat down.

This useless angel didn't raise its head, and was concentrating on typing the dungeon. If it was used seriously to study, no matter whether it was Wei Nai or the monitor, they would definitely be killed by the horse!

"Put it aside, I don't have time to eat now."

Hua Ye opened the shopping bag, turned his head and said, "Taplis, come over for some snacks."

"Hey, thank you senior." The idiot school girl stretched out two fingers and tapped her chest lightly, "The teacher said that you can't eat snacks before going to bed at night..."

You can’t eat supper before going to bed at night. Some people can’t sleep at eleven or twelve, and they still order takeaway for supper!

Hua Ye remained silent and peeled off a chocolate bar.

"That." Taplis looked over, revealing the worried Yan Yi of "senior don't want it", "senior don't eat it, or your teeth will fall out."

your sister!Just eating a snack, why did my teeth fall out!Just brush your teeth before going to bed!

Hua Ye poker face: "This is for Xiao Jia."

"Senior Gabriel, don't eat it either..."

Not finished.

"Crack clap clap."

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