
Let me feed you cake?

This unscientific!

You must be fake Wei Nai!

Hua Ye squinted, and saw two abnormal blushes on Wei Nai's face, and the original sharp eyes became cute.

Could it be...drunk?

Some people get drunk after drinking beer, but you actually get drunk after eating a piece of liqueur chocolate!

Is this the legendary "drunk when you touch wine", it's too exaggerated!

"Hurry up, I'm hungry." Wei Nai puffed up her cheeks and looked up, "Feed me like Xiaojia..."

Why do you have to compare with that useless angel!

You look super stupid now!

Wei Nai didn't speak, but just opened her eyes wide to look, and there was sparkling light inside.


Hey, when did you learn the skills of that blue-eyed baby dragon?

With black lines all over Hua Ye's face, he handed a piece of cheesecake to Wei Nai.


Wei Nai opened her mouth slightly, her thin lips opened and closed without touching, revealing two rows of white teeth like braided shells, and took a bite of the cake in a cute manner.

As the cream melted in her mouth, the corners of Wei Nai's lips rose, and her eyes showed a gleam of joy that the pet was being fed by the breeder.

Hua Ye watched this scene quietly, and suddenly felt a faint sense of accomplishment in his heart.

It's really rare to see you who are serious and meticulous on weekdays, but there are times when you are so dazed.

Perhaps it was because the cake was a bit dry, after Wei Nai finished eating a piece, she shook her head and said, "I want to drink milk..."

Hua Ye took a box of milk, inserted a straw, and handed it to Wei Nai's mouth.

Wei Nai took a sip, and the cold milk flowed through her mouth, making her involuntarily bend her eyes into crescent moons.

Ah, suddenly want to take a photo, maybe it can be passed down as a family heirloom.

After drinking the milk, Wei Nai said blankly again: "Well, I'm full, please help me dry my hair..."

Hey, you are too much!

Do you ask me to do anything!

Believe it or not, I will make you pay the price in blood now!

But after all, he peeled that piece of liqueur chocolate by himself, and he has to bear certain responsibilities when this happens.

So Hua Ye just snorted, and finally took the hair dryer and helped Wei Nai to blow dry her hair. If she went to bed without drying her hair, she might suffer from facial paralysis.

Not to mention the faint after-shower fragrance on the other party, from the rear angle, you can just see the inconspicuous gully in her collar and chest... The scene is simply amazing.

Looking at the faintly visible whiteness, Hua Ye suddenly felt restless.

Soul pale!

What's with this urge to take off that obtrusive bathrobe and take a good look at it!

"Hmph, it's just the lowest biological instinct!"

To attack a girl who is drunk, defenseless, and who doesn't even know the north, south, east, west, and north, is simply damaging my dignity. If I do, I might be hit by a blade flying from the sky.

After blowing his hair clean, Hua Ye realized that Wei Nai's little head was actually biting, and there was also a soft breathing sound coming from his mouth.

"Did you fall asleep so quickly? Maybe it's the effect of alcohol and sugar, and it's also because I'm tired..."

In addition, after a full meal, blood will rush to the stomach, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, and a significant decline in IQ and judgment. Therefore, many things are negotiated at the wine table, because at this time the IQ of both parties is the lowest!

"It's already [-]:[-], it's really time to go to bed." Hua Ye tightened his palms slightly, and pushed Wei Nai onto the bed.

The delicate and soft touch came from between the touching fingers, making Hua Ye's heart beat twice involuntarily, and he felt an urge to touch her.

"Stop joking, so you won't be dominated by this low-level instinct!"

Hua Ye, who calmed down a little, quickly withdrew his hand, took off the slippers on Wei Nai's feet, and covered her with a quilt.

Then...he lay down on the other side of the bed.


You said why don't you sleep on the sofa or directly on the ground?

At first, there was only a small sofa for people to sit on in the room, and it was impossible to sleep at all.

Second, why should I sleep on the ground!

How could that kind of thing happen to me if I wronged myself in order to take care of others!

Hua Ye turned off the desk lamp, closed his eyes and began to sleep.

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