"All of this was brought to you by me."

"As one of my proudest works, I should be grateful instead of trying to kill me?"


Jing Keai frowned, glanced at Igarashi and Mei from the corner of her eyes, and remained silent.

Igarashi had bitten his lower lip to the point of bleeding, trembling all over: "Go to hell!"

Hua Ye drew out his right hand, pressed it on the top of the star's head, rubbed it lightly, and said calmly, "Go to the back and leave it to me."

"I've been watching you for a long time." Fukuda Takayuki pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Hua Ye, with a madman's enthusiasm on his face, "Before high school, you were just an ordinary boy who was shy and reticent, had no friends, no existence Feeling, after the death of his parents in an accident, he came to other places to study alone, and suddenly went to Chiba Shrine, and then defeated the old Kappa in the hot spring resort. In the duel with the Beichuan family, he defeated all the enemies and made crazy cookies. , the incredible power displayed in various events..."

"You're like a different person."

"I'm super interested in you."

"So..." Fukuda Takayuki's eyes were wild, and a twisted and crazy smile appeared on his face, "Let me study it!"

Jing Keai took a step back, raised her hands and hugged her arms, feeling a chill, no wonder she said 'work', she was a lunatic.

Hua Ye didn't bother to talk to him, looked down at Igarashi, and said softly, "How do you want him to die?"

Under Hua Ye's pat on the head, the poor-breasted star gradually calmed down. Normally, he would have opened Hua Ye's arm and bared his canine teeth as if to bite. A rare and weak expression: "Set off the fireworks and let him go to the sky."

"Understood." Hua Ye nodded, "Then set off the fireworks."

Hua Ye's principles in dealing with people are very simple, helping relatives is not helping others, right and wrong are not important, justice and evil are equally indifferent, bullying the people around him is not acceptable.

"Why don't you just cooperate obediently?"

"As long as I study it seriously, maybe I can break the real limit of human beings."

Fukuda Takayuki shook his head, put his hands back into his pockets: "Hoshino, catch them."

Hoshino Xia, who had been silent all the time, looked up like a sculpture, and stretched out her right hand to Hua Ye and the others. Her black hair was windless and automatic.


Suddenly, the vibrating sound of metal buzzing resounded in the air.

Scalpels flew out of the room next to them without any traction, just turning out of thin air and flying towards Hua Ye!

"Did you see it?" Fukuda Takayuki opened his hands with wild eyes and said, "As long as we put in enough research, human beings can fully awaken the true power of telekinetics!"

Hua Ye looked calm and stood with his hands behind his back.

After these scalpels flew within two meters in front of Hua Ye, they were like a kite whose silk thread had been cut by someone, suddenly lost all force, and fell to the ground with a 'ding dong ding dong'.

Hoshino Xia stretched out her hand and grabbed it forward, but the scalpel on the ground remained motionless.


Hoshino Xia tilted her head, with a puzzled expression on her face, she stretched out her hand and grasped it again, but the scalpel still didn't move, as if she had completely lost contact.


After a short silence, Hoshino Xia withdrew her right hand, her black hair suddenly stirred up, and there was a flame burning in her eyes. It was not an adjective, but a real flame burning!

A formidable pressure was suddenly released from the petite body, a flame rune appeared between the eyebrows, and two wings formed by condensed flames suddenly appeared behind him.


The wings formed by the condensed flames flapped suddenly, and the stone slab under Hoshino Xia's feet suddenly shattered, and cracks like spider webs spread wildly in all directions. , Even the pores and hair are anxious!

Jing Keai raised her hand to cover her mouth and nose, and looked nervously at Hoshino Xia.

The big-breasted loli who transformed into a flame elf, with a flash of wings behind her back, disappeared suddenly. The next moment, she appeared directly in front of everyone like a teleportation, punching her.

Quietly and cutely staring, Hoshino Xia's right hand was not only covered with flames, but also had pieces of fiery red scales and sharp claws growing out.

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand, clasped his fingers, and flicked them.

Jing Keai opened her eyes wide, and felt that Hua Ye's movement of raising his hand and flexing his fingers was very clear, as if it was very slow, but also seemed to be very fast, the understatement of the movement was full of indescribable beauty.


The sound of brain collapse is particularly crisp.

He was so aggressive just now, as if Hoshino Xia had transformed into the flame demon god, but when Hua Ye flicked him on the forehead, his whole body stopped immediately, and the flame wings on his back were extinguished silently, turning into thousands of sparks and dissipating in mid-air , and finally the whole body went limp, and Xiang Huaye fell down.

Hua Ye casually grabbed the shoulder of the big-breasted monster, and then handed it to Jing Keai beside him: "Here, give me a hand first."

"Ah... oh."

Jing Keai hurriedly caught the unconscious Xing Yexia, and suddenly felt a strong urge to complain.

"Where's the promised final weapon girl?"

"It was agreed to fight for [-] rounds, and then wake people up with blood and friendship?"

"It's too much to solve the problem with a brain collapse!"


"Very strong, very strong! Sure enough, you are the best experimental subject!" Fukuda Takayuki pushed his glasses, with a frenzied expression on his face that would make normal people afraid, and muttered to himself, "There are still a few people in the operating room. Experimental subjects, but they are not as good as Xiao Hoshino, it is meaningless to shout..."

"Since that's the case, let's let you see the truly great existence."

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