This black-bellied girl said for a while that she was in pain the day before yesterday, and she endured a lot of grievances alone, and needed to be hugged and held high as a reward.

After a while, he said that it doesn't hurt now, and it probably won't hurt in the future, so it's better not to pull it out.

"Is it okay not to pull it out?" Lafite raised her pretty face and said pitifully, "Your Boyfriend is the most powerful, there must be a way to not pull it up."

Hua Ye nodded and said, "You don't need to pull it out."

"That shouldn't hurt." Lafite rubbed his cheeks, feeling extremely pitiful, "It hurts so badly, I don't have the energy to do anything."

Hua Ye said, "Give you a pain immunity buff?"

"No." The black-bellied girl came over annoyed, her pretty face blushing slightly, "I took a bath in the bathroom of Alice's house that day, and you bullied me with that."

Hua Ye said with disgust, "I'm not lying."

Obviously telling the truth, okay? If you say it doesn’t hurt, it won’t hurt. Guaranteed there won’t be a trace of pain!


Walking into the supermarket, the three of them began to buy ingredients, mainly winter-limited delicacies, such as the "King of Winter Taste" Matsuba Crab. The fishing season for this kind of crab is from November to March every year, which is determined by the amount of fish in the year The day of lifting the ban on Matsuba crab, the freshest delicacy of this season, the meat is delicious and tender, and the texture and taste are impeccable.

The only downside is that it is more expensive.

"Buy it!" Elma waved her hand, showing the attitude of a big sister who wanted to take care of a male high school student, "It's not short of money."

It's true that this foodie dragon lady has difficulty in choosing, but once she sets her goal, she won't be frugal when spending money.

Then there are cream stew, anglerfish, and ingredients for Ishikari pot. If there were not so many things in the shopping basket, Elma might have emptied the ingredient area.

After buying the ingredients, I bought some snacks and drinks, and then went back to the apartment.

Illya is responsible for the pre-cooking. In fact, the essence of cooking is the chemical reaction of oil and ingredients under the flame. It requires the fire to be just right, and there are not too many seasonings. Not only Hua Ye can cook, but Illya can also cook. Make glowing dishes.

"Brave and brave." Liuhua lay down on the table, "I want to eat a chocolate bar."

"help yourself."

"No." Liuhua shook his head from side to side, with the dull hair dangling on the top of his head, "The chocolate bars fed by the brave are more delicious."

Hua Ye casually took a box of pocky chocolate bars and opened it, took out one and handed it to Liuhua.

"Ah... click, click."

Like a little hamster eating melon seeds, Liuhua quickly ate the chocolate bar.

"Xiaoye, I want it too." Alma looked expectantly.

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye took out a chocolate bar, feeding one sheep and two sheep, so it would be easier to finish feeding early.

"Open your mouth."

Hua Ye handed the chocolate bar to Gabriel's mouth.

This useless angel propped his chin with one hand: "I won't eat."

If you tell me to open my mouth, I will open my mouth. Don't lose face. If you want to eat, just take it yourself.


A shadow drifted past.

Ilya, who was wearing a maid outfit, flashed out from the kitchen, "Master, I'm here to eat."

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly, "What's the reason?"

Ilya said calmly, "It's the maid's duty to find the steps for the master."

Gabriel: "..."

There is no need to give steps at all, this useless angel said no, the body is very honest!If you don't come out, you will open your mouth immediately!

Hua Ye had no choice but to feed the chocolate bar to Ilya. The silver-haired maid raised her hand and pinned a strand of hair behind her ear, bent slightly, and made misleading noises while eating.

"Hmm... Master's... came in..."

"Throat...can't be any deeper."

"Okay, a lot...I will try my best to swallow it all."


Elma was dumbfounded, and muttered to herself, "Is this the job of a maid? Could it be that Thor did this without me knowing?"

Although Thor has no integrity and no limit in front of Kobayashi, he will not do such a thing!Because Kobayashi didn't allow it, as long as Kobayashi showed a straight face, Thor would immediately give in.

"You are enough." Hua Ye interrupted with black lines all over his face.

"Yes, master." Ilya stood up straight, the bad expression on her face disappeared, and she switched back to the cold maid in an instant.

"Hey." Elma was surprised, "Could it be just pretending?"

Liuhua put her hand on the blindfold, and said solemnly: "I think sister Ilya has a second personality hidden in her body, and it will come out to reveal her presence if she is not careful."

"There is no second personality." Illya said calmly, "I just chose the response that best pleases the master, and everything serves the master."

Please your sister!The duty of a maid is to provide services, not to please the master. I told you not to believe the nonsense on the Internet!

Yi Liya turned her head to look, and said calmly: "Master's heartbeat speed increased by one hundredth of a second just now, obviously to my..."

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