"It's strange, what happened to Machiko today?" Wei Nai blinked and looked at Hua Ye, "She seems to be very afraid of you, did you do something bad to her?"

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines.

I didn't even say a word to her yesterday, how can I do something bad to her!

Could it be that she was impregnated with her eyes like the rumors on campus!

"Really? That's good..." Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief, "Machiko is a good person and is very respected in the class, so don't bully her."


When class was about to start, Gabriel arrived late, and just happened to meet the class monitor Machiko who brought chalk from the office at the door.

In view of what made the other party cry yesterday, Gabriel felt a little sorry, so she greeted casually: "Yo, good morning."

It was just a simple greeting, but Machiko was so scared that the chalk in her hand almost fell to the ground.

The black long straight girl trembled again.

"Student Gabriel never greeted me before, but today she suddenly said 'good morning'... Could it be that she is warning me not to forget what happened yesterday!"

"Woo~ Student Gabriel is so scary!"

The second class is the Chinese class, which is the class taught by Jing Keai, the teacher who claims to be forever twenty-nine years old and has a sweet voice, but she can't find a boyfriend.

First, it is about human evolution to why orangutans love to eat big bananas, and then from Superman to a man in Russia fighting a brown bear with his bare hands, and successfully beat the bear away, proving that the fighting nation is indeed the strongest on the surface of the earth (Superman is from Taiwan The translated name seems to be because Bumpman's eyes look like two salted duck eggs?).

But even though it was a rambling nonsense, it sounded unexpectedly...sensational?

"Let me tell you, don't trust those people who haven't seen you for a long time and then contact you suddenly. Because they are either asking you to send red envelopes for marriage, or they are asking you to borrow money." Jing Keai put one hand on the table and sighed He said in a tone, "If that's the case, that's fine. I'm afraid I'll deceive you, lock you in a small dark room and force you to do all kinds of terrible things. Teacher, I saw a piece of news today..."

Others didn't feel anything when they heard it, but Machiko was taken aback.

"Student Gabriel usually doesn't talk to me, but she suddenly contacted me today... Is it difficult, difficult, difficult, is it because she wants to lock me in a small dark room to do such, such a terrible thing?"



In a blink of an eye, it was home economics class time.

Hua Ye was not in a hurry to go out, and was going to wait for the students in the class to leave before talking, but the red-haired idiot Satania came over, put his hands on his hips and said, "Servant, get out quickly!"


"Because I want to change my exclusive equipment."

enough!Do you think you are the horse-burning monkey wine that descended from the sky!

It's just for home economics class, at most one apron will be fine, is it necessary to change the equipment specially!

"Anyway, get out quickly, do you want to commit the crime of peeking at my body? If you can make great contributions, it's not impossible..."

Hua Ye walked out with black lines all over his face.

In the classroom dedicated to home economics, Vinai asked curiously, "Hey, where's Satania?"

Hua Ye shrugged: "Behind."

It is said to be a home economics class, but the dishes made are very simple and belong to the type of everyday meals, so everyone has a bit of fun.

Among them, sashimi is often dipped in wasabi and soy sauce and eaten directly. Grilled fish is to put the fish on the stove and grill it directly. It is enough to add some salt and lemon juice to the grilled fish. During the discussion yesterday, Wei Nai suggested that the fish Wrapped in starch and fried into fish steaks, it is also crispy and delicious.

After a while, the air in the classroom suddenly became quiet.

Everyone turned to look at the door.

I saw that the gently closed door was pushed open by a small hand, and then some idiot red-haired man in a white chef's uniform and a chef's hat walked in with his arms folded, almost saying "I'm amazing, Come and praise me" these eight characters were written on his face.

After a brief silence, low voices of discussion sounded.

"That's... classmate Satania?"

"As expected of classmate Satania."

"It just looks... super embarrassing."

In the uniform apron dress, a chef, Satania, whose style of painting is completely different from everyone's, suddenly mixed in, so instead of winning the admiration and admiration of others, many people used "a traitor among us" His eyes look contemptuous.

Even the teacher who was sitting on the podium wearing only a simple apron was embarrassed. Why do you dress up so professionally? It makes it difficult for me as a teacher.

Chapter 159 Chef Satania

Fortunately, everyone has become accustomed to Satania's off-line behavior from time to time, and soon lost interest in continuing to watch, and each lowered their heads and busy with the ingredients in their hands.

"What?" Satania showed a look of disappointment on her face, and she specially changed her equipment. Why is no one amazed and admired.


Wei Nai stretched out her hand and pulled her to the corner, and raised her hand to cover her forehead: "Why do you dress up like this!"

"Hmph." Satania said triumphantly with her hands on her hips, "Because this is the proof of a top chef!"

It turns out that the certification of a top chef is not based on cooking skills but on uniforms!

What a poor standard of judgement this is!

"Hey, this is the fish I caught yesterday. It's definitely fresh." Satania said as she took out a bag from behind. Inside was a huge head, a mouth full of sharp teeth, and a body that exuded darkness. Breath of the strange fish.

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