"Eh... yes, that's right."

The glasses girl lowered her head in panic, feeling a little puzzled.

(Tauren warriors and so on...Fumino-chan said they were scary people.)

(People with low poison resistance will vomit three liters of blood once they come into contact with it, and die suddenly.)

(Isn't Teacher He Jing talking about a kind of tauren?)

Hua Ye walked back to the living room with Jing Keai, and put the limp Tekken teacher on the sofa.


Jing Keai exhaled, her breathing was a little short, and a morbid blush appeared on her cheeks, her two willow eyebrows were frowned, obviously very uncomfortable.

The glasses girl didn't care about other things, she hurried forward, stretched out her right hand, put it on Jing's lovely forehead, and then whispered: "Mr. Jing has a fever, her forehead is so hot."


"Student Hua Ye, can you give it a try?"

Hua Ye said, "No need to try."

Fever is a normal phenomenon. The evil poison entered the body, and it was delayed for two or three days. Now I can still talk, complain, and be conscious. This is the reason why my physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people. If it is an ordinary person, I am already in a coma at this moment In the past, I was admitted to the intensive care unit!

"Student Hua Ye, what should we do now?" The glasses girl looked over eagerly.

"Pull out the demon poison in the body first."

The glasses girl asked curiously, "How do you pull it out?"

Toxin or something, it's not a white hair, it can't be touched or pinched, right?

Hua Ye said casually, "If you were bitten by a snake, what would you do?"

"Eh?" The glasses girl was startled, she tilted her head and thought for a while, her expression was cute, and she faltered, "Suck, suck it out?"


As soon as this sentence was said, the uncomfortable Jing Kei immediately blushed.

Suck, suck it out?

It’s fine if the wound is on the leg or arm, the problem is on the chest, how do you want to suck it!

Hua Ye said speechlessly: "You think too much."

Suck a ghost!In case there is a small ulcer wound in the mouth, you will be poisoned if you suck the poisonous blood. The correct way is to tie the wound with a rope to prevent the poisonous blood from flowing back, and then go to the hospital to inject anti-venom serum!

Hua Ye didn't have anti-venom serum, but after all, demon poison is a kind of energy. In Hua Ye's eyes, all energy can be transformed and absorbed.

Seeing Hua Ye shaking his head, Kitano Haruka thought for a while, stretched out a finger, and said cautiously, "Then squeeze it out?"

Squeeze your uncle!When you are watching TV, which person is poisoned, and the toxin can be squeezed out just by squeezing!

Connor can.

The blue-eyed young dragon went to the ranch to see the milk production process with her school friends, and even milked the milk by herself. Let her squeeze the cute words, and the strength is moderate, and the effect is excellent. Unfortunately, Kang Na is rehearsing a drama. No time to come and help.

"Squeeze for what?" Jing Keai's face was full of black lines, and she couldn't help but said, "Teacher, I'm still awake, I haven't passed out yet! After a while, are you two still going to discuss how to separate me?"

"Yes, I'm sorry..." The glasses girl hurriedly apologized.

"I'm just complaining." Jing Keai waved her hand, put her hand on her forehead, looked up at Hua Ye, "Hurry up and tell me how to solve it, I'm getting more and more uncomfortable now."

"Two ways." Hua Ye said calmly, "The first one is to help you suck out the poison."

"Really, really want to smoke?"

Jing Keai bit her lower lip, couldn't help but leaned back, seeing her body was fine, and there were special celestial bathing places abroad when she was still naked.

The problem is seeing the body and sucking it out are two different things, right?

If you really let this kid suck it out for yourself, do you want to be a teacher in the future?

The glasses girl raised her hand to cover her mouth, and looked at Hua Ye with wide eyes.

"You're thinking too much." Hua Ye said with squinted eyes, "It's not with your mouth."

"No need to use your mouth..." Jing Keai pulled the corner of her lower lip, and couldn't help complaining, "Then what are you using? Use a straw?"

"The straw doesn't work, it sucks."

"Hundan! Have you really considered using a straw? Where are you going to poke it!"

Hua Ye was unmoved and said, "Just use a cup."

"Cup?" Jing Keai looked puzzled.

Hua Ye said, "You can understand it as cupping."

"Cupping..." Jing Keai thought of a popular saying among friends, "It's a pity not to have such a beautiful back." She has done beauty steaming and massage by professional technicians. The physical therapy method of cupping is really good. Haven't experienced it.

After a moment of hesitation, Jing Keai said again: "Is there another way?"

"The second method is to help you massage your whole body, so that your body can absorb the demon poison and turn it into your own use. This method can improve your physical fitness, but the disadvantage is that it is more troublesome."

Jing Keai said, "Trouble?"

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