"Shut up and sleep."


The living room quickly fell silent.

After a while, Hua Ye opened his eyes and turned to look at the big-eyed idiot Meow: "Why aren't you asleep?"

The stupid little devil hesitated and said: "There is no such thing..."

Hua Ye said, "If you need to go to the bathroom, go quickly."

"It's not the bathroom." Satania puffed up her cheeks and said expectantly, "Kiss, I will sleep more soundly after kissing."


Sleeping soundly is related to a person's physique and has nothing to do with kissing. A fool like you who eats enough, has fun, and has no worries at all, sleeps better than 99% of people in the world!

"I kiss myself." Satania leaned forward, her burgundy hair fell from her shoulders, like a waterfall pouring down, and the fragrance of green apple shampoo wafted into her nostrils.

The idiot kissed Hua Ye on the lips, and said contentedly, "Okay, go to sleep."


Silent all night.

It was dawn in a blink of an eye.

It was the middle of December in winter, and the temperature in the morning was getting lower and lower. When I got up in the morning, all the towels hanging on the balcony were frozen and hard.

After Illya came back, the maid was naturally in charge of breakfast.

Satania was washing her face and brushing her teeth in the bathroom, and Liuhua was still wrapping herself up as a silkworm baby in the bedroom to sleep. Hua Ye turned around and went out, opened the door of the useless angel with a key, and called Gabriel to get up.

Pulled the curtains, opened the windows, turned off the air conditioner, and ventilated the room. After doing all this, Hua Ye walked to the bed, looked at Gabriel and said, "It's time to get up."

When this useless angel sleeps, he likes to curl up his body, and now the golden hair is spread out under his body, making his face even more delicate. At first glance, he looks like a weak little milk cat.


The room was exceptionally quiet.

As a household with severe difficulty getting up, Gabriel adheres to the policy of being able to sleep for a while or a while, call it whatever you want, and say I lose.

"one two Three……"

After five seconds.

Hua Ye sat by the bed, took the thick black pantyhose from the chair next to him, and helped the bedridden useless angel to dress.

She reached into the bed, grabbed a delicate foot that was no bigger than the palm of her hand, and then put on the pantyhose.

Hua Ye picked up the bra and looked at it, "Let's go shopping for clothes after school this afternoon."

"What clothes to buy?" Gabriel opened her eyes and retracted her feet under the quilt, "No, it's better to play one more dungeon if you have that skill."

Hua Ye said: "I went to buy a bra, the size is small now, I need to buy a bigger one."


Gabriel raised her leg and kicked Hua Ye, but was limp and powerless, she gritted her silver teeth and said, "You have the nerve to say it!"

"Why are you embarrassed?" Hua Ye asked back.


The last time I was taking a shower at the Italian Hotel, my sister said that her breasts had grown bigger. It must have been caused by you stretching your fingers!

I will go back to the heaven in a few days, if I change again, I will be suspected by my parents!

Gabriel closed her eyes, angrily said, "I won't wear it today."

Hua Ye said: "Small breasts need to be worn, which is related to the health of girls."

Many girls with small breasts don’t wear bras in winter, and feel that there is no problem with small breasts. However, Opie are all fat aggregates without bone support. No matter how small they are, they will be affected by gravity, and there is a danger of sagging!

"Who are you saying has small breasts?"

"Of course it's you." Hua Ye always spoke with facts, "When you took swimming lessons in summer, among all the girls, your breasts were the smallest, and the biggest was..."

"The big hentai who stared at the girls in swimming class!" Gabriel's murderous intent was determined, "Death penalty!"

So the whole class is full of girls, if you don't look at girls in swimming class, who else can you look at!

It took a full ten minutes for Gabriel to finally get dressed. It wasn't Hua Ye who was bullying others, but this waste of heaven used his actions to prove what it means to be able to delay for a minute is a minute. Only when you have time, do you know the preciousness of time, and every minute is extraordinarily precious.

"Test the water temperature for me." Gabriel sat cross-legged on the bed, slowly putting on the last coat, "I want to wash my hair."

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

The hair needs to be carefully taken care of when it grows long. It is dry and dark yellow, and split ends are a problem. Gabriel's hair is of good quality and has no split ends. As for the dark yellow...it is golden, and it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish The difference between gold and dark yellow.

Hua Ye walked into the bathroom and adjusted the water temperature of the shower. After a while, Gabriel came in wearing slippers.

The longer the hair, the more tiring it is to wash it.

This useless angel has waist-length hair, and washing his hair is a lot of work, so Hua Ye often asks Hua Ye to help him hold the shower.

After washing for a while, Hua Ye found that the water output from the shower was getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

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