Vinay took a deep breath.

hold back.

Can't be angry.

It's not the first day I know that he has a thick skin, just get used to it.

Hua Ye changed into slippers. Naturally, there were men's slippers in the room. They were bought together with Wei Nai at a convenience store.

"Hurry up and take a shower, and warm your bed after washing."

Wei Nai narrowed her eyes, and uttered a sentence from her pink lips: "Shameless."


"Have you finished your homework?" Wei Nai had no choice but to untie the shoelaces that had just been tied.

Hua Ye said, "I didn't write it down."

I played at the shrine two days ago, and when I returned to the apartment today, there was a foodie dragon lady and a toothache Lafite, and I didn't care about homework at all.

Wei Nai said, "Then go back and do your homework."

"It's not too late to write tomorrow morning."

"No." Wei Nai put on a pretty face, "Today's business is over today."

You have said this sentence to Gabriel so many times, which time it is useful, when you arrive at school tomorrow morning, that useless angel can still borrow your homework, let's start the copy ninja mode!

Even if you don't write it by yourself, you can still write it properly if you pass the homework to the glasses girl, and you don't have to worry about it at all!

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Vina is my favorite."


Wei Nai bit her pink lips, a slight blush soon appeared on her pretty face, and she couldn't help complaining: "You are shameless, don't talk like Xiaojia!"

"No." Hua Ye didn't care, "I'm learning how to speak like a big meow."

Wei Nai said, "If you don't go back, what about breakfast?"

Hua Ye said, "Leave it to Illya."

Illya is studying the way of the supreme maid, and there will be absolutely no mistakes in the things she ordered. For example, if Gabriel and Liuhua get up at eight o'clock in the morning, it is impossible for the two bedridden girls to stay in bed for an extra day. Seconds, if I say pick you up, I will pick you up, there is no room for negotiation!

Every time during the exam, Wei Nai likes to give Liuhua and Satania tutoring homework, but unfortunately the effect is very little. If Illya is responsible for tuning/teaching, Liuhua will definitely become a top student girl. As for Satania... ...The problem of IQ arrears cannot be solved by tuning/teaching!

Chapter 1503 Warming the Bed Successfully

"Here." Wei Nai poured a cup of tea and said angrily, "Drink the tea yourself."

After Hua Ye took the teacup, Wei Nai turned around and walked to the closet, opened the closet, and began to change clothes, "Just sit outside and watch TV..."

Halfway through the talk, I realized that the TV cannot be turned on without electricity, and the light in the room now is an 'artificial light' created by snapping fingers.

"I'm taking a shower." Wei Nai said with a straight face, "You are playing with your phone outside."

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"No peeking."

It's not that they haven't taken a shower together, it's already clear, why do we need to peek!

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Don't peek."


Wei Nai snorted softly, took a change of underwear, and walked into the bathroom.

In summer, I sweat a lot, so I have to take a bath once a day, otherwise it will stink easily. In winter, I can take a bath every three days. Wei Nai didn’t take a bath yesterday, and it’s time to take a bath today. I always feel uncomfortable if I don’t take a bath. Fortunately, there is a power outage. Does not affect the water supply system, bathing is not a problem.

The problem is... when there is no electricity, the Yuba cannot be used.

Yuba is the first choice of heating equipment for every household when bathing. As for the effects of infrared physiotherapy and bathroom ventilation, few people care about them.

The weather in winter is cold. For example, at this moment, the temperature has reached zero degrees. This kind of temperature is only suitable for people who turn on the air conditioner and hide under the covers, or spend the winter in the kotatsu. People who take off their clothes without turning on the Yuba are true warriors.

Seeing the unresponsive Yuba, Wei Nai silently bit her lower lip.

"I can help keep warm." Hua Ye turned to look at Wei Nai, and offered himself.


Wei Nai didn't give a chance at all.

Hua Ye said: "The weather is very cold, if you take off your clothes like this, you will catch a cold easily."


Of course, devils also catch colds. When they catch a cold, they will have a headache, cough and sore throat. Wei Nai remembers very clearly that the last time she caught a cold was in August. One night when Hua Ye and Hua Ye returned to the apartment from a coffee shop, it happened to be raining. At that time, a watermelon rolled down the slope and splashed all over his body. After washing his clothes, he was blown by the cold wind, and accidentally contracted a cold.

Wei Nai turned and exited the bathroom, "Can you make the bathroom warm?"

Hua Ye said, "Okay, let's take a shower together..."

"No, don't even think about it." Wei Nai crossed her arms and said, "Besides taking a bath together, there must be other ways, right?"

Hua Ye looked away and didn't speak.

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