The problem is that she is very weak right now.

Without the supply of spiritual power in the body, even holding the knife was very reluctant. At this moment, he lost his balance, and his consciousness reacted, but his body couldn't keep up with the rhythm. go.

Seeing that he was about to have an intimate contact with the ground, maybe even his nose would be thrown crookedly, and someone would suddenly grab him by the back of his neck, and then he would pick it up like a cat.

Yaodao Ji heaved a sigh of relief, grabbed her hand casually, fixed her body, and was hesitating whether to thank her, when she suddenly felt something was wrong...

"Damn humans!?"

Chapter 1497 Miss Miko and Night Attack

Take a deep breath.

Hold on.

Don't panic.

Stupid human beings have not yet reached the point of panicking themselves.

"Hmph." Yaodao Ji let go of her right hand with her usual complexion, looked away and said, "That's all."

When you can't say that, don't blush!Disordered breathing, rapid heartbeat, erratic eyes, blush on the cheeks... You are obviously shy!

"[Beep——] that's all." Yaodao Ji crossed her arms and stood up, "I've seen this kind of thing a lot."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Look yourself in the mirror."


Hearing this, Yaodao Ji subconsciously turned her head to look at the mirror on the wall, and a familiar face with a pink face, as bright as the morning glow, came into view immediately.

The silver-haired loli trembled slightly, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

"How, how?"

"Why is your face so red?"

"It must have been influenced by the instinct of this body. If it was hundreds of years ago, I would never have frowned, and just 'clicked' him with a single knife!"

Yaodao Ji bit her lower lip angrily, looked away, turned and walked out.

Hua Ye said, "No more mana?"


Take a step.

Yaodao Ji lowered her head, clenched her hands into fists, and fought inwardly for a moment, then turned around silently, walked to the bathtub, and started to turn on the water.

If there is one, there are two, anyway, it has been mended so many times, and it is nothing to mend it again... The current state of weakness is really too bad.

Put away the bath water quickly.

This time, Yaodao Ji didn't tell Hua Ye to close his eyes, turned his back to Hua Ye, silently took off his clothes, stepped into the bathtub and sat down, his face turned frosty, and said expressionlessly, "Let's get started."


Hua Ye just finished washing his hair, brushing his hair, and walked over.

Yaodao Ji looked at Hua Ye without changing her expression, trying to get herself into a calm state of mind, but in the end she twitched the corners of her lips, turned her head away, and refused to look any further in anger.

(It’s just a human being, so what if it’s have the ability to compare with elephants.)

(Compared with an elephant, it is actually similar to a toothpick, right?)

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and said calmly, "Bite."

Yao Dao Ji grabbed Hua Ye's right hand and was about to wrap her special index finger in her mouth when she paused suddenly and asked with a frown, "Did you wash it just now?"

Hua Ye said, "I have washed my hands before."

Yaodao Ji said with a stern face, "It's not washing hands."


Yao Dao Ji turned her head and looked at Hua Ye, trying to keep herself indifferent: "Wash your [beep——]."


Hey, you only need to hold your fingers to replenish the magic. It doesn't matter if you wash other places, anyway, you don't need it!

and many more……

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise, "You want to bite here?"

"Impossible!" Yaodao Ji was stunned for a moment, so angry that she almost exploded, her whole body was filled with cold air, she gritted her teeth and said, "Even if I die, if I drown in this bathtub, I will definitely not bite you there!"

You said this sentence when you first replenished the magic, and now you say it again, it has no credibility at all!

"That's right." Hua Ye said calmly, "You have a small mouth."

"I have a small mouth?" Yao Dao Ji's hair on the top of her head stood up, she raised her brows, and couldn't help saying, "I'm just..."

Halfway through the speech, the voice stopped abruptly.

It is impossible to bite. How can I say that I am a big monster in the Heian era, so I would not do that kind of thing for a human being. If other monsters find out, they will be ashamed!

And... the mouth is indeed a little small, and I am not a snake, so I can't open it so wide.

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