Ling Na tilted her head to look at Miss Miko, blinked her eyes, and suddenly showed a cute expression of sudden realization: "Mom."


Miss Miko sat next to Hua Ye, raised her hand to pin a strand of hair behind her ear, pursed her pink lips and said, "Mr. Hua, I just received a call."

Hua Ye took a biscuit and handed it to Liuli: "A new commission?"

"It's okay to say it's a commission..." Miss Miko blushed slightly, took a bite of the biscuit, and said, "It's the mountain god Shi Changji's... hunting commission."

Shi Changji, the mountain god, is the house girl who bought an abandoned playground in the suburbs. Her favorite food is potato chips and fat house happy water. She often sends messages to harass Hua Ye, wanting to give birth to Hua Ye.

Seeing Hua Ye's expression as usual, Miss Miko continued: "It's a group of onmyojis from other places. The leader is the Kannazuki family that has been passed down for hundreds of years. These people's goals are very clear. .”

"I just received a call. It's a request from the Onmyoji Association... The two groups seem to have chosen to cooperate."

This is normal.

There are no eternal enemies in the world, only eternal interests, let alone those who are not my race, their hearts must be different. Although Shi Changji is a "god", it is a pity that the faith of this era is withered. Few people have pious beliefs, but many people are There is the idea of ​​"even if it is a god, I have to kill it for you to see".

As a living weak god, Shi Changji is not comparable to ordinary shikigami in terms of use value or research value.

"I declined." Miss Miko tilted her head and looked over, her voice was like a breeze blowing through the bamboo forest, "Although I don't have much contact with Shi Changji, using the word 'capture' is somewhat unacceptable."

"What's Hua Jun's plan?" Miss Miko said softly after eating the biscuits, "Do you want to help?"

"No need." Hua Ye shook his head, "Fix your own affairs."

Even if it is a grasshopper, it will jump twice. The fake loli of the mountain god is not as soft and cute as she looks.

"I see."

Miss Miko pursed her pink lips and revealed the matter.

It was late, and after saying a few more words, Miss Miko got up and took the two little maids with her, and walked to the kitchen to start preparing dinner.

"Saury, saury, saury." Lingna pricked up her ears and threw herself into Hua Ye's arms, her eyes were already overflowing with anticipation, "Dad, we want to eat saury."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Don't call me Dad."

"Got it, Dad."


Hua Ye turned around and walked towards the kitchen. The cat-eared lady turned into a little tail and followed behind her every step. It wasn't until Hua Ye nodded in agreement that she let out a cheer.

He stepped on the small stools used by the two little maids and gave Hua Ye a kiss, and then he didn't go anywhere, lying on the chair, holding his face in both hands, waiting for Hua Ye to cook with anticipation.

As long as the saury is delicious, it's fine to cheat on this cat girl ten times!

"Master, the apron."

The little girl in blue and white maid outfit held up her apron and looked at Hua Ye.

Miss Miko's eyes flickered, she reached out to take the apron, looked at Hua Ye, and said softly, "Hua Jun, let me tie it for you."

Hua Ye nodded and opened his arms: "Yes."

Miss Miko took a step forward, tied up her apron, and the warm light shone down. Looking at Hua Ye's well-defined side face, she blinked slightly.


A small head poked out from the wall, and Hinata signaled with his eyes: "Don't forget the strategy method I taught you on the way back, brother Xiaoye, attack!"

Hua Ye looked down at Miss Miko, thought for a while, folded his arms together, and held Liuli in his arms.

Qianye Liuli trembled slightly, and under the gaze of a group of lolis eating melons, a slight blush soon appeared on her pretty face, she hesitated for a moment, but she still couldn't hold back the impulse, and stretched out her arms to hug Hua Ye.

After all, video chats are no match for the warmth of a hug.

Mao Erniang muttered to herself: "The current elder sister is super beautiful."

"Successful capture." Hinata walked in, shaking the phone, and said with a smile, "It looks good because the happiness in my sister's eyes is about to overflow."

The witch narrowed her eyes, but before she could speak, Hinata handed over the phone tactfully.

"Sister, let's see for myself."

Qianye Liuli looked at the phone. Although only half of her profile was shown in the photo, the slightly raised corners of her lips and the gentle eyes were exceptionally clear.

Miss Miko bit her pink lips, returned the phone to Hinata, raised her hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, revealing her white and moist ears, and said nonchalantly, "Okay, let's cook."

Hinata put away her cell phone, raised her hand and said, "I want to help. Leave the washing of potatoes and green peppers to me."

You are enough, with so many ingredients, you only wash the simplest potatoes and green peppers, no one is lazy!It will be easier and more convenient to wash the eggs directly next time!

"And us." Maoer Niang raised her hand, and she was never absent when she joined in the fun, "We also help wash the vegetables, meow."

Hua Ye said casually, "Wash the saury."

The cat-eared lady raised her hand in salute, "I promise to complete the task meow."

The chef is naturally Hua Ye, and Miss Miko is helping out.

Raising her hand to wipe off the water droplets accidentally splashed on her cheeks, looking at the group of busy lolis in the kitchen, the corners of Miss Miko's lips raised slightly again.

winter night.

The cold wind howled outside.

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