That’s all for ordinary girls, such as Gabriel, Rokka, Alice, and Igarashi. These poor breasted stars don’t need towels, and they can block them tightly by raising their arms, but Thor is poor and evil. The dragon lady has such a broad mind that her arms can't stop her at all!

The unfathomable trench squeezed out of the chest, as well as the Alpine-level snow-white firmness, can all be seen clearly!

As for the lower body... Just turn your body sideways.

After all, she is a chaotic dragon lady who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, so she doesn't care about things like exposing her body at all!Last time, I watched a short movie with Hua Ye about how a maid serves her master. It also doesn't have the shame of a human being!

"Hey, Kang Na, Xiao Ye, are you back?"

Thor bent his eyes, with a cute smile full of energy on his face, and the little canine teeth at the corners of his mouth were extremely cute, "Come in, come in."

At this time, the normal human behavior should be to quickly look away, but unfortunately Hua Ye is not a human being, and there is no such thing as shame. Besides, Thor doesn't care, and he doesn't care!

As for why he didn't say goodbye and had nothing to do with taking advantage, it was just because the gifts he bought during the trip hadn't been taken out yet, Hua Ye would leave after delivering the gifts.

"Master Thor, I'm back." Connor took off her shoes and walked into the living room barefoot, without slippers. "Where's Xiao Lin?"

"Xiao Lin is still working overtime." Thor turned and walked to the bathroom, not minding showing his back to Hua Ye, and said on twitter, "Because it's almost the end of the year, the company has been working overtime in order to catch up with performance. Last night Xiao Lin Come back at half past ten..."

I have to say that Thor's back looks extraordinarily beautiful.

The snow-white and slender neck is covered with white skin like jade. The feminine curves that are unique to women suddenly tighten when they reach the waist, turning into a tight A4 waist, as if two hands can be held around it. Looking down, It is the two rounded buttocks that protrude suddenly, basically no flaws can be picked out!

"Xiao Ye, sit down for a while." Thor turned his head and looked, "I take a shower very quickly."

"Don't sit down." Hua Ye said with a poker face, "I'll go back when I give you the gift."

"Hey, what gift?"

Hua Ye said: "Souvenirs and local products bought in Italy."

Giving gifts is one of the important ways to maintain relationships. Before leaving, Wei Nai and Hua Ye went to buy gifts. People who know him basically have them. Anyway, they are not short of money.

"Hey, do I have one?"


Thor's eyes lit up, and he turned around to look, "What, what is it?"


your sister!Just now I knew how to cover my chest, but when I heard that there was a gift, I even forgot to cover my chest!But pay attention a little bit!

Hua Ye's face was expressionless, and his eyes fell on Thor's chest. With the bonus of racial talent, even Lafite was no match at all.

It's a pity that there was no fluctuation in Hua Ye's heart, but rather dull.

When I stretched out my hand to block it, there was still a glimmer of expectation. After seeing it, there was no expectation at all!

"Xiao Ye, don't look around." Thor raised his hands to cover his body, and opened his eyes wide and turned over. The golden pupils are enough to make ordinary people tremble. "It's too optimistic to stare at a girl's body."

He said too much, but no matter whether it was his eyes or his tone, he obviously didn't really take it to heart.

"I didn't look around." Hua Ye was expressionless, "It's you who didn't wear clothes. It's not too much if you don't coerce or peep."

"Eh?" Thor tilted his head and thought for a while, "It seems to be like this."

Hua Ye said: "The next time someone knocks on the door, remember to get dressed before coming out."

"Don't worry." Thor showed his canine teeth and smiled energetically, "I only came out when I heard the footsteps of you and Kang Na. If it was someone else, I would definitely put on my clothes before opening the door."

Even if you say that, you won't feel relieved!Thor has no distinction between men and women, only closeness. Obviously, in the eyes of this dragon maid, Hua Ye is not a man at all, but a close acquaintance!

Hua Ye put down the shopping bag containing the gift, turned to leave: "Farewell."

"Hey, wait a minute." Thor hurriedly stopped Hua Ye, "Xiao Ye, don't leave."


"It's Xiaolin." Thor puffed up his cheeks and chirped, "Xiaolin has been working for half a month, and only took a day off in the middle. When I came back last night, I saw her face was very bad, so I asked her if she was not healthy. Comfortable, Kobayashi said the old problem of low back pain happened again."

There is no way. As a programmer, I often sit for a day. Lumbar disc herniation and lumbar muscle strain are the most common symptoms. Xiao Lin already suffered from low back pain. Although the massage effect is remarkable, Xiao Lin has to sit in front of the computer every day. After sitting for more than ten hours, the body will naturally not be able to support it.

"It was super, super distressed at the time." Thor looked up at the sky, "How do you say something? Ten fingers connected to a heart?"

"By the way, the pain is on Xiao Lin's body and on my heart."

"I wanted to massage Xiaolin's lower back, but Xiaolin refused without hesitation." Thor was very aggrieved, "Fortunately, I helped Xiaolin warm up the bed last night, so I was not allowed to hug her to sleep, and directly put me in bed." kicked out..."

Nonsense, otherwise I would kick you out too!Sleeping alone is comfortable, and you can roll as you want. When two people sleep, you not only have to worry about the quilt, but also worry about whether you will turn over and be crushed under you, staged a live-action version of "Holding a Girl in Your Arms" kill 'ah!

"Please, Xiaoye." Thor folded his hands together, and said pitifully, "Xiao Lin has been working hard during this time, and she looked very tired when she got up this morning. Wait for Xiao Lin to come back, and give her a massage on her waist?"

This is a serious matter, there is no reason to refuse, Hua Ye nodded and agreed: "Got it."

"Thank you, Xiao Ye!" Thor cheered, and as his body jumped, the fat on his chest suddenly swayed, reminding Hua Ye of a certain beach volleyball that he and Gabriel watched on the adult channel The Li/Fan.

Thor has no rivals among human beings. The real comparison objects are balls like volleyballs and footballs!As for Erkoya, the dragon girl with the largest breasts in the world, the comparison object should be watermelon!

Since he agreed to help Xiao Lin treat his lumbar muscle strain, he naturally had to wait until Xiao Lin returned home after working overtime. Hua Ye turned around and walked to the sofa, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to pass the time. Back to the room

Inside the schoolbag are not only gifts from the rings in the square, but also snacks, toys, and small gifts from a group of girls such as Wei Nai, Shihua, and Alice. Facts have proved that being cute means being able to do whatever you want.

"Xiaoye." Not long after sitting down, Thor poked his head out of the bathroom, "Come here and help me."

Hua Ye looked up: "What's the matter?"

"Wipe my back." Thor's wet golden hair fell down, revealing a bit of beauty, "I can't reach my back."

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