Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

Although the monster with big breasts was not on the list of 'I want them all', he has been there many times and has his own aura, Hua Ye can easily identify the direction.

"It's just ahead, and we'll be there in a few minutes."

"That's good." Jing Keai exhaled, and rubbed her hands that were about to freeze, the white water vapor was particularly clear in the cold winter night.

Jing Keai thought carefully about what happened today.

First of all, he was poisoned by the demon, and he was exhausted and uncomfortable. After using massage to resolve the poison, we went to a high-end restaurant to have dinner together. On the way, Igarashi came to the door, so he joined the team and ran all the way. The speed came to hundreds of kilometers In Izu outside, I also boarded a small yacht and fought against the wind and waves in the stormy sea.

The matter is far from over, and what will happen next is both nervous and exciting.

Running thousands of miles, hurricane rescue, the magic of life encounters is really amazing.

If I didn't eat biscuits that night, I should now... go on a blind date with a man in a restaurant, right?

"It's so annoying." Igarashi complained, "When will the rain stop, it's so annoying."

It's still raining.

After landing on land, because of the obstacles of cliffs and vegetation, the wind and rain seemed to suddenly drop several levels. The rain was pattering, and from time to time, the cold wind would blow it under the umbrella, and it would be icy cold when it fell on the body. The cold air penetrated directly into the bone marrow.

Hua Ye said, "It will take another half an hour."

"It's freezing to death."

The poor-breasted star muttered nonchalantly.

Hua Ye glanced at it, reached out to hold the little hand of the poor-breasted star, and pulled Igarashi under the umbrella.

"I didn't let you do it." Igarashi snorted softly, "You're so annoying."

Hua Ye was expressionless, and was about to let go of his left hand.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out. After realizing that Hua Ye planned to let go, the poor-breasted star directly grabbed Hua Ye's fingers, turned his head and looked out of the umbrella: "Today, I'll give you some face... go faster."

You want to save face and suffer, who is going to save face with whom, you have a bit of a letter in your heart!

After walking for a few minutes, I soon came to the residential area of ​​Qingdao. Street lamps lit up the night, which looked dim and precarious in the wind and rain.

There was no need to inquire about information, and there was no need to search from house to house. Hua Ye led the three of Igarashi to a remote house, pushed aside the wooden fence, walked to the door, and rang the doorbell.

Footsteps sounded from behind the door, and stopped at the door, and then a low male voice sounded vigilantly: "Who is outside?"

"Open the door." Igarashi said, "The black cat's delivery service is here for you."

The man behind the door said vigilantly, "I didn't order a courier."

"Sorry, we are tourists who came to the island. We accidentally lost our way and our phone ran out of battery." Jing Keai took a step forward and let the other party see herself through the cat's eyes, "Can we make a phone call?"

The man behind the door said directly: "Go out from the yard, go straight all the way, turn left two hundred meters, there is a convenience store, you have to call there."

Jing Keai breathed out, "I accidentally dropped my wallet, and I can't find it in this weather...Can I borrow some money?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pinned a strand of hair behind his ear, revealing a pale and delicate face, biting his pink lips with white teeth, his expression struggling and hesitating: "I, I can repay you..."

No wonder it is said that girls are born with acting skills. The strong and quiet heroine can play the role of a weak woman with ease!

The man behind the door was silent for a moment, and then a deep voice sounded: "Sorry, I don't like women, I only like men."



The three of Igarashi turned their heads to look at Hua Ye.

"What are you looking at?" Hua Ye remained expressionless.

Jing Keai said, "Young man, it's your turn to play."

Igarashi said: "A real warrior should know the man and go up, and the man should add the man..."


A crisp slap sounded in the night.

"You dare to hit me?"

After being slapped on the buttocks, the poor-breasted star was stunned for a moment, his little face flushed quickly, and it was fine in the tea party room, but now there are so many people, I don't want to lose face.

Hua Ye raised his right hand again, and Igarashi hurriedly took a step back, avoiding it with a bulging face.

"Just wait and see!"

This sentence has been said to be eighty if not one hundred, I wait and see every day, and I don't see what's going on with you!

Hua Ye pressed his right hand to the door, shook it slightly, and then heard a "click", and the door opened directly.

The middle-aged man behind the door was obviously taken aback, but his reaction was quick. He opened the door and punched Hua Ye.

And then... there is no then.

Hua Ye carried the man in one hand and walked into the entrance.

Jing Keai and Igarashi came in afterward, and the maid Mei was the last, and she closed the door calmly after entering the room.

The heating is turned on in the house, and a gust of warm air blows in. The sofa, TV, coffee table, and kitchen all appear to be ordinary dwellings at first glance, but the games to be played are not simple.

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