Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and pressed it on Taplis's forehead, directly suppressing the violent Holy Light.

"What are you doing……"

A confused voice sounded.

Although the berserk holy light failed to blow up the room, it woke up the useless angel on the bed.

Gabriel opened her eyes, opened her small mouth, and her expression was dull.

"Having hallucinations?"

The useless angel closed its eyes, shook its head, and opened them again.

Appearing in front of him was still tearful, disheveled, flushed and aggrieved and shy Taplis, and the other was Hua Ye who put his hands on Taplis, who looked like a villain no matter what...

Gabriel reached out and pinched herself.

"It hurts..." The crippled angel finally came to his senses, "It's not a hallucination!"

Since it's not a hallucination, what appeared in front of my eyes was "boyfriend attacked my best friend at night, and the bully beat me hard"... No matter how you look at it, it's a proper plot!


Gabriel sat up, a black grudge behind her was burning violently, almost condensing into substance.

"I'm not, I don't." Hua Ye resolutely let go of Taplis, took a step back and said, "Listen to my explanation."

"There's no need to explain." Gabriel said with a blank expression on her face, her intention to kill was determined, "Death penalty."

Even a judge cannot deprive a prisoner of the right to speak in court. You are a ruthless dictatorship!

"It's [-]:[-], and I'm here to wake you up." Hua Ye said with squinted eyes, "When Taplis was stretching, his pajamas were too big to be stretched. It has nothing to do with me."

Taplis also came back to his senses at this moment, and hurriedly raised his hands to cover his chest. There was still a large amount of snow-white powder overflowing from the edge of his arm, which proved the sentence again, a girl will never take off her clothes. Know what turmoil lurks beneath.

"I, I'm going to the bathroom." Taplis's face was so red that it exploded, even his neck turned pink, he turned around and ran in a panic, and closed the door with a 'snap'.

Gabriel withdrew her gaze and looked up at Hua Ye: "Ling Chi is still cut in half, let's choose one."

Hey, you are going too far. Killing people is nothing more than nodding your head. Such a cruel punishment method has long been eliminated. At least give an option of euthanasia!

Hua Ye said, "I won't choose any of them."

"Then Ling Chi." Gabriel said, "To actually blaspheme Tapris, the death penalty is an unforgivable crime."

Before Hua Ye could speak, the door of the bathroom opened a gap, and the pretty blushing Taplis showed half of his face: "Senior Gabriel doesn't want it, the senior didn't lie, it's all my fault..."

"Because the pajamas Senior Gabriel bought were a bit small, and they were so tight that I accidentally broke them..."


A black line fell over Gabriel's head, "Hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth."

"I know, I know."

Like a frightened bunny, Taplis closed the door and hid in the bathroom.

Gabriel looked at Hua Ye, crossed her arms and said, "Why are you here to wake us up?"

Hua Ye said calmly: "Vinai said that only I can complete the task of waking you up."

"Tch, don't make it sound like you're amazing."

"Have you woken up soon?"



A pillow was thrown over.

"You still have the nerve to say it." Gabriel clenched her silver teeth, "Come here, let me punch you out."

You are too much, and you are not a human sandbag. Why should you beat me to vent my anger? I don't want to lose face!

Hua Ye caught the pillow, shook his head and said, "No."

"Can't come over?"


Gabriel squeezed her fingers, but it was a pity that she couldn't make a crackling sound: "You didn't even let the tap sauce go, big hentai, you should buy a utility knife and 'click' you off."

Hua Ye said, "It's not a pervert."

"You still say it's not?" Gabriel squinted her eyes and looked at the kitchen waste, "If you didn't have evil intentions, you would be able to grab the pajamas at the moment the buttons fell off, right?"


With Hua Ye's ability to react, he was indeed able to anticipate the enemy's opportunities and prevent problems before they happened.

The problem is that it is not necessary at all!

I've seen it when I was camping in the autumn, and I don't think there is anything to cover up. Adam and Eve ran around with bare buttocks in the Garden of Eden, and no one said they were shameless.When I visited St. Mark's Basilica in Venice yesterday, many of the angels on the murals were not wearing clothes, right?

Being naked is not shameful, on the contrary, it is a way to liberate nature and return to nature.

As an angel, you should take on the responsibility of warming people's hearts, right? (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

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