But at this moment, a familiar stabbing sensation suddenly came from behind.

"Poke, poke, poke—"

you again!Naive Gabriel!

Now it's back to poking me again!

Believe it or not, I'm poking back right now!

Hua Ye turned his head with a dark face, and saw Gabriel retracting her hand as if nothing had happened, and then handing over a note.

After taking a look, there is a line of beautiful handwriting on it:

"Do you have time the afternoon after tomorrow? Accompany me to a place."

"No time." Hua Ye refused.

"Damn it!" Gabriel gritted her teeth, "I haven't settled the bill with you that night! How dare you refuse!"

It's fine to poke me just now, but now you still talk to me in this tone, you are going to be slapped like this!

And it was obviously you who attacked at night that night, and you can't blame others at all if you were pushed down and remarried!

So Hua Ye replied with a sullen face, "Didn't you kiss the right side?"

"Eh? What did you say?"

"Don't you have obsessive-compulsive disorder? Is it because you only kissed the left side but not the right side that day, that's why you feel uncomfortable?"

"Soul Dan! Kill you?" Gabriel gritted her teeth, almost ran away and executed Hua Ye, but she endured it in the end, "Stop talking nonsense, there is a game coming out the day after tomorrow, you and I Go buy it!"

Chapter 145 Raphael's Lost Sister

"It's just to buy a game, why did you drag me along? You're not afraid of getting lost, are you?" Hua Ye asked.

"Damn it! Do you think I'm that idiot Satania!" Gabriel quickly replied the note, "Accompany me to buy games tomorrow afternoon anyway, and I will consider commuting your sentence!"

"The reason is not approved." Hua Ye was unmoved at all: "Why?"

"The soul is pale!"

Gabriel puffed out her mouth like a puffed up puffer fish.

I also want to know why!

Why does that Ji Fei want me to buy erotic games!

And it's nothing more than buying erotic games, why do I have to go with you!

But for the krypton gold, for the SSR and the ship girl, what can I do?

I am also very desperate.

"In short, it is a very powerful game. I am embarrassed to buy it alone, so I asked you to help..." Gabriel said with a guilty conscience.

Hua Ye did not speak, but silently squinted at each other.

An embarrassing game... is it actually a [-]-ban or [-]-ban game?

"Hundan!" Gabriel almost exploded, "What kind of eyes do you have!"

The useless angel's eyes were wandering, and his face was blushing with embarrassment. He was about to poke Hua Ye with puffy cheeks, but Hua Ye grabbed his wrist.

"Let me tell you, if you poke me again, the consequences will be serious."

"let go……"

Gabriel puffed her cheeks and was about to refute, when a low voice suddenly sounded: "Hey, those two students by the window, you are going too far, do you really think that teachers don't exist?"

Teacher Jing on the podium sighed with a bit of a headache: "It's fine to pass the note or something. After all, the teacher is also experienced, so I can understand it, but other things are too much... I also have a little understanding of the teacher's mood!"


The melon-eating people in the class turned their heads to look incomparably neatly.

"Hey, it's Gabriel and Hua Ye, are they dating?" the girls in the class whispered.

"Probably not, Gabriel looks so aggrieved, maybe she was forced." A melon-eating girl said excitedly.

"Wait! Look, classmate Hua Ye is holding classmate Gabriel's hand in that posture..." A girl exclaimed, her eyes widened suddenly, and she covered her mouth in disbelief, "Difficult, Could it be that classmate Hua Ye forces girls to do that kind of thing for him with their hands, as depicted in those bad cartoons!"

"No, can't it?" The shy girl was blushing and almost fainted, and stammered, "How could someone do that kind of thing in class..."

"Tsk, maybe Hua Ye thinks there will be extra pleasure doing that kind of thing in class?"


Hua Ye almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Shut up you guys!This useless angel is not a rubber man, and it is impossible to get it with a desk in the middle!

And why are you so proficient!

How many erotic books have I read before I can instantly imagine such a bad scene!

The thick-skinned Hua Ye had long been immune to the contempt of these guys, but just glanced over with a sullen face, and these melon-eating girls immediately shut their mouths and dared not speak.

As for Gabriel, the useless angel, his face instantly turned red, and then he lay down on the table with a "plop", pretending to be an ostrich.

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