Little Lolita nodded seriously: "Sweet."

"Eat more if it's sweet."

Alice, who finally became an older sister, generously distributed half of the oranges to the little loli Akane Ishihara.

"Wang Wang."

Xiao Qiu squatted in front of Alice, sticking out her tongue and wagging her tail.

"Do you still want to eat?" Alice complained, "It doesn't matter how fat you are now, if you continue like this, you will become fat like a pig."

"Don't look at me, don't feed me if you say no."

After a moment.

Alice secretly handed a piece of orange to Xiaoqiu's mouth, and after quietly feeding the piece of orange, the little bean raised his head and saw Hua Ye looking over, his face blushed and said, "Look what I'm doing? "

Hua Ye said: "To be a man, one must keep one's word."


If you agreed not to feed the dog, then don’t feed it at all!Talking about not feeding, being stared at by the dog for a while, I couldn't help but feel soft-hearted, it's clear that words don't mean anything!

No wonder there is a dedicated nutritionist who designed a weight loss plan for Xiaoqiu. Instead of losing weight, she is getting fatter and fatter. It is obviously the reason for your random feeding. The loving mother and loser are talking about you!

Alice was stunned for a moment, and quickly understood what it meant, she bared her little canine teeth and said, "Okay, you mean I don't mean what I say?"


Hua Ye was never tactful, he said what he had to say.

"You actually look down on me." Alice opened her eyes wide, showing a super fierce expression of biting you, "Believe it or not, I will bite you."

"Do not believe."

Alice showed two rows of small silver teeth, and rushed over directly: "I really bit you."


Hua Ye stretched out his hand and slapped him.

The little Douding, who was baring his teeth and claws, immediately covered his buttocks, his face flushed, and he shouted aggrievedly: "Lord Bai Yu, he bullied me."

Lafite smiled and said, "I'll hold him down for you, and you can bully him back."


Lafite's smile became more and more cheerful: "Not now, let's talk about it when we go to bed at night."


Alice blinked her eyes, her little face turned even redder, she looked away guiltily, and went to sleep at night... Maybe the threesome scene might come true!

Thinking of the horrible scene he saw in the locker room in the afternoon, the short bean's heart beat faster, his whole body was tense, and he finally calmed down.

A few people were talking while watching TV. The TV program was "Chibi Maruko-chan", Kanna's favorite national animation. It has broadcast more than a thousand episodes, and it is still in the third grade of elementary school. The plot at this moment is just right. It was Chibi Maruko who participated in the field observation class, and then caught fish and cicadas in the woods with her friends.

It was obviously a rather naive plot, but Alice actually watched it with gusto.

"Xiaoqian?" Lafite's concerned voice sounded, attracting Alice's attention, "Are you alright?"

Alice turned her head to look, and saw that little Lolita was biting her lips tightly, her face was flushed sickly, and there were fine beads of sweat on her forehead, clearly enduring unspeakable pain.

"what happened?"

Ishihara Xun heard the movement and walked out of the kitchen. After seeing her daughter's appearance, her expression couldn't help but change.

Lafite wiped the sweat off Little Lolita's forehead, then turned to look at Hua Ye: "Is Xiaoqian alright?"

Hua Ye checked, "It's an allergic symptom."

"Eh?" Alice was taken aback, her expression a little cute, "What allergies?"

Of course Alice knows what allergies are. It means that the human body is exposed to various stimuli, such as cosmetics, pollen, the environment, etc., which cause redness, swelling, itching and other abnormal reactions on the skin. In March and April every year, catkins are flying and cherry blossoms are flying , You can always see many people wearing masks on the street.

It's not necessarily a cold or illness, or a mask to hide your ugliness, but more to prevent inhalation of pollen and avoid allergic symptoms.

It is winter now, and there is no pollen, how can I be allergic?

"It's a fruit allergy." Ishihara shook his head reluctantly, and explained, "Xiaoqian's body is very fragile, and she can't eat many fruits, and she will be allergic once she eats it."

"Huh? There are people in the world who are allergic to fruit?" The little maid beside her opened her eyes wide with curiosity.

Of course, there are all kinds of allergies, and allergies to pollen, alcohol, and cosmetics are the most common. In addition, there are many wonderful allergies, such as allergies to rice, water, and some people are allergic to fat times, so You can't wear fat times, some people are allergic to women, you can't touch women!

"Fruit allergies..." Alice muttered to herself, and suddenly her expression changed, "Oranges?"

This short bean was both nervous and blamed himself: "I just gave Xiaoqian a few slices of oranges to eat."

No wonder little Lori showed hesitation when she gave the oranges just now. At that time, she thought it was because she was afraid of acid. Was it an allergy?

"It's okay." Ishihara Kaoru glanced at Alice, "It will be fine in a while."

As a result, while speaking, the little loli had already covered her stomach, and curled up in pain.

Alice was taken aback, and blamed herself more and more: "Shall we go to the hospital?"

Ordinary allergies generally do not need to go to the hospital, the current situation is very serious, of course, go to the hospital for examination and medicine.

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