
When I walked out of the surrounding store, the sun outside had just set to the west, and the time was only around five o'clock in the afternoon.

Gabriel raised the coupon in her hand, raised her face and said:

"Let's go, my treat."

It's really generous of you to treat guests with the coupons you got from the lottery, but Hua Ye didn't refuse, after all, you just bought lunch when you go back.

The decoration in the restaurant is neat and bright, the tables are arranged in a patchwork order, but it does not feel crowded, because it is not yet meal time, there are not many people in the restaurant, only a few tables of guests.

After the two handed the coupons to the waiter, they chose a table by the window and sat down.

Just as Hua Ye was about to lower his head and play with his phone for a while, Gabriel's angry voice rang out: "Damn it! The restaurant opposite is so annoying!"

Hua Ye followed the prestige and saw that there was also a restaurant on the opposite side of the road, but there was a large poster pasted at the entrance of the restaurant. The content was impressively about the Oupai discount week. Any girl who came to buy a cup can get a [-]% discount , [-]% off for B cups... In short, the bigger the chest, the higher the discount.

After seeing this poster, Hua Ye subconsciously thought of Erkoya with obscene breasts. If that woman came to eat, wouldn't the restaurant not collect the bill and pay back the money?

Gabriel waved her small fist and said angrily:

"This kind of content is basically discrimination against girls! To use such obscene marketing methods, explode, explode!"

Ah, why do I think that the real reason why you are so angry is because you can't enjoy the preferential discount on Xiaolongbao?

"Hey, what kind of eyes do you have!" Gabriel gritted her teeth and looked, "You must be thinking about something very rude!"

"not at all."



"Soul light!?"


After a while, the waiter brought up the couple’s set menu, including sashimi platter, white fish salad, grilled steak, grilled sweetfish, assorted boiled vegetables, etc. There are more than ten kinds in total, which looks very rich look.

However, the last big glass of iced lemon drink was made with a straw rolled into the shape of a heart, apparently shared by two people.

Hua Ye first tasted the garlic bread. The crust of the bread was soft and crispy. Slight elasticity, obviously the quality of the ingredients is quite good.

As for Gabriel on the opposite side, he ate the white shrimp first, and then saw the useless angel's eyes brighten up, and directly acted as a food protector: "I want to eat your white shrimp!"

The practice of this kind of white shrimp is usually to hold several white shrimp individually into sushi. The taste is extremely delicious, but the amount is a bit small.

Hua Ye didn't have much interest in seafood, so he just smiled and didn't speak.


Seeing that Hua Ye didn't complain, Gabriel was a little surprised, and stared at Hua Ye with a bulging mouth: "If you don't talk, I'll eat it?"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, "You eat so much, aren't you afraid of getting fat?"

"Hmph, I have a physique where I can't get fat no matter what I eat!" When he was speaking, there were still a few crumbs on the corners of this useless angel's mouth, his eyes were wide open, and he looked a little cute.

Book Friends Group

As a salted fish, I finally established a book friend group. If you are interested, you can come in and play. The group number is 533520791 (*^▽^*)

What should I do if the number of words is not enough to make up [-] words when I issue a single chapter for the first time?


So, allow me to thank you all again for your support.

Finally, I still want to say, I love...(*^▽^*)

Chapter 156 Please Forgive Me!

Hua Ye shook his head and handed over a napkin: "Wipe your mouth clean before speaking."

"Eh?" Gabriel blushed slightly, reached out to take it, puffed her cheeks and said, "Don't think that I will forgive you."

at the same time.

Machiko, a girl with long black hair and straight hair, also came out of the restaurant.

"Huh~ Are Huaye and Gabriel having dinner?" Machiko looked around, "And, moreover, it's a couple's meal... Are they really dating behind Wei Nai's back!"

"What should I do? Do you want to tell classmate Wei Nai?"

Machiko was very entangled in her heart. It seemed that the two of them didn't look like they were going to the hospital, otherwise they wouldn't be so leisurely, but this is still a date.

"Student Wei Nai is so kind...how can you bully her like this?"

After an unknown amount of time, Machiko suddenly felt a subtle gaze.


Looking up, Gabriel was looking curiously through the window.

"Wow!" Machiko couldn't help but let out a lovely cry, and then saw the black, long and straight girl hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands, turned around and ran away.

"Is that Machiko?" Gabriel asked puzzled, "What is she looking at there?"

"I don't know." Hua Ye shrugged, "But I've followed all the way."

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