
Jing Keai looked curiously, and after seeing the content of the chat, she was immediately speechless: "Hey, you kid is too much, Ai-chan is fighting with people in front, and you are playing with your phone and flirting with Wei Nai in the back?"

Hua Ye said calmly: "These people are not the opponents of Ai Jiang and Mei."

"You are very confident."

Nonsense, of course I have confidence. Don’t look at Igarashi being short, short-legged, and flat-chested. Anyway, he is one of the four trump cards of the Shinrisha. He is very talented and his shikigami is not weak. Even the little ones can't solve it, so find a piece of tofu as soon as possible and knock your head out!

Whether it is a ninja or an onmyoji, in Hua Ye's eyes, they are all war scum, and they have no interest in fighting at all. If Igarashi can solve it, he will naturally not steal the head.

"Thank you just now..." Jing Keai raised her hand and pinned a strand of hair behind her ear, revealing her snow-white and delicate earlobe, and thanked her generously, "Go back and treat you to dinner."

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "No."

"Huh?" Jing Keai pinched her fingers and made a crackling sound, "Teacher, you are not happy to invite you to dinner?"

Hua Ye said, "I've been very busy recently."

Jing Keai said speechlessly: "You don't participate in club activities, and you don't work part-time. What are you busy with?"

"Take Xiaojia to play games, go to Kangna's Christmas performance rehearsal with Wei Nai, go to the bookstore with Lafite to read, and go to my cousin's house with the squad leader..."

"Stop talking." A black line fell on Jing Keai's head, and she couldn't help complaining, "It's hopeless, just wait for the hatchet."

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid of the hatchet."


Jing is cute and speechless.

When an ordinary person encounters a hatchet, he will see the blood at the first blow. The girl divides it into many pieces on the rooftop, and each person carries one piece home. The problem is that the boy with facial paralysis in front of him probably can't even pierce the bullet, right?

If it was in the past, Jing Keai would have hated Hua Ye's scumbag behavior, but now she feels...it doesn't seem so scumbag.

The definition of slag is very simple. It uses deception, concealment, etc. to play with girls' feelings. The most common type is to have a relationship with a girl while secretly dating another girl.

Does Hua Ye have feelings for cheating girls?

not at all.

Saying the shameless and obscene words of "I want them all" in front of everyone, even Jing Keai has heard of it, so naturally she didn't deceive her.

Deceiving money and sex?

A piece of spiritual biscuit can be sold for a high price of one million yen. Even so, the supply on the black market is still in short supply. Once it appears, it will be sold out immediately. Hua Ye has never sold such a valuable thing, but treats it as a snack. Just give it away, everyone eats it as they want, and never cares.

As for cheating sex... I go home to sleep every night. There is only a second-year middle school girl in the house, and Gabriel, who is diligent in cultivating immortals. If you want to cheat sex, you should go to the market every day and never go home. , just say that you don't want the honest and honest Ai Igarashi, it's not a problem at all to overthrow it!

Coerce others by force?

The same is not true.

Jing Keai even vaguely felt that if Hua Ye really used force, the school might become like a plot in a certain book, and everyone would become playthings.

If you think about it carefully, it's really not a scumbag, at least it's countless times stronger than those guys who cheat their feelings.

Jing Kei recalled what happened in the illusion before, although now I know it was all an illusion, but my thinking in the illusion was not affected or distorted, and all my actions came from my heart... If it happened in reality, I might Would you still choose to lie on the window sill?

While thinking wildly, a deep roar suddenly sounded.


Jing Keai's eyes were fixed, and she quickly turned her head to look, and saw several scientific researchers in white coats in the hall, who suddenly turned into half-human, half-wolf hideous appearances.

"These guys..." Jing Keai frowned, feeling very familiar, "Is it the monster we met that night?"

Chapter 1515 The Ultimate Weapon Girl

"Have we encountered this kind of monster before?"

Jing Keai looked at Hua Ye with a questioning gaze.

"I've seen it." Hua Ye took a look and rushed towards this side, obviously an enemy preparing for close combat, and said casually, "It was the night you were hanged and beaten."

"Hey, what is hanging?" Jing Keai pinched her fingers, quite upset, "Isn't it normal for ordinary people to be beaten by such monsters?"

Hua Ye said, "I can fight."

"Where is your boy an ordinary person!"

It's just that you are too weak, this kind of miscellaneous soldiers who are full of flaws, as long as they find their weaknesses, elementary school students can defeat them!


Jing Keai took a deep breath, her fingers crackling, "Don't move, let me do it."

On that night a few months ago, Jing Kei went for a run in the park as usual, and on the way home after running, she saw a wretched man stalking a girl walking into the alley, and when she went in to teach her how to behave with a broken bone flying kick, that The wretched man suddenly turned into a half-man, half-wolf monster and almost killed her.

Later, a greasy fat onmyoji appeared, but it was a pity that he was no match for the monster. In the end, it was Hua Ye who stopped by and solved the half-demon.

It was that night that Jing Keai knew that there really were onmyojis and monsters in the world.

Under the plain exterior world, there is a dangerous inner world hidden with turbulent waves and undercurrents.

After that, she did pay attention to the news of the wolf demon, but unfortunately she found nothing. Occasionally, she saw some rumors, but they were just other people's jokes.

During this period of time, by chance, he became an Onmyoji, and he also saw the legendary existences such as the Nine-Tailed Fox and the Mountain God, and he was no longer Wuxia Amon.

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