Several people filled a small bowl respectively, and after taking a sip, all of them showed disgusted expressions on their faces.

Gabriel puffed up her mouth, "It's better to follow the textbook next time..."

"So whose fault do you think it's all about!" Wei Nai said with a terrifying smile.

Only the red-haired idiot blinked his eyes and asked in puzzlement, "Huh? It's obviously delicious."

That's because you, a taste idiot, can't even taste how bad this bowl of soup is!

It's even worse than the meal made by Reimu!

"Sata Meow is so powerful." Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua said sincerely.

"Hmph." Satania snorted triumphantly, her tail almost raised to the sky, "Because I am Satania."

"Well, can you eat mine too?" Liuhua asked cautiously, "I'm already full..."

"Cute big tits! Wrap it on me!"

and many more!

Liuhua, when did you become black-bellied? Could it be that you have been playing with Rafael for a long time, so those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black!

Chapter 160 Campus Headlines

The last class in the afternoon is physical education.

Hua Ye was about to go to the sports equipment room to get the basketball for class, but at this moment, Machiko, a long and straight girl with black hair, came over and said timidly, "Hua, classmate Hua Ye..."


The black long straight girl pursed her lips and whispered, "That... can I tell you something?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

The black, long straight girl breathed a sigh of relief, then took out an application form, and said, "It's like this, the school plans to hold a sports meeting next week, and the teacher requires both boys and girls to participate in the competition, so, so..."

Hua Ye frowned, already understanding the meaning of the other party's coming.

Since both boys and girls are required to participate, then I definitely don't have to run away, after all, there are only two boys in the class.

Seeing Hua Ye frowned, Machiko couldn't help but tremble, and the long black hair like a waterfall trembled slightly on her back, and hurriedly explained: "Yes, it was requested by the teacher, not my idea."

I didn't say it was your idea, why are you so afraid!

Why do you feel that since this morning, you have looked super strange.

Forget it, although the sports meeting is not interesting, it is a part of campus life after all, so let's take part in it yourself.

Thinking of this, Hua Ye nodded lightly, and said, "It's fine to participate, just follow me to the sports room..."

"Body, sports room?!" Machiko opened his eyes wide in an instant, only to feel his head buzzing, as if a small ghost flew out from above his head, and his back turned into black and white.

The poor girl with long straight hair and black immediately thought of yesterday's erotic manga about school bullying!

And the place where the story happened is in the sports room!

"Difficult, difficult, is it possible that classmate Hua Ye wants me to agree to such a thing before he is willing to participate in the sports meeting?!"

"I just informed the teacher's decision, why should I pay such a terrible price!"

"And, even if you do that kind of thing, you can't do it in a gym room where people come and go..."

"Huh?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows looking at the long, straight girl who seemed to be petrified.

"..." Machiko seemed to be petrified, without any response.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling that the girl seemed to be thinking about something terrible, so he snorted lightly and said, "If you don't talk, I will..."

He was going to say "I'll leave if you don't say anything", but before he finished speaking, Machiko was shocked, then bowed suddenly, and said in a suppressed crying voice: "Please let me go! "

Hua Ye: "..."

It's just asking you to help get the basketball, why do you look scared about going to the execution ground!

"Yes, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have disturbed classmate Hua Ye!" The black long straight girl tremblingly said, turning around and running away, "I also promised not to tell classmate Wei Nai! So, so, please Don't do those horrible things to me, woo~"

As a result, Machiko didn't pay attention to the environment under her feet because she ran in a hurry, and accidentally tripped over a loose floor tile, and fell straight forward.

"Wow!" The black long straight girl who was caught off guard subconsciously let out a lovely cry.

Hua Ye hesitated for a moment, then began to analyze and think quickly.

If you fall to the ground in this posture, although you may show benefits such as being fat, you may also land on your face first, which is fine in normal times, but now it is clear that you fell after talking to yourself , if something goes wrong, I will definitely be pointed out again.

Maybe tomorrow I will be able to top the headlines of the campus with the following headline

"The boy pushed down the girl in public, the next scene shocked everyone! ""The boy forced the girl to do this kind of thing, the truth turned out to be like this! "I don't take the blame for it! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

So Hua Ye decisively stretched out his right hand, and at the critical moment, pulled Machiko back, avoiding the tragedy of her intimate contact with the ground.

The expected pain did not strike, and Machiko, who had already closed her eyes in fright, opened her eyes with some doubts, only to realize that Hua Ye had grabbed her wrist.

After a while, the expression on Machiko's face changed from bewildered to shocked, and then from shocked to blushing.

Hearing this black, long and straight girl let out a low cry, bright red instantly covered her fair face, even her earlobes were stained with a blush, and her whole body seemed to be falling into petrification again.

Hua Ye frowned and said, "Be careful."

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