"No, I can't go there!" Gabriel made a tearful clenched fist expression, "I just promised Hinata that I won't enter your room again today, how can I break my promise!"

I didn't see that you are such a moral person at all.

"Even in the past, it can't be so fast, at least we have to wait until tomorrow after twelve o'clock!"

Ah, I'm really sorry for having expectations from you.

"By the way, my snacks are finished, so you can bring some snacks here."

"Ugly rejection."

"Hundan! Don't forget your life sentence!"


Turning around to the door next door, Hua Ye had just knocked on the door, and the door opened directly.

Gabriel poked her head out and whispered, "Come in!"

It seems that she just got out of the bath, her hair is still wet with water vapor, her face is white and rosy, as if water can be squeezed out with a light pinch, she is only wearing a large home shirt , two white and slender legs reflected the dazzling light under the light.

Hua Ye walked into the room, glanced around, and found that the room was as messy as usual, with a bag of garbage in the corner, many empty drink bottles on the table, and a few pieces of clothing thrown on the bed randomly, as if they were still there. I can see a white striped...

Even if you become a fallen useless angel, you should pay attention to your hygiene!

"What are you looking at!" Gabriel blushed, and waved Bai Shengsheng's little fist at Hua Ye, "Believe it or not, I'll blow you away with one punch!"

I'm sorry, firstly, you don't have the ability, and secondly, you, who casually threw Fatci on the bed, are not qualified to say such things at all!

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Hua Ye asked with a straight face.

Gabriel took the snacks and asked curiously, "How did you get those biscuits?"

"I made it myself." Hua Ye replied.

"Eh? But those things...how could you do them?"

Hua Ye said calmly, "Because I'm strong."

"Tch, don't think that being good at playing games means being strong in other aspects." The useless angel puffed up his cheeks, but didn't ask any more questions, but said with contempt in his eyes, "Megalomaniac!"

Hua Ye was unmoved at all: "Then don't hug my thigh from now on."

"I was wrong!" The crippled angel begged decisively, "Please forgive me!"

"Finished? Then I'm leaving." Hua Ye turned around and was about to go back, chatting with this Gabriel, how comfortable would it be to go back and play games.

"Wait, wait!" Gabriel blushed slightly, clenched her fists, closed her eyes after a while, and shouted in despair, "I haven't played the game I bought yesterday! You must play with me!"

Hua Ye: "..."

My useless angel can't be so dirty!

Want to play eroge with boys in the middle of the night?

What kind of development is this!

Aren't you afraid that my bestiality will go wild and I will push you to the ground and do such and such terrible things!

"Hmph, don't get me wrong! Because I bought them together, I called you to come and play... that's all!" After saying the super shameful words above, Gabriel felt let go, it was just an erotic game That's all, if this guy dares to think wrongly, he will be beaten to the ground with one punch.

And I can't help it. It's all because I ran out of luck yesterday when I was drawing coupons. After I came back, I wanted an SSR, but I spent all my reserve funds and couldn't get it.

The useless angel sat down cross-legged, stretched out its little white feet, kicked Hua Ye lightly, and urged, "Hurry up, you can go back after playing for a while."

Hua Ye had no choice but to sit down, took a chocolate bar casually, tore open the package and was about to eat it, when he heard the sound of "click, click" coming from his hand.

Looking down, I saw Gabriel, the useless angel, took advantage of his inattention, biting the chocolate bar in one bite, eating most of it in the blink of an eye.

Hey, are you a hamster that eats melon seeds?

Why do you have to eat the snacks in my hand!Is it implying that I continue to feed!

"Hmph!" the crippled angel plausibly said, "The food that is snatched from other people tastes better!"


The game officially begins.

Gabriel chose an ordinary erotic game that wasn't so fancy, but the name was a bit irritating. It was called "Even if my sister has love, it's fine, right?"...

This He Meow is simply a girl-controlled game!

And those two delicate and lovely little sisters on the screen belong to the age of "more than three years, the maximum death penalty" no matter how you look at it!

"Why do you want to play this game?" Hua Ye was speechless, "Aren't there other games?"

"Hmm~" Gabriel pointed her lips with a finger, then tilted her head to look at Hua Ye, blinked her big sparkling eyes, and replied with an innocent expression, "Because I think you just met Hua Ye. So many younger sisters had a great time, and they seem to have a lot of experience in attacking younger sisters..."

Soul pale!

You are trying to poison me on purpose, right?

Don't think that you can get away with it just by pretending to be stupid and acting cute maliciously!

And who knows how to conquer sisters!

I can't wait to throw them all out the door one by one!

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