
The poor-breasted star swallowed the Arctic sweet shrimp in his mouth, poohed, and pretended to be disgusted: "It's disgusting!"

Of course there is no dislike. I have bitten my lips many times. It is nothing at all to eat something, but the attitude must be clear and not let others underestimate it.

Hua Ye said, "Do you want to eat another one?"

"I want...I want to beat you!" The star with small breasts crossed his arms and said righteously, "I am your teacher, and you are committing the following crimes."

Hua Ye turned his head to look at Jing Keai, "It's just feeding you a shrimp. What you did to Teacher Iron Fist is the next crime, and it's almost wiped out!"

"Hey, don't look at me." Jing Keai gritted her teeth, "I eat quietly, I didn't provoke anyone."

Had dinner.

After Jing Keai paid the bill, the four of them walked out.

"Let's forget about that big-breasted monster?" Igarashi was a little bit unwilling. After all, he was the only old enemy he admitted, and just disappeared without a sound. What's the matter?

Of course, I'm definitely not worried about that monster with big breasts. I'm not worried at all. If I receive the training/teaching video tape, I will definitely clap my hands and cheer.

Jing Keai pondered and said: "However, everyone is a colleague. At least you must know the safety of Mr. Hoshino, so that you can rest assured."

The glasses girl had no intention of interrupting this kind of thing, she silently followed Hua Ye like a little tail.

"Inquire about the situation?"

"Just ask, so you don't have to worry about it."

Both of them looked at Hua Ye together.

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Let's go."

Chapter 1509 Rescue Operation


"Beitano." Jing Keai turned her head and said, "I won't see you off today, is it okay for you to go home alone?"

"No problem." The glasses girl shook her head quickly, "I can go home alone."

Hua Ye looked at the Iron Fist teacher who was following him: "Aren't you going home?"


"You are too weak."

"Weakness is not a reason to stand idly by." Jing Keai was firm, "Ms. Hoshino is my friend, and I can't do it if I just sit idly by."

Your uncle!The relationship between you and that big-breasted monster is only a casual acquaintance, not to the point where you have to risk your life to save the other party. After all, you just want to play with him!

Hua Ye said, "You still have class tomorrow."

Jing Keai is confident: "The sick leave is still there."


"Come up quickly." Igarashi opened the car door and urged, "Hurry up and find that monster with big breasts, I'm going to crush her breasts!"

The glasses girl lowered her head, her ears were red, and suddenly remembered a rumor in school some time ago.

"Igarashi-sensei and Hoshino-sensei, the two seem to be in love and kill each other..."


Amidst the hum of the engine, the car quickly drove out of the parking lot and merged into the heavy traffic.

"Where can I find it now?" Jing Keai asked.

"Information." Igarashi folded his hands on his chest, "Whoever can grasp the information can control everything."

"Ah..." Jing Keai nodded in agreement, "So what should we do now?"

Igarashi said: "Let Mei call later and ask someone."


Jing Keai asked curiously: "This kind of thing...is it better to call yourself?"

Igarashi snorted softly, turned to look out the window, not wanting to answer.

Hua Ye said: "Because she doesn't have many contacts in her phone."

"Who said that?" The star with poor breasts was quite dissatisfied with Hua Ye helping outsiders bully him, and said, baring his teeth, "It's because there are too many battles and the phone keeps breaking, so I don't store important things in it."

"The battle is not broken, it was broken by you."

"Ha!" Igarashi clenched her pink fist and used a windmill fist on Huaye's leg, "I think you just need a beating."

"You're too much."

"Am I too much or are you too much?"

Knowing that I want face the most, you actually exposed my old background in front of outsiders. I must teach you a lesson.


Hua Ye raised his hand and tapped a chestnut chisel.

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