Say this to me in a positive tone!

"Hey, it's also possible." The receptionist hesitated for a moment, "But even if that's the case, those comics still need to be compensated according to the price..."

"Understood!" Hua Ye gritted his teeth with a dark face, "Hurry up and pay the bill!"


When the two left the hotel, the rain outside had stopped.

The sky was as blue as a wash, like a huge blue crystal, clean and clear.The bright morning light fell down and fell on the body, making it very warm and comfortable.

The green shrubs on both sides of the road also look greener under the watering of the rain, and there is a faint fragrance in the air, which makes people feel refreshed.

After sleeping all night, Hua Ye is also a little hungry now.

However, it is a pity that there are no stalls selling breakfast on both sides of the road.There are no pancakes, no tofu nao, no fried dough sticks, no steamed buns, no spicy soup, and no sliced ​​noodles...

In fact, Japanese people usually eat breakfast at home. Full-time wives will get up early in the morning to make breakfast and lunch boxes for the whole family, and then the whole family will go out with lunch boxes after eating. Even ramen restaurants don’t open until after eleven The door will be opened, and if you want to have breakfast, you can only go to the convenience store to buy some bread and drinks.

"It's still a while before class, let's send Big Meow back first?" Wei Nai suggested.

Hua Ye nodded, "Let's go."

The two first took the tram back, and then walked back to the community, intending to give the folded-eared cat to the old lady who loves cats, but at the gate of the community, they happened to meet Gabriel and Xiaoniao Youliuhua, who were out of school.

"Hey, Vinay?" Gabriel looked curiously, "What are you doing with this guy?"

"No, no!" Wei Nai stepped back from Hua Ye's side with some guilt, and said, "Just, I just met outside."

Obviously, Wei Nai can't lie, her eyes are erratic, and a faint blush is flying on her face, she almost has the words "guilty" written on her face.

"Is that so." Gabriel didn't ask much, but said, "Then let's go to school together."


"Sniff, sniff!"

The little bird You Liuhua shook the dull hair on his head, moved closer to Hua Ye, and sniffed his little nose.

Hey, don't smell like a puppy!

How reserved are you as a girl!

"I found the enemy's situation!" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua put his hand on the blindfold and said in a serious tone, "I smell the scent of succubus..."

What the hell is a succubus!

Wei Nai is obviously a true angel with a divine light!

Liuhua blinked and said to herself, "It's strange, the smell of the brave man seems to be the same as that of Wei Nai..."

Before she finished speaking, Wei Nai covered her mouth: "Liuhua, I'll treat you to tomatoes at noon."

"Only, only this is absolutely not allowed!" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua hurriedly shook her head, with a look of fear that the end of the world was coming on her small face, "That terrible thing will definitely jump up and explode with a 'bang' while I'm not carrying it , and then spray the viscous liquid on my face!"

Shut up!

It's just a tomato. After you describe it like this, it instantly becomes a super evil thing.

Hurry up and apologize to those who like to eat tomatoes!

Whether it's scrambled eggs with tomatoes, egg soup with tomatoes, or tomatoes mixed with sugar, the taste is quite good!

Threatened by the tomatoes, Liuhua finally stopped paying attention to Hua Ye's smell.

Wei Nai took this opportunity to send Big Meow to the old lady who loves cats, and then walked to the school with everyone.

When passing the alley that he used to go to school, the familiar dog barks came again.

Accompanied by it, there is also the mourning of Satania's defeated dog:

"Damn! Why are you stuck here every day, grabbing my pineapple buns!"

This is something you should ask yourself!

Knowing that you will be robbed of pineapple buns, you still always go from here. If you don’t rob you, who will you rob!

"The pineapple bun was robbed again?" Wei Nai covered her forehead and sighed.

"Yes." Raphael folded his hands together, his silver hair fluttered in the wind, and his face was full of joyful smiles, "His Royal Highness Satania fought with Xiaobai for five rounds today before being robbed of the pineapple bag Oh."

Is that dog named Xiaobai?

It really is your lackey!

Gabriel curled her lips and said, "Tch, who told you to be an idiot, that's why I bullied you."

"Ahh! I want to duel with you, Gabriel!"

"Stupid refusal."

Everyone, as usual, walked towards the school while arguing.

It was time for classes to start, and many students gathered from all directions, but they were all wearing the same uniforms, which made people feel a little tired.

Hua Ye subconsciously swept across the legs of these girls, and finally landed on Wei Nai's lap.

The slender legs wrapped in black stockings look beautiful and slender, and the looming absolute field between the stockings and the hem of the skirt seems to be shining with dazzling luster...

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