"I got up too early today, so I didn't have a good rest." Machiko hesitated, "I want to sleep for a while now."


Lafite refused righteously.

"Eh?" The squad leader opened his eyes wide, "Why, why not?"

Lafite said: "Sleep now, you will regret it."


Aggrieved, Machiko tugged on La Huaye's sleeve and complained in a low voice, "Lafite bullies people."

If you want to say who is the opponent of the Great Demon King Lafite, you can't do it yourself, and neither can Wei Nai. Only Hua Ye can suppress her.

Hua Ye put down his phone, turned his head to look, and said calmly, "I really can't sleep now."


Machiko opened her mouth, bit her lower lip silently, almost overflowing with grievance in her heart.

(Obviously it was Lafite who was bullying others, yet he actually favored Lafite...)

(Too much, too much.)

(Too eccentric!)

"The plane will take off in five minutes." Hua Ye said calmly, "If you sleep now, you will be woken up immediately, and you will not sleep until you reach the stratosphere."

Machiko: "..."

In order to get rid of the claws of the big devil Lafite, he accidentally forgot that the plane hadn't taken off yet, and now he lost his home in embarrassment!

The corners of Lafite's lips were raised, and he gave Hua Ye a charming look. The two of them had a tacit understanding, and they could understand each other's meaning with just one look. They didn't believe that Hua Ye would misunderstand her at all.


The plane takes off soon.

The strong centrifugal force hit, making Machiko lean on the seat. This feeling was much stronger than the feeling of taking the elevator. The monitor's pretty face was slightly pale, and he couldn't help but quietly grabbed one of Hua Ye's fingers, feeling a familiar sense of security. Come on, the tension and fear just now disappeared.

the other side.

"It feels terrible."

Machiko turned her head to look, and saw Lafite holding Hua Ye's arm tightly, and there was no fear in her narrowed eyes at all!

Looking at the fingers she was secretly holding, and then at Lafite, Machiko suddenly understood the life experience taught by her cousin

Thick-skinned, eat enough.

The plane quickly reached the stratosphere. The flight from Italy to the island country was from west to east. It was dark when it came, but it was daytime when it returned this time. Machiko looked out the window, and thick white clouds spread endlessly under the plane. There was a faint red light in the distance, and after a while, a round of unglamorous red sun seemed to break through the sky from under the clouds. The scene was so magnificent and shocking that it was hard to describe it in words.

When the red sun rises, its path is bright, and the river flows out, pouring down into the ocean.

Looking at the majestic sunrise in front of her, Machiko suddenly understood why her father had to travel around the world. The most important thing in life is the scenery during the journey.

It's quiet in the plane.

Passengers by the window are all immersed in the magnificence and grandeur of the sunrise.

Lafite put his chin on Hua Ye's shoulder, looked out the window with shining eyes, silently clasped his fingers together, and whispered in Hua Ye's ear: "It's decided, we will watch the sunrise together every day from now on."

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

The warm and sweet breath fell on Hua Ye's ears, and the spoiled girl's coquetry became more and more proficient: "Look above the clouds."


Hang gliders, hot air balloons, and even steel battle suits, for ordinary humans, flying is no longer a dream, but for Hua Ye, it is more a matter of thought.

"The clouds are so big, I wonder if it's comfortable to roll?"

Hua Ye said, "You can try it."

The dark-bellied girl had crooked eyes: "We'll try again after seeing our parents."



Speechless all the way.

The long journey ended soon, and the plane slowly landed at Narita Airport as the stewardess sounded a sweet reminder.

The full name of Narita Airport is Tokyo Narita International Airport, and Hua Ye felt that the name of the airport was a bit inaccurate.

This airport is located in Narita City, Chiba Prefecture, [-] kilometers away from downtown Tokyo. Even taking the fastest train, it takes [-] minutes to get from the airport to the city center. In contrast, Haneda Airport is built directly on In Tokyo, it is actually closer to the center.

The reason why Narita Airport is famous is that Narita broke up. During the honeymoon trip, the newlyweds exposed the shortcomings in the living habits of both parties due to some trivial matters, causing discord, and finally filed for divorce after arriving at Narita Airport. ".

Of course, Hua Ye and his party will not break up with Narita.

To be precise, for this trip to Italy, Wei Nai will choose food, clothing, housing and transportation in advance. As for the others... just be responsible for eating, drinking and having fun.

"Xiaojia, don't play with the handheld, get off the plane right away."

"Satania, don't forget to take it when you salute later."

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