"Huh?" Jing Keai narrowed her eyes and clenched her iron fist again, "Do you want to rub it?"

To actually say such things in public, do you regard the teacher as a plastic mannequin in an underwear store? How could it be possible for you to rub it!

"I want to knead, so it must be very comfortable to knead so much?"

Jing Keai blushed, gritted her teeth and said, "How dare you say that!"

"I did not say."

Hua Ye's face darkened, he reached out and grabbed a hair, and picked up Shi Changji, who had slipped quietly behind her, "She said it."

The House Girl Mountain God stuck out the tip of her tongue, and said pitifully, "I couldn't hold back just now, so I played a cameo role as a voice actor."

"Don't grab other people's stupid hair." Jing Keai pushed Hua Ye's hand away, "What should I do if I pull out the hair?"

Don't worry, as long as you have enough control, you can lift a person by a single hair!

Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, has the power to go over the top, that is, stand on the ground, pull his hair hard, and lift himself up...Of course, this is an exaggeration, just like pushing the left foot on the right foot and spiraling up to the sky. Can't do it!

"You can learn how to speak like others?" Jing Keai looked down at the house girl mountain god.

"Of course." Shi Changji puffed up her small chest, "I can speak not only the words of humans, but also the words of beasts."

Jing Keai was surprised, and then asked curiously: "There is also language communication between animals?"

"Otherwise." Shi Changji cast a look of "Are you stupid", "Beasts have animal language, so it's impossible for everyone to communicate with each other with their eyes?"


Jing Keai suddenly felt an itchy fist. Apart from being a little more obedient in front of Hua Ye, this mountain god is extremely troublesome in front of others!

The battle between Miss Miko and Ayaka Kannazuki continues.

As Xuenv raised her hand and pointed, the ice and snow falling in the air quickly condensed into ice cones, pierced the sky under the moonlight, and fell whistling.

Miss Miko's face was calm, unable to flutter, she dodged lightly.

'Bang bang bang bang bang. '

The ice cone fell to the ground, and soon burst open, like exploding spores, splashing ice and snow, freezing the ground.

Miss Miko moved a little slower, the splashing snowflakes fell on her sleeves, and soon a large swath of frost spread.

"Do you want to help?" Jing Keai frowned and looked worried.

"No need." Hua Ye shook his head, Liuli was very weak when we first met, and couldn't withstand this kind of attack, but now she can easily deal with it.

Miss Miko curled up a light-white jade finger, and flicked it lightly on her sleeve, crushing the air of ice and snow that spread up, then took a light breath, drew the bow and stringed it, and countless streamers of fireflies converged from all directions. Come, condense into an arrow of light at Miss Miko's fingertips.


The sound of the bowstring trembling rang clearly in everyone's ears, making the heart tremble involuntarily.

A stream of light pierced the night sky, Miss Miko's black hair fluttered, and ripples spread in front of her body, blowing the vegetation and swaying, the figure perfectly blending movement and stillness, strength and beauty, was particularly amazing.

The snow girl stretched out her right hand, and suddenly pieces of snowflakes condensed in the air. The difference was that each snowflake was the size of a washbasin, showing an ice blue color, like ice crystals, slowly rotating in midair, forming ten layers of defense , standing in front of him.

At this moment, both monsters and onmyojis looked towards this side one after another.

The streamer arrows piercing the night sky collided with the ice and snow crystals in an instant. After a pause of one-thousandth of a second, the huge snowflakes suddenly shattered, followed by the second, third, and fourth...

The arrow is like a meteor, with a long stream of light trailing from its tail, piercing through all the snow and ice with an unstoppable momentum, and then there is a sudden 'click' sound of ice and snow breaking.

The gust of wind swept across, streamers splashed, and ice shards scattered all over the sky. Under the first quarter moon like a hook, a snowstorm of ice and snow fell, which made people dazzled.

Jing Keai subconsciously stretched out her right hand to catch a piece of falling ice and snow.

The ice and snow fell on the palm and melted quickly, and the biting chill spread quickly, making Jingai shiver involuntarily.

A hand stretched out from the side, and grabbed the right hand that had been closed into a fist.

"Don't touch it." Hua Ye held Jing's lovely hand and melted the cold, "You can't."

"I can't?" Jing Keai raised her eyebrows.

Six-pack abs, seven-segment black belt in karate, find out!Those who sit in front of the computer all day long, do not step out of the gate, run a thousand meters with their legs full of lead, and panting like cows, are they really imaginary?

"Oh, do you have to let my husband speak clearly." The mountain god Shi Changji took another bag of potato chips at some point, and complained, "You are too weak, these snows are the crystallization of cold air, you are so weak, the cold air enters body, it will cause harm to the body."

Jing Keai pursed her pink lips: "What hurt?"

"For example, cold hands and feet, night voids and dream stealing, menstrual disorders..."

"Enough, stop talking."


Under Miss Miko's charged blow, the Yuki-onna shikigami in mid-air had disappeared.

Kannazuki Ayaka bit her lip, and her already pale face became even paler. Humans use spiritual power to control shikigami, and when a shikigami is defeated, they themselves will be backlashed by spiritual power—you only get what you pay for, This is one of those truths that is universally true.

"You are very strong." Kannazuki looked up, his voice was still cold, "But it's not enough."

Kannazuki stretched out his right hand, which was wrapped with circles of white bandages, stretched out his hand, and the bandages were quickly untied.

"What is that?" Jing Keai was surprised, and curiously guessed, "Eight-door Dunjia? After unraveling it, the combat power will soar?"

"You think too much." Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Don't substitute comics into reality."

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