Hua Ye walked to the door, stretched out his hand and opened a gap in the bathroom door.

"Lord, Lord..."

A soft and cowardly cry sounded, and the Peach Blossom Demon in the hood looked up, and when she saw Hua Ye's naked body, she let out an 'ah', and hurriedly raised her hand to cover her cheek.

Make your sister ashamed!You are a monster, and you are still a wood-type monster. In your eyes, human beings should be no different from kittens and puppies. Don't act like a little girl seeing a big pervert!

Hua Ye stood behind the bathroom door, tilted his head slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

"That, that." Peach Blossom Demon quietly opened two slits between her fingers. Compared with Kang Na who looks weak but can actually smash a mountain with one punch, the Lori in front of her is truly pitiful, weak and helpless, " I'm here to serve the master to take a bath..."

Hua Ye said calmly, "No need."

Taking a bath is just because the hot water is comfortable. In fact, there is nothing wrong with not taking a bath. There will be neither sweat nor dirt.

The Peach Blossom Demon said timidly: "Master... the former master said, let me serve you as I serve her..."

It seemed that raising his hands to cover his face was disrespectful to Hua Ye. The Peach Blossom Demon put down his hands covering his face, revealing a face full of peach blossoms, as bright as the morning glow, with a small head underneath, holding the corners of his clothes with both hands, and said nervously: " I, I can be a bath agent..."

"Together with the master, you can let the fragrance of peach blossoms appear on the master."

"Every time the former owner took a bath, he asked me to take a bath together..."

Your uncle!No wonder the female onmyoji had a peach blossom scent on her body before. It turns out that you can not only be a mascot, but also a bathing agent!Taking a bath in the bathtub is exactly the same as making tea with tea leaves!


Hua Ye replied again.

It is recorded in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" that peach blossoms can "make people look good". Peach petals can be made into tea or powdered and mixed with honey to make honey pills. Regular consumption can also make people exude the fragrance of peach blossoms, but the fragrance is very weak. For girls , may be very tempting, but few men like to exude the fragrance of peach blossoms themselves!


The Peach Blossom Demon timidly raised her head, and soon there was a crystal mist in her eyes. She was not good at fighting, and her only role was disliked. A useless shikigami like herself would be sealed in a pendant and placed in the attic On, fall into endless loneliness again?

"Why are you crying?" A cold voice sounded, Yaodao Ji finally regained her ability to move, walked over, pinched her waist with one hand and said, "No matter how much a stinky man soaks, he won't be able to produce the fragrance of peach blossoms."

Hua Ye's face turned black and he said, "Say it again."

When you bit your finger just now, why didn't you say it stinks, instead, it was like a fish biting the bait, obviously it has already replenished its mana, but it still bites and refuses to let go!

"Hey, Sister Sakura?" Peach Blossom Demon was startled, and looked over with wide eyes, "You, why are you in the bathroom?"

"I'm replenishing the magic." This silver-haired loli has no clothes on at the moment, standing by the wall, tilting her head to talk to the peach blossom demon outside the door, her wet silver hair hangs down, covering her body, revealing her faint Slender waist... the kind of slender willow waist that can be easily held with two hands.

"You don't need to call him master from now on." Yaodao Ji glanced at Hua Ye and said directly, "I am your new master."

"But, but..." Peach Blossom Demon timidly looked at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said calmly, "That's it."

He is not interested in the Peach Blossom brand humanoid bath agent, as long as he doesn't bother himself.


Peach Blossom Demon blinked and nodded slightly.

(The hair is wet, and the face is so red, as if she just took a bath.)

(Sister Sakura also has a special cold fragrance.)

(So... Sister Sakura is actually the master's bath agent, is she helping the master take a bath?)

"You go to the living room and wait for me first." Yaodao Ji ordered, "I'll go out later."


The Peach Blossom Demon bowed, made a gesture of relief, turned around and left in small steps.


The bathroom door is closed.

Yao Dao Ji took the fat time she had prepared before, and she didn't care about Hua Ye's gaze at all. She wiped off the moisture on her body in front of Hua Ye, raised her legs to put on the fat time, and then drained the water in the bathtub. , Rinse it again, and then clap your hands in satisfaction.

"Go ahead and take a shower."

The silver-haired loli picked up her clothes, walked past Hua Ye without looking sideways, and opened the door to leave.


The shower is over.

Everyone gathered in the living room.

Two rabbit maids are combing each other's hair, which is the same behavior as animal licking.

Hinata sat on the sofa and watched TV, talking to Cat Ear Girl from time to time.

The cat-eared lady is like a silkworm baby, rubbing from left to right, and then from right to left. At night, she is full of energy and refuses to be honest.

Peach Blossom Demon changed into a rabbit pajamas, and sat timidly beside Yaodao Ji, watching Yaodao Ji playing games with her tablet.

Miss Miko had just finished taking a shower, and the corners of her lips slightly raised for a moment when she saw a group of carrot heads, big and small, that filled the entire sofa.

Scientific research has already proved that the bigger the room, the better. The bigger the room, the colder it will feel. Especially after experiencing the time when Grandpa passed away and the house was so deserted that no human voice could be heard, Ms. Miko was more able to appreciate how much the liveliness in front of her is worth cherishing. .

"Sister, I'm going to sleep with Brother Xiaoye tonight!" Hinata turned his head and looked, "Brother Xiaoye is the most comfortable pillow in the world."

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