
Had dinner together.

Hua Ye and Wei Nai bid farewell and left.

The sky has completely darkened, and the whole city is already brightly lit. Walking on the shopping street, small colored lights are lit up, and the Christmas tree is surrounded by countless colored lights, which looks radiant and beautiful.

The two walked around the shopping street, during which Wei Nai bought some good-looking and inexpensive gadgets, all of which were paid by herself.

After walking out of the tram stop, Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye who was beside her: "It's so early today, I don't need you to see me off, I can go back alone."

Hua Ye said, "I'll go back with you."

"Don't even think about it." Wei Nai became vigilant, and recalled the experience of the fuse shorted that night, and Hua Ye used it as a pillow.

Hua Ye said, "I'll help you wipe the washboard."

Wei Nai put on a pretty face and said, "You remember the washboard clearly, why don't you listen to me if you don't bully me?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "I have selective hearing impairment."


After nightfall, the temperature got lower and lower, Hua Ye stretched out his hand to hold Wei Nai, and the two of them walked towards the apartment in a tacit understanding as usual.

Because it is not the road from the coffee shop to the apartment, there are many new scenery on the road, such as a bridal shop.

Behind the glass window, there are many models wearing wedding dresses. There are also many types of wedding dresses, including the typical white wedding dress and the traditional Japanese Shiro Mugou.

Looking in from the outside, you can still see a woman trying on a wedding dress, and the woman's face is flushed with shy happiness.

Wei Nai subconsciously slowed down.

There's no girl who doesn't like wedding dresses, right?

Hua Ye stopped in his tracks, "Go in and try it on?"

"Trying on what?" Wei Nai's pretty face flushed.

"Of course it's a wedding dress."

"How could it be possible to wear that kind of thing? We are only first-year freshmen!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining, "It's too early to wear it now!"

Hua Ye said, "When will you wear it?"

"At least until the third year of high school graduation..."

Halfway through the conversation, Wei Nai realized that her pretty face was even redder, "I'm not interested in this kind of clothes at all, I'm just curious about the craftsmanship."

Gabriel likes to play games, Lafite likes to evade taxes, and Satania likes to find people to duel and spread evil. In comparison, Wei Nai's hobbies are much simpler. After that, Wei Nai became very interested in making clothes by herself. Gabriel had a little tiger pajamas, which was the work of Wei Nai's sewing.

While talking, the clerk in the bridal shop also spotted Hua Ye and Wei Nai, with polite smiles on their faces, they walked over.

Wei Nai's pretty face turned even redder, she quickly reached out to pull Hua Ye up, and fled in despair.

Go downstairs to the apartment.

Wei Nai pointed at the entrance of the corridor: "It's here, it's forbidden to take a step forward."

Hua Ye said, "The washboard..."

"Go, go, get away from me." Wei Nai waved her hand in disgust, "Shameless."


Hua Ye had no choice but to turn around and go back to the apartment.

It's still yesterday's kotatsu trio, Rokka, Satania, and the useless angel playing games. If there is another person, they can all play mahjong directly!

"Brave, welcome home." Sitting on the kotatsu, Liuhua greeted verbally, her limp body didn't move at all.


Hua Ye responded, and suddenly noticed that Satania's gaze was a little erratic.

This idiot... seems to have some ulterior secret?

At half past ten in the evening, after turning off the lights and going to sleep, Hua Ye finally knew what Satania wanted to do.

The lights have been turned off.

Only the cold and watery moonlight poured in from the balcony, pouring down a layer of frost like mercury.


A faint voice sounded, and the bedroom door was gently opened, and the little red-haired devil came out quietly with Yuyu's pillow in his arms.

Satania bent down and whispered, "Aide?"

Hua Ye opened his eyes, "Say."

"I want to sleep with you." Satania said straight to the point, "I slept super comfortably last night, and I still want to sleep today."

Hey, you are addicted to sleep!Don't sleep with boys, it's easy to kill people, you should understand such a simple truth!

"Don't worry, I won't treat you badly." Satania reached out and handed something over.

Hua Ye's strength is excellent, and his vision is completely unaffected at night. Naturally, he can see that the idiot little devil is handing over pineapple bread.

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