
The nine-tailed fox looked up at the moon, and the long roar sounded again, and the gust of wind gushed out like a tsunami, rolling in and out of mountains and mountains.

"Cover your ears, don't listen." Shi Changji said in a deep voice with a serious face.

Jing Keai hurriedly raised her hands to cover her ears, only then did she feel that the feeling of boredom and nausea dissipated a little, her heart was beating violently, almost jumping out of her chest, she turned her head and looked around, many monsters had already shivered and knelt on the ground, like sheep meeting When the Tiger arrived, he lost even the thought of running away.

The Onmyoji did not kneel, but everyone was pale, and some even had nosebleeds.

"This is the big monster in the legend?" Jing Keai was shocked, "Just the sound is so scary?"

Jing Keai suddenly understood why Hua Ye couldn't do it.

If you really want to meet Shuten-douji who is as famous as Tamazamae, a hundred of you will not be enough for the opponent's hand, right?

Nine tails danced wildly in the night sky. Standing in front of Tamamo in mid-air, she looked down at Miss Miko. Her body was slightly lowered, and her eyes were icy cold, which was a sign of an imminent attack.

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye casually tossed the mahogany pendant to Yaodao Ji, and then stepped out, disappearing instantly.

When it reappeared, it was already in front of Miss Miko.

"Hua Jun." Seeing Hua Ye's back, the Miko lady who gritted her teeth and supported her was relieved. As long as Hua Ye is by her side, no matter how powerful the enemy is, she will not be afraid.

Hua Ye said, "Leave it to me."


Miss Miko nodded and stepped back, trusting Hua Ye unconditionally.


It seems that Hua Ye's attitude angered Yuzao in mid-air, the nine tails of the nine-tailed fox suddenly gathered together, and then the extremely thick monster energy turned into a raging sea tide, sweeping the entire amusement park in an instant, making many people have difficulty breathing and their hearts almost trembled. pause.

Hua Ye stood in the strong wind, his clothes fluttering, and he raised the famous knife in his hand calmly.


The demonic aura erupted suddenly, the huge demon fox in mid-air opened its mouth, a crimson light flowed from the depths of its throat, and the terrible pressure shrouded it. Whether it was an onmyoji or a monster, they all felt that their bodies were heavier than Mount Tai, and their hearts were filled with despair.

This nine-tailed fox is obviously in a state of rampage. Once it starts to surge, everyone will be killed.

Hua Ye took a step forward, and appeared in the air instantly like a white horse passing through the gap, and gently extended the long knife in his hand forward.


With a soft sound, the tip of the knife was inserted into the middle of Nine-Tailed Fox's forehead.

All sounds stopped abruptly, and everything was silent.

The terrifying evil spirit, the raging wind, and the shocking red light all disappeared.

There is no fancy, no power accumulation, it is still an understatement and calm knife, but it gives the antelope horns, a natural feeling, as if it is completely integrated with the sky, the earth, and the strong wind.

Time seemed to stand still for a second before moving on.

There was a tick.

The nine-tailed fox in mid-air suddenly opened its mouth wide and let out a painful whimper, then its huge body suddenly shattered, turning into dots of starlight and dissipating in mid-air, like a stream of light rain.


The eyes of the Miko from Kannazuki's family went dark, and she fell directly to the ground, but at a time like this, no one would pay attention to her.

"Hey... is it fake?"

Jing Kei was dazzled, and suddenly remembered what she said when she met Hua Ye and Liu Hua when she went out for a run that evening.

"Come on, come on, you're welcome, the teacher will help you loosen your muscles."

Chapter 1495 The Broken House Girl Mountain God

Finish work.

After Hua Ye killed the runaway Nine-Tailed Fox in seconds, the entire amusement park fell silent, and no one dared to utter a word.

Hua Ye glanced around, and everyone bowed their heads as soon as they looked. Those who scolded 'perverted lolicon, not as good as a beast' had cold sweat on their foreheads, for fear that they would be killed in a second.

"Clean up." Hua Ye let go of his right hand and looked at Miss Miko. The demon sword shattered in mid-air, turning into dots of starlight, blown by the night wind, and disappeared into the air, "Ready to go home."

Miss Miko's eyes flickered, her pretty face showed a sense of pride, and the corners of her lips raised lightly, "Yes."

"Okay, so powerful." Peach Blossom Demon opened her eyes wide and said in disbelief, "Sister Ying, your master is too powerful."

Yaodao Ji snorted: "That guy is not my master, the enemy is not bad, I..."

Before he finished speaking, a hand hurriedly stretched out.

Yaodao Ji dodged for a while, but unfortunately she was exhausted at the moment, and she couldn't dodge. The peach blossom demon covered her mouth, and a thought subconsciously flashed in her mind: "It seems that I have to replenish the demon again..."

"Sister Ying, you can't speak ill of Master." Peach Blossom Demon whispered nervously, "You will be tortured by Master with terrible punishment."

"Huh?" Hearing the words of terrible punishment, Yaodao Ji narrowed her eyes immediately. After living in the human world for a few months, she gradually realized that there are so many lolicons in this world. Girls with weak personalities are the most popular.

If you are forced to do strange things by those onmyojis, you will definitely not resist, you will just silently sacrifice your body with tears in your eyes, biting your lips, right?

Yaodao Ji raised her eyebrows, held the handle of the knife, and said coldly: "Whoever bullies you, I'll go and chop him off."

"Didn't bully me." The Peach Blossom Demon shook her head hastily, "My previous master was a male onmyoji, and his biggest hobby was to make others pretend to be cat-eared girls and call him master."

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