Hua Ye shook his head: "No."

"The monster with big breasts has been away for half a month, right?" Igarashi frowned lightly, "I haven't heard anything about it for so long, so it must have been killed?"

Hua Ye glanced at Igarashi, and said straight to the point: "If you are worried, just call and ask about the situation."

"I'm worried?" Igarashi opened his eyes wide, showing a 'super fierce bite you' expression, "I'm worried about that monster with big breasts?"

"I can't wait for her to die!"

"Do you still remember the scene when we met for the first time? That monster with big breasts ambushed me and was going to catch me and bully me. How could I worry about her?"

"If one day someone sends me a videotape of that big-breasted monster being bullied, I'll laugh out loud three times!"

Hua Ye looked disgusted and said, "You are guilty."


"From a psychological point of view, too much explanation is actually to hide the real emotion, and the real indifference will not even be mentioned."


Igarashi opened his mouth, speechless, and finally turned into anger from embarrassment, "I'll bite you to death!"

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand to support Igarashi's head.

"Hundan! Don't touch my head!"

"Meeting has nothing to do with whether you are tall or not."

"Who cares about growing taller!"

Not long after, the poor-breasted star knelt down on Hua Ye's lap without knowing it, his face was flushed, his chest was bullied, his wine-red eyes sparkled, and he took a deep breath and said, "Don't move, let me Bite you!"

Hua Ye refused: "No."

You can bite if you want, I don't want to lose face!

"If you don't want it, you have to. Sit down and don't try to resist."

Igarashi raised her snowy chin, revealing a section of her white neck, and bit Hua Ye's lips directly.

The pink lip balm after drinking black tea is sweet and hot, and the thin lips are extraordinarily soft, like cotton candy that melts in the mouth.

This poor-breasted star has always advocated that women are on top and men are on bottom, and this kind of thing is no exception. It wrapped its arms around Hua Ye's neck and began to attack and bite its lips.


Today's seedlings have grown, and Igarashi is one step closer to taking off the title of "star with poor breasts".

By the time Hua Ye walked out of the secret association, most of the lunch break had passed.

He turned around and went to the bathroom, washed his face, and was about to go back to the classroom when a blond ponytail dwarf jumped out to block the way.

"I saw!"

Alice pinched her waist with one hand and stretched out her fingers.

Hua Ye said, "What did you see?"

"I saw you coming out of Teacher Igarashi's secret room." The little bean put his hands on his chest and snorted softly, "You two must be doing something ulterior, right?"

Hua Ye doesn't mind telling others about everything, but unfortunately Igarashi is a face-saving star, and has already issued a gag order not to allow Hua Ye to speak about the "manual breast enlargement" thing.

Seeing that Hua Ye was silent, the little bean opened his eyes wide.

"Could it be that I guessed it right?"

"You left after lunch, and you didn't come out until [-] minutes later..." Alice couldn't believe it. "Could you be doing that kind of thing?"

Although Alice doesn't know how to draw books, she has covered a wide range of fields and knows the plots of various books well. In just a short while, a reasonable plot of the book emerged in her mind

One side is a petite female teacher with a bad personality.

On the one hand is a tall and cruel male student.

One day, because of her bad personality and merciless tongue, the female teacher managed to piss off the male student with facial paralysis, and was forced down by the male student.

At a time like this, with Igarashi's arrogant personality, she will definitely not give in and beg for mercy, but will speak hard to the end, right?

Maybe when you are stripped of your fat, you will still say stubbornly: "Dare to come in and try." '


"Just try it."

And then the plot is about love for a long time, and successfully developed the M-shaking attribute of Mr. Igarashi, and I have to do that kind of thing in school at noon every day!

"You're thinking too much." Seeing Alice's face flushed rapidly, Hua Ye's face darkened slightly, and he said with disgust, "I didn't do that kind of thing."

"Who knows." Alice came back to her senses and turned her head to look to the side. "Boys at this age are all two-legged beasts that can walk. They are full of disgusting things, right?"

The fact is that obscenity knows no age. When a boy enters puberty, until he is old, there are bad things in his head!

Hua Ye said calmly: "Twenty minutes is too short, not enough at all."

"Bah." Alice snorted softly, folded her hands on her chest, and pretended to be disdainful, "Stop bragging, you thought you were the hero in the book, just for an hour or two."

Hua Ye said, "Try it if you don't believe me?"

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