Hua Ye said, "Like when you sketched outdoors, you were fascinated by watching it from the top of the mountain?"

When mentioning the past embarrassing incidents, the squad leader's pretty face turned even redder, and said in a low voice, "Does Hua Ye remember what happened so long ago?"

"Remember." Hua Ye nodded and said, "For example, if you sprained your ankle, bugs crawled on your body and dare not catch them, and..."


Machiko puffed up her pink cheeks, and changed from a melon-shaped face to a steamed stuffed bun face, "Student Hua Ye!"


Of course it’s nice to have shared memories, but it’s better to forget those super embarrassing things!

"The light novel I read yesterday was very interesting. The heroine doesn't like to talk, but likes to talk with others in writing." Machiko changed the subject, "But the sentences are made in Chuanliu, student Hua Ye knows, right?"

Hua Ye nodded: "I know."

The so-called Chuanliu has two interpretations. One is a plant belonging to the genus Salix, which belongs to a small tree. The branch range is not wide and it is not well-known. It's also a headache, because there are too many and the types are too complicated. Except for the chapters that are specified to be memorized in the Chinese textbook, just read the rest of the poems.

From the Manyoshu's "Dark thunder, cloudy sky, but I hope the wind and rain will come, I can keep you here" That's all, other things like "It's a sin to throw a handful of rice, let the chickens fight"... Learn it There is an egg!

Haiku is the most famous short classical poem in Japan. Its status is similar to Chinese poetry in the Celestial Dynasty. Like Chinese poetry, it has strict metrical requirements, and ordinary people basically can’t play it.

Chuanliu is different. Compared with the "literary style" haiku, Chuanliu has the casualness of "doggerel" and has a wide audience. You can write whatever you think of, and write it casually. It is easy and humorous, as long as it conforms to the five-seven-five rhythm.

"Hey, Yao-chan hasn't come out yet." The squad leader's eyes lit up, and he stretched out a scallion-white jade finger, suggesting, "Why don't we play Chuanliu?"


"I'll come first." Machiko tilted his head, pondered for a few seconds, and soon had a work, and said in a crisp voice, "The morning light is cold, the fog is hazy, and it's wet."

Isn't it just wet!Walking all the way in the advection fog, it is easy to wet hair and clothes, and there is still a drop of crystal dew hanging on Machiko's eyelashes!

As for the squad leader's sentence Chuanliu... I don't know how to evaluate it at all.

"Student Hua Ye, it's your turn." Machiko looked forward to coming.

Without thinking, Hua Ye opened it and came: "It's cold, I don't want to get up, go back to sleep."

"Hey..." The squad leader blinked and stretched out a finger, "I want to say, but I can't sum it up well, so I can't say it."

Hua Ye said: "Auxiliary, I'm out of blood, come here quickly."

"Hmm..." The squad leader thought for a while and said, "Lolicon, the crime is serious, the police station."

Hua Ye's poker face: "I'm not a lolicon."

The class monitor stuck out the tip of his tongue, his eyes were delicate, and a mischievous smile rarely appeared on his face: "I didn't say that classmate Hua Ye is a lolicon, why are you so anxious to deny it?"


"It's so cold." Machiko took out a handkerchief and wiped off the dew on her face, "It's almost Christmas, and the weather is getting colder."

"It is estimated that it will snow before the holiday."

Hua Ye stretched out his hand and said, "Give me your hand."

Machiko's pretty face flushed slightly, and she looked around guiltily, and saw that most of the passers-by nearby were hidden in the thick fog, with blurred faces, so she stretched out her right hand and gently held Hua Ye.

"Huh..." The squad leader breathed out, "Student Hua Ye's hands are so warm, he is obviously not wearing gloves, isn't he afraid of the cold?"

Hua Ye said, "It's not cold."

The body has already reached the point where the cold and heat are not invaded. You can sunbathe in the ice and snow Antarctica, and you can also jump into the magma pool to take a bath.

Machiko nodded: "That's right, the last time I went to Italy to play, Hua Ye didn't even wear autumn clothes."

I don't wear things like autumn clothes and long johns now!Real men never wear long johns, and they can't even cover the bed, so what use are you!

"By the way, Hua Ye wasn't injured yesterday, right?" Machiko asked in a low voice, seeing that she and Hua Ye were the only ones nearby, holding back her embarrassment, she gently pulled out her fingers and changed into a interlocking gesture.

"No injury." Hua Ye held it silently, "It's you instead, don't stay up late at night."

"Got it." Machiko nodded obediently, "No matter how deep the dark circles are, everyone will definitely ask and care about me, so I can't make everyone worry."

"It's not dark circles." Hua Ye complained, "It's your good relative."

"Hey, good relative..." Machiko was stunned for a moment, and soon realized what Hua Ye was talking about, her pretty face flushed, and she stammered, "Student Hua Ye is too good."

"Where is too much?"

"W-why remember that kind of thing..."

I didn't specifically remember it, because I participated in it every month. Now that it's the middle of the month, you know that your body is going to be unwell again!

"Yaojiang should be out soon." The monitor changed the subject with a blushing face, "I will be on duty at the student union when I get to school. When Hua Ye is free, let's go to the coffee shop where my cousin works?"

"Just today."

Hua Ye turned his head to look at the side of the mist, and saw two figures walking side by side.

"Hmm." The corners of Machiko's lips turned up, and following Hua Ye's eyes, he felt that the two figures walking from the mist were quite familiar. When he was wondering, two energetic voices suddenly sounded.

"Hey, it's the monitor and classmate Hua Ye!"


Hearing the voices of the two girls, Machiko trembled, and quickly let go of Hua Ye's palm.

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