"It's so fast?" Jing Keai only felt dizzy in her mind, and a strong sense of weirdness came over her, and she lost her nakedness in the blink of an eye. She always felt that this speed was unscientific.

"Have you made up your mind?" Jing Keai took a deep breath, "It's still too late to stop now, once you have a relationship, you can't go back to the past."

"give it to me."


Jing Keai's eyes flickered, she silently raised her hand to cover her lips, and was about to close her eyes, when she suddenly found that the scene in front of her had ripples like water waves, and then suddenly shattered with a 'boo'.

The setting sun in the summer afternoon and the playground disappeared, replaced by an unfamiliar hall full of men in suits. In front of him, Hua Ye was reaching out to grab a seven or eight-year-old loli, and prepared to say that it should be a fox girl. There are a pair of fox ears on the top of the head, and a fiery red fox tail on the back.

"What... What's going on?" Jing Keai only felt her legs go weak, she took a step back, and raised her hand to cover her forehead, "I just..."

"You were caught by that fox demon's illusion just now." Igarashi cast a look, "You haven't received any training in that aspect, so you fell for it all at once."


The so-called illusion is naturally a spell that makes people hallucinate. The only difference is that when you wake up from a dream, the memory of the dream will quickly dissipate, but the illusion seems to be experienced personally, and it is particularly clear in your mind.

"It turned out to be an illusion. No wonder you suddenly said strange things, no wonder you took off your clothes so quickly, no wonder there was no one on the playground..."

Jing Keai clenched her iron fists tightly, and recalled the fear of being pressed by the window of the office and almost having her maternity leave. Even though she was well-informed, she still felt feverish on her face at this moment.

Igarashi turned his head to look: "You are so blushing, what is the content of the illusion?"


The content is 'As long as you are brave enough, the teacher will take maternity leave'. Anyone who experiences it will blush. People who don't blush, breathe, or have a heartbeat can only have facial paralysis!

Jing Keai was thinking about how to fool her, when a panicked and anxious cry suddenly sounded, which happened to help her out.

"Please don't hurt Yazi!"

A thin young man ran down from the second floor with a nervous face.


The little fox demon who was caught by Hua Ye had already been caught without a fight, but when he heard the sound, he struggled immediately, and the furry fox tail slapped Hua Ye's arm. The effect...was not painful at all, but a little itchy.

Hua Ye looked down with a blank expression on his face.

The little fox demon's body trembled, and it didn't dare to resist any more. It just pursed its mouth, mist welled up in its eyes, and the beans fell down one by one.

Hey, when you attack someone, you should be prepared to miss and get caught. They are monsters anyway, and their weapons should be claws and sharp teeth. Don't use tears as weapons!

Hua Ye let go of his right hand and let go of the little fox girl. It was unhygienic for tears to fall on his hand.

The little fox girl froze for a moment, turned around and ran, using both hands and feet, and hid behind the young man, only showing a fiery red fox tail.

"Thank you..." The boy breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly thanked him.

"Stop talking nonsense." Igarashi pinched his waist with one hand, raised his chin and said, "Take me to see your manager!"

The men in suits on the ground were tall and armed with weapons, but they were all ordinary people. The young man in front of him was an onmyoji, so he was not worthless after all.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads. This young man was obviously not a stunned young man who liked to bump into the south wall. He immediately bowed and said respectfully: "Master Kintaro is on the second floor. Please come with me."

His Highness Igarashi was full of majesty: "Lead the way ahead."



Jing Keai was in a daze, broke into other people's private houses in the middle of the night, smashed the door and beat them, and the other party even bowed and saluted with a smiling face... Sure enough, in a place like the other world, whoever has the biggest fist is the boss?

Thinking of this, Jing Keai turned her head to look at the person with the biggest fist, and just happened to see Hua Ye looking at her, her heart tightened slightly, her face was as if nothing had happened: "What are you looking at?"

Hua Ye said, "Your skirt..."

Just now in the illusion, I said that wearing a skirt makes me feel better, this kid is actually a uniform control!

"What happened to my skirt?"

Hua Ye said, "Take off your skirt."

"Take off your skirt?" Jing Keai opened her eyes wide in surprise, a blush welled up on her cheeks, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to cover her butt, "What do you want to do?!"

doing what?

Of course, I asked you to change the skirt. The skirt is already torn, and continuing to wear it will affect your movement. Besides, if you are worried about getting naked, you should cover your front. What kind of trouble are you covering your butt?

Hua Ye said speechlessly: "I want you to change into a pair of pants that are easy to move."

Jing Keai breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the bad student who wanted the teacher to take maternity leave in the fantasy world was an illusion after all, "I know, I will change it later!"


On the way upstairs.

Igarashi was full of majesty, and asked, "How many Onmyojis are there in total?"

The young man holding the fox girl replied respectfully: "Including me, there are four people in total, and Lord Kintaro is in charge of it."

"Why are you the only one out?"

"The other two went to the bar to drink." The young man showed hesitation, "Master Kintaro..."

"Huh?" Igarashi narrowed his eyes, "Are you thinking about how to fool me?"

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