Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "The smell of the cosmetics is so strong that my nose feels uncomfortable."


After getting off the car, Hua Ye strolled towards the apartment. When he passed the snack street, he suddenly caught a very familiar petite figure out of the corner of his eye.

A certain crippled angel stood in front of a vending machine selling hot drinks, holding an empty guata wallet in his hand, and then sighed.

"What are you sighing for?" Hua Ye walked to Gabriel's side.


The useless angel raised his face, and when he saw Hua Ye, he quickly stuffed his empty wallet into his schoolbag, then stretched out his white and tender hand, hooked his fingers lightly, and said confidently: "Take two size."

Whether it's the way it looks or the tone of its eyes, this useless angel is like a bad girl who hangs out on the street. It's useless to be cute. It doesn't wear makeup, doesn't comb its hair, and its eyes are lazy. It's already enough to stop pedestrians what!

A nearby wife with a child who was passing by saw this scene with a nervous expression on her face. She took the child and hurried around, for fear of being blackmailed by the bad girl Gabriel!

Hua Ye took out a coin and put it into the vending machine, and then asked, "You haven't finished school yet, why are you here?"

In winter, there are more and more hot drink vending machines on the street. There are many kinds of items to choose from. In addition to the common milk, coffee, black tea, cup noodles, and even Oden, the heating method is simple and automatic. Refrigeration is actually a principle.

Don't ask this useless angel what he wants to drink, Hua Ye is naturally clear about the taste choice.

Gabriel retracted her hands into her sleeves, only revealing a piece of snow-white fingertips, which are white and tender, and the description of 'fingers are like cutting onion roots' is very suitable.

"The last period is physical education class."

Hua Ye said, "Then you skipped class?"

Gabriel said: "The one who skipped class is you, okay, I haven't seen anyone all day, are you embarrassed to say me?"

Hua Ye said: "I asked Wei Nai to help me ask for leave, and asking for leave is not considered skipping class."

"Hey, real warriors don't ask for leave, they only carry nuclear warheads on their backs and blow up the school." A gust of cold wind blew by, and the crippled angel shivered slightly, shrinking its fingers back into its sleeves, Tucao said, "Today's physical education class is about women's basketball, and I was blocked."

"It's normal."

With a height of [-] meters, even if you wear inner height-enhancing shoes, you will not be able to reach [-] meters. Your physical fitness, jumping ability, and reaction ability are sloppy. If you play basketball like this, who will you beat?

Gabriel breathed out and said, "I was injured, so I asked the physical education teacher for sick leave to go to the health room."

"Is it serious?" Hua Ye stared at it, "Let me take a look for you."

"It's not serious." The useless angel took the hot coffee handed over by Hua Ye, "It's actually an excuse to come back early."


To be able to say such things indifferently, your skin is getting thicker again!Now it is comparable to bulletproof glass!

"It's not even the middle of the month yet." Hua Ye took a sip of his drink, "What about your living expenses?"

After this useless angel strayed into the path of cultivating immortals, he had long since left behind his original wish and became obsessed with cultivating immortals all day long. The living expenses of the heavens were declining day by day, plus he liked krypton gold, so he had to rely on earth at the end of every month. To make a living, the way to survive before the summer vacation is to buy a large box of cup noodles, and then to eat in Huaye’s room.


Gabriel breathed out a mouthful of white steam, and said slowly, "What do you think?"

Hua Ye understood: "Has the krypton gold been spent?"

"It's all spent." Gabriel said confidently without any shame, "The limited activities of the Ice and Snow Festival officially started last night, and one of the activities is to recharge to get limited costumes."

The Ice and Snow Festival usually starts in mid-December and lasts until the end of the year. For players, it is a return of various limited skins and game carnivals. In the eyes of game developers, it is a large-scale money-making plan. All in all, everyone is happy .

"What can I do?"

"I'm desperate too."

"If you want to blame it, blame the game company's planning, launching so many cheating activities, it's shameless and obscene."

Others didn't force you to krypton gold, obviously you couldn't help chopping your hands, it has nothing to do with planning, people also want to eat.

Hua Ye said: "Recently, many games will launch ice and snow festivals, right?"

"That's right." Gabriel sighed, "Some rely on liver, some rely on krypton, I choose..."

"It's so hot and kryptonous, isn't it?" Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Don't talk about it, let's take the task."


While talking and walking forward, Hua Ye suddenly stopped.

"How do you..."

Gabriel followed Hua Ye's gaze and saw a girl on the opposite side of the road holding a sign to promote a competition. The competition is only for couples. The name is quite simple. It is called "Boyfriend Challenge". Limited couple clothes and couple toys.

Hua Ye said, "Go and have a look."

"No." Gabriel curled her lips, "I still have to go back to make dungeons and collect fragments."

Hua Ye said directly: "Look at the phone."

In less than two minutes, the phone buzzed and vibrated.

Gabriel looked at the screen of the phone, and a notification of a new short message popped up on the top of the screen, she reached out and clicked on it, and the sender was the 'Money Girl' who still didn't know her name.

[Limited Time Mission: Boyfriend Challenge]

[Task Content: Participate in the shopping street competition]

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