"So that's how it is..."

Gabriel breathed a sigh of relief. Although she didn't take her pregnancy speculation seriously, "there is another reason." Hua Ye continued.

"Eh, what is it?"

Hua Ye turned his head to look at the useless angel, his eyes became subtle: "On Christmas night, you were drunk, and then..."

Listening to Hua Ye's narration, Gabriel's eyes slowly opened wide, and a little blush spread from her ears, quickly smearing her entire face. Finally, she clenched her fists tightly, gritted her teeth and said, "You nonsense! Who would talk to you?" You do such nasty things!"

I am an angel after all, and my pre-marital surname...will be harmonized!

"It's a fallen angel." Hua Ye corrected, "The halo above your head is already dusted."

"Tch, you're the one who talks too much."

time flies.

"Let's stop playing here today." Gabriel supported her chin with her hands, turned her head to look in the direction of the balcony, and said in a casual tone, "Although he is a hentai with facial paralysis who often does shameless and obscene things, but... if you don't hate it gone."

Not only do I not hate it, but I actually like it very much, I like it very much, the kind of liking that I can't live without.

Front and back desks in schools.

Neighbors separated by a wall.

Abandoned house and breeder.

Obviously there is no magnificence, but the bits and pieces in the memory are all about you.

If the previous wish was 'to make everyone in the world happy', now the wish has become 'to live forever with everyone's company'.

Hua Ye turned his head to look: "Say it again."

"If you ask me to say it, I'll say it, I don't want to lose face?" Gabriel rolled her eyes and waved, "Hurry up, I'm so annoying."


Hua Ye left the apartment.

Not long after, I received a call from Satania.

"Aide." Liuhua said in a crisp voice, "I'm in the park, the park where I accidentally vomited blood when I ate popsicles last time."

It's just that I ate popsicles in winter, and my tongue was accidentally stuck by the popsicles, so it wasn't vomiting blood!

Hua Ye walked into the park and came to the place where Satania got her tongue frozen when she ate popsicles last time. When she looked up, she saw Silly Meow wearing a female Santa Claus costume—the Christmas costume worn by Wei Nai after getting drunk. Different, the clothes that Silly Meow wears are serious Christmas clothes, which make people's eyes shine.

"Aide!" Seeing Hua Ye, Satania immediately burst into a super-vigorous smile. The little canine teeth at the corners of her mouth are extremely cute. It is the kind of energetic smile that can heal the mental fatigue of the whole day after seeing it. , "Today is Christmas."


"Even though it's about Christmas, devils shouldn't celebrate, but devils have to do as the Romans do..."

"Hey, a Christmas gift." Satania took out a bag of pineapple bread from the bag, and handed it to Hua Ye as if offering a treasure, "This is the limited edition rainbow pineapple bread that I bought after waiting in line for a long time yesterday." , is my most precious thing!"

Hua Ye reached out and took it: "I accept it."

"Hahahaha——" the idiot little devil let out a characteristic smirk, pinched his waist with one hand, and rested the other on his forehead, "Servant, after taking my reward, you are mine!"

If you think too much, even if you are married nowadays, the husband and wife are just equal individuals with equal rights and obligations, and there is no question of who belongs to whom.

"Hey." Satania pinched her waist with one hand, then stretched out the other hand in front of Hua Ye, revealing the white and delicate back of her hand, raised her chin, her little canine teeth gleamed, "Weak attendant, you are allowed to kiss me back of the hand."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "You are floating."

Satania sat on the bench, put her legs together in pink and white cotton candy stockings, and shook them slightly: "The night we watched the firework festival together, everyone got separated..."

"To be precise, you got lost alone." Hua Ye corrected.

"Don't care about those details." Satania waved her hand, "When the attendant found me, he promised 'never leave me alone', have you forgotten?"

Hua Ye said, "I haven't forgotten."

"One must keep one's word and keep one's word. What is said and the water that is spilled must never be taken back." Satania turned her head and looked, and said seriously, "No matter where the attendant is going or what he is doing, don't leave it behind." Myself."

Hua Ye said silently: "I wrote it down."

"That..." The idiot little devil suddenly blinked his eyes, a slight blush welled up on his cheeks, he hesitated and said, "Where's the attendant's thank you?"

Hua Ye raised the rainbow pineapple bread in his hand: "Here you are."

Satania opened her eyes wide, and the words 'unhappy' clearly appeared on her face, and she complained: "How can you use a gift from someone else as a thank you gift, the attendant is too lazy!"

"Because rainbow pineapple bread is your favorite gift."

"Even so..."

Satania faltered for a moment, then suddenly raised her pretty face, tapped her pink lips with her finger, and said nervously, "Kiss, kiss, Christmas gift!"

The idiot little devil's eyes were half-opened and half-closed, ready to receive Christmas presents, when he caught a glimpse of a white shadow from the corner of his eyes, and then felt a light in his hands.

"Hey, give me back the pineapple bread!" Satania jumped up and chased after her. "That's my ration for the whole day!"


"Brave, brave, guess who I am..."

A girl wearing a wizard cloak and a fox mask quietly appeared behind Hua Ye, like a mysterious witch in the Middle Ages.

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