The profession of ninja has a certain overlap with that of a killer. As a killer, he naturally has no feelings, and everything is aimed at defeating the enemy.

Hua Ye looked calm, kicked out, the speed was not fast, but it happened to kick the ninja girl's balance point, and directly kicked the power of this kick.

The ninja girl's body trembled, her face was slightly pale, but her movements were not slow at all. She stretched out her legs and locked Hua Ye's waist, preparing to throw Hua Ye flying with a common wrestling technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

This set of movements is like flowing clouds and flowing water, full of explosive skills and beauty, which makes Jing Keai amazed. Unfortunately, after locking Hua Ye's waist, the offensive came to an end.

"Why can't you move?"

A look of panic floated in the ninja girl's eyes.

With the strength she gained through hard work, even a two-hundred-jin fat circle can knock down the opponent with a single blow, but Hua Ye didn't move at all, as if what she locked was not a human being. , but a wire, a towering tree!

"Fall again."

The ninja girl gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, her legs were locked tightly, and her waist slammed with magic power.

In the end, it was still Shi Niu who entered the sea, Hua Ye's face was calm, and he stood still, but it was her who almost broke his own waist.

at the same time.

The fog of war created by the smoke bombs was dispelled by the wind bird summoned by Mei. Igarashi was about to look for the traces of the enemy. When he turned his head and looked, he was suddenly out of shape: "What are you doing?"

The posture of Hua Ye and Ninja Girl is quite bad.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a type of close combat technique, so physical contact is indispensable. If the two of them were not wearing clothes, it would be easy to suspect that some kind of difficult pose was broadcast live!

Hua Ye said blankly, "She's attacking me."


"It was indeed an attack." Jing Keai held her abdomen with one hand, and said with lingering fear, "It seemed like she was going to stab me with something just now..."

The ninja girl took a deep breath, and suddenly a blade stabbed out silently from her toe. Just as she was about to assassinate her, Hua Ye lifted her up, and then shook her hand blankly.


There was a sudden crisp sound in the ears of the ninja girl, as dense as fried beans, and then she was horrified to find that her body suddenly lost the ability to move, except that her neck could turn, and her hands, hands, waist and abdomen, and even her fingertips could not move at all. !

"You, what did you do to me?" Shock flashed in the eyes of the ninja girl, and she couldn't help asking, "Could it be the mysterious acupuncture technique from the East?"

Hua Ye said calmly, "I won't tell you."

Blocking the 'nodes' in other people's bodies with power can not only interrupt the flow of chakra, but also make people lose their ability to move. In Hua Ye's eyes, this ninja girl is full of flaws all over her body.


"There is a dagger on the tip of the toe, I think I saw it in some movie..." Jing Keai took a deep breath, stepped forward, squatted down, and reached out to grab the wrist of the ninja girl, "There is indeed something."

"Could it be the Hidden Arrow?" Igarashi looked curiously.

Jing Keai directly tore off the sleeve of the ninja girl, and on her snow-white slender wrist was tied a rather delicate device, similar to a sleeve arrow, but it was not a dagger, but a pen.

"Pen?" Jing Keai frowned.

"It's not a pen." Mei said calmly, "I read it on a security document, it's a micro-injector."

Take the 'pen' apart, and there is an injection device inside, and a dozen milliliters of transparent liquid is gently shaking in the syringe.

Seeing this scene, Jing Keai's pretty face paled slightly.

If Hua Ye hadn't reacted quickly and grabbed the ninja's wrist just now, he would have been shot directly by such a syringe.

What is the effect of the liquid in it... I can figure it out with my toes, it will definitely not be a good thing.

Obviously, in the high-tech era, ninjas have also begun technological innovations that keep pace with the times. Compared with ninja killing from behind, using various technological weapons to knock down enemies is more effective.

Igarashi frowned and said, "What's inside?"

The ninja girl bit her lower lip and refused to speak.

"Mei, break her legs." Igarashi ordered directly.

On the battlefield, being kind to the enemy is the most stupid act, regardless of gender, whoever is the enemy will be killed.

"Yes, Igarashi-sama."

The maid Mei responded calmly and stepped forward.

"It's just an anesthetic that makes people sleepy." Facing the threat of a broken leg, the ninja girl couldn't hold back.

"That's what you said..." Igarashi snorted softly, and then said, "Where is Hoshino Xia?"

The ninja girl shook her head and said, "I don't know who you're talking about."

Hua Ye said, "It's the truth, I didn't say anything."

"What's going on?" Igarashi pinched her waist with one hand, frowning slightly, "Isn't that monster with big breasts here?"

"Hoshino is about [-] meters tall, with a loli face and big eyes." Jing Keai briefly described the information, and put her hand on her chest, "The bigger than mine, it's just like a loli, you Have you seen it?"


The ninja girl paused for a second, and said blankly: "I haven't seen it before."

Hua Ye said calmly, "She's lying."

"You..." The ninja girl gritted her teeth and looked, "Can you read minds?"

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