Hua Ye broke off a piece of roasted sweet potato and handed it to Thor's mouth.

"Ahhh." Thor opened his mouth and bit the roasted sweet potato, his eyes quickly turned into crescent moons, and he stretched out a thumb and said, "It's so sweet, Xiaoye's taste is amazing."

"Hey, we want to eat too." Another lazy voice sounded.

There was a very obvious "Puyo Puyo" trembling sound in the air, Erkoya, one of Thor's friends, ran over, and Wei Nai looked up, and a slight blush soon appeared on his cheeks.

It's... so shameful!

The clothes Erkoya is wearing at the moment are quite revealing, revealing a large area of ​​white and delicate skin. The key is that every time he takes a step, his chest will tremble non-stop, making people super worried about whether the clothes will be unbearable, so he chooses to kill himself in the next second what!

"Erkoya... what role is he playing?" Wei Nai couldn't help asking.

Kang Na's cheeks bulged, and while eating the snacks, she still didn't forget to answer Wei Nai's question, "It's Flower Fairy."

Fuck your flower fairy, such a fat... Plump Feathered Snake, actually wants to play a flower fairy, an elf born with flowers, so she won't be so lustful and slutty!

Not to mention that Erkoya's eyes are small, and he always likes to show a narrow smile. When he smiles, his eyes narrow into a slit. Except for sleeping, he is in a state of squinting all the time... squinting is not a good person!

One dragon lady is also fed, and the two dragon maidens are similar. Anyway, they just move their hands, and they don't worry about the other party biting off their fingers.

"Xiaoye's roasted sweet potatoes are delicious." Erkoya stretched out a thumb and said with a smile, "Next time I will go to Xiaoye's house with Elma?"

He hugged Hua Ye's arm as he spoke, and said pitifully, "Except for Halloween, I went to ask for candy once, and I never went to the door at other times."

What did you ask me to do?

Do you disturb other people's rest by making 'puyo puyo' noises? The residents downstairs may make you bite the towel again. Don't develop new postures anytime, anywhere!

You don't have to worry about the leftovers. With Elma here, there will be no leftovers. If you don't stop it, you can even lick the plate clean!

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "No."

"Eh, why?"

"I can't entertain you."

"Huh?" Erkoya was taken aback for a moment, then pouted and said, "I said I ate very little."

Feeling your conscience, if you really eat very little, how can you grow such a nasty opie, the water and nutrients stored in it are similar to the hump of a camel, most of the camels are single-humped, you still have an even number!

"Hi, it's over."

After chatting for a while, Thor quickly stood up and said, "Konna, it's our turn to rehearse, get ready, let's go on stage."

Connor nodded: "Understood, Lord Thor."

After a while, the rehearsal officially began. The first starring role was Kang Najiang, a nuclear bomb girl wearing a red headscarf and carrying a small bamboo basket.

"The rehearsal has begun." Wei Nai's eyes sparkled, looking at the stage, she couldn't help but said, "I don't know if Kang Na-chan will be stage fright."

Hua Ye said, "Definitely not."

On the surface, this blue-eyed baby dragon looks like "I'm rather dumb", but she's actually a mischievous type. Words like shyness and stage fright don't even appear in her dictionary!

"Selling matches, does anyone want to buy matches?"

Kang Na took out a box of matches from the bamboo basket and looked around to attract guests.

Wei Nai's eyes were shining, and the corners of her lips were smiling: "Kangna sauce is amazing."

How amazing!

The little match girl happened on the cold winter night of Christmas. The little girl was cold and hungry, and the expression on her face should be dull and stiff. This blue-eyed young dragon showed no emotional changes at all, similar to the cutout picture. !

Immediately afterwards came the summoner of Erkoya, a fifth-grade elementary school student, whose gender was not determined, and it was still unclear whether he was male or female. He played the role of an old man selling bamboo hats.

The whole story is a modified plot of Gabriel Demon. All kinds of brain holes are opened up, and the stories are connected in series. Although it is hard to bear to look directly at, there are many slots.


Wei Nai's low cry sounded.

Hua Ye turned his head and saw a small piece of stone-baked sweet potato falling on Wei Nai's stockings.


Hua Ye handed over a tissue.

Wei Nai reached out to take it, but unfortunately she couldn't wipe it off. The fallen sweet potato had already left a coin-sized light yellow stain on the stockings.

Wei Nai frowned slightly, leaving such a large mark on the stockings is not only embarrassing, but also difficult to wash off, right?

"Let me wipe it." Hua Ye said, "You continue to watch the rehearsal."

Wei Nai hesitated, nodded and agreed: "...that's fine."

She didn't have a good way to clear the stain for a while, so it was best for Hua Ye to help clean it up. No one else knew, but Hua Ye would definitely do what he promised.

next moment……

"You, what are you doing!!"

Wei Nai's pretty face blushed, she quickly stretched out her hand to hold down the hem of her skirt, and looked at Hua Ye with wide eyes.

To actually lift up her skirt in such a place... people will find out!

"There are sugar stains soaked under the stockings." Hua Ye's face was calm, and he was completely free from the nervousness and guilt of being caught by a salty pig's hand. "Take off the stockings first, and wipe off the sugar stains on your legs."

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