Looking in the direction of Hua Ye's finger, Wei Nai quickly saw a small black spot on the foot of the chair, it was easy to ignore it if you didn't pay attention, and then... the black spot moved, and Wei Nai finally saw the opponent's face clearly. The figure jumped up in fright.

Hua Ye reached out to catch it and let Wei Nai sit on his lap.

"Yes, there are cockroaches." Wei Nai wrapped her arms around Hua Ye's neck, her pretty face was pale, still in shock.

Hua Ye said, "I saw it."

"Let's go quickly." Wei Nai's eyes were already tearing up, and she changed from an independent girl just now into a soft cat in an instant.

"No need." Hua Ye shook his head and said, "With me here, don't worry, it doesn't dare to come over."

God knows why a demon is afraid of cockroaches. This thing is obviously the enemy of Wei Nai's life. When she helped Gabriel clean the room before, she encountered a mosaic-shaped cockroach. Wei Nai was so scared that she ran around, crying Wang Wang, when he finally ran away, he took out the devil's trident and directly blew up the whole room. For this reason, Hell deducted a large amount of living expenses, so he chose to work in a restaurant as a last resort.

Now it seems that the weakness of fear of cockroaches has not disappeared, on the contrary, it has become more and more afraid.

Wei Nai looked down, and from the current angle, it was impossible to see whether the cockroaches under the chair existed, but the mental pressure brought by it did not disappear at all.

"Let's go?" Wei Nai begged softly.

Hua Ye said: "I haven't finished the rehearsal yet, let's talk about it later."

"Then, change another place?"

"Just here, cockroaches dare not come to you."


Wei Nai was still waiting to say more, when she suddenly touched Hua Ye's burning eyes, she was shocked: "I'm so scared, you still want to do bad things?"

The aroma of shower gel and shampoo, the aroma of coffee, and the aroma of Wei Nai itself, all mixed together, lingering faintly at the tip of the nose, it smells quite good.

"let me go."

After realizing Hua Ye's "bad intentions", of course Wei Nai would not sit still and choose to save herself.

"Don't let it go."

Wei Nai put on a pretty face: "I'm angry."

Hua Ye said, "There are cockroaches on the ground."

Wei Nai's body trembled, and the tense pretty face just couldn't be maintained for an instant, and there was a timid look of grievance in her eyes. There was no way, cockroaches and so on, it was too scary, and the powerful hand of God like Jiaailu was still afraid of dogs , there is no reason to speak at all.

Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai, lowered his voice and said, "Let me kiss you."

"If you dare to mess around, I will..."

Before he finished speaking, Hua Ye proved with his actions that he really dared to mess around.

Wei Nai was sitting in Hua Ye's arms, but was distracted by the cockroach. Under the sudden attack, there was no room to dodge, and her lips were directly blocked.

The icy and cool lips carried a girl's unique fragrance, like jelly with excellent taste. As the two sides touched, the temperature of Wei Nai's lips rose rapidly, and a large blush rose on her pretty face.

"You, you are going to die!"

Wei Nai stared at Hua Ye with wide eyes, shy, angry and anxious, it's fine in other places, this is the auditorium, if Kang Najiang sees it, it will teach children badly!

Hua Ye is not afraid at all, without the shackles of shame, even if he is asked to wander in the street without clothes, he can deal with it calmly, let alone in a dark corner of the auditorium.

Although Wei Nai was ashamed and angry, she wanted to push Hua Ye away, but her arms were limp and she couldn't exert any strength. Instead, she lost her mind because of the cockroaches. One mistake, Hua Ye broke through the city gate and invaded the city gate. .

"you you you……"

Wei Nai woke up, without worrying about the cockroaches under the chair, she quickly retracted the tip of her tongue.

Of course Hua Ye would not let it go and started chasing after him.

Wei Nai was powerless, her mouth was so big, she couldn't swallow it in her stomach, and Hua Ye caught her right after a while.

A familiar feeling of dizziness hit the brain. Under the double attack of physiology and psychology, Wei Nai finally closed her eyes aggrieved and let Hua Ye bully her.

After bullying for several minutes, it was not until Wei Nai's lung capacity reached the limit that Hua Ye finally retreated.


Wei Nai wrapped her arms around Hua Ye's neck, her pretty face was flushed, she was out of breath, there were crystal threads sticking to the corners of her lips, and her bright eyes were filled with moist water vapor, like a misty lake in a winter morning.

Hua Ye whispered, "I like Wei Nai."

Wei Nai opened her mouth, the dizziness in her brain still persisted, "Me too..."

Before he finished speaking, a soft voice suddenly sounded in his ear, "Vina?"

"Eh eh?"

Wei Nai hurriedly turned her head, and saw Kang Na, dressed as Little Red Riding Hood, with a bamboo basket on her arm, appeared beside her at some point.

Hua Ye said, "Kang Na's rehearsal has just ended."


Wei Nai wanted to bite someone, and agreed to come and watch Kang Na's performance, but in the end, she only watched the beginning, and was bullied all the time, let alone the performance, she even forgot the time!

After waking up, Wei Nai had to get up immediately, the farther away from Hua Ye the better.

Just when she was about to sit up, Wei Nai's body suddenly stiffened, and she clearly felt a space-based rail gun erected under her buttocks.

Wei Nai is no longer the little devil who just came to the world and doesn't understand anything. Naturally, she knows what's under her buttocks. If she gets up now, Kanna-chan must be able to see clearly, right?

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