Probably because she had never worn a maid's outfit before, the girl's face was blushing like blood, and she was pressing hard on the hem of her skirt with one hand, but there was a look of bewilderment in her eyes, especially the weak look. The timid and pitiful expression made people feel the urge to comfort and care from the bottom of their hearts.

"No, I'm obviously here to spy on classmate Hua Ye, why...why did I suddenly change into a maid outfit!"

It wasn't until this time that Machiko finally came to his senses.

"Oh, don't worry about such trivial things." Raphael said with a smile.

"How could it be possible that you don't care!" Machiko's face was as red as blood, and she couldn't help complaining, "Obviously she cares so much!"

"Anyway, I've already changed my clothes, so why not be a part-time worker?" Raphael suggested, "There is a salary."

"No, no!" Machiko blushed, "I want to go home!"

"Really?" Raphael stretched out a finger and said with a smile, "You can't help yourself when you get on the pirate ship."

"Okay, it's scary!!"


Time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening. After sending Xiaoniaoyouliuhua home, Hua Ye walked back.

When I reached the door, I couldn't help but pause.

Because the ghost in the white dress called Mianma was hugging his knees, sitting quietly against the corner of the wall, as if he had never left...

Chapter 169

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching, the girl who was sitting on the corner of the wall with her knees in her arms opened her eyes in a daze. After seeing Hua Ye clearly, she quickly stood up, raised her face, showed a cute and cute smile, and said, "Welcome!" return!"

Hua Ye: "..."

So the script is wrong!

Why does it sound like a sister who is dependent on each other and a brother who returns late at night!

"Why haven't you left yet?" Hua Ye asked calmly.

The smile on Mianma's face faded, he lowered his head slightly, stared at his toes, and whispered: "Because, because Mianma doesn't know where to go..."


No, it should be that the memory of his life has not been restored.

After all, ghosts are not monsters, they are just human spirits after death. Usually, most of the memories of life will be forgotten with the passage of time.

Hua Ye took out the key, opened the door, and pressed the switch on the wall. Immediately, bright and warm lights fell down, driving away the darkness and illuminating the room.

Mianma stood timidly outside the door, looking at Hua Ye standing under the light, envy and longing flashed in his eyes.

"Come in." Hua Ye said casually.

The pitiful eyes of this girl look like an abandoned pet. If someone sees it, they might be reported to abuse the ghost.

"Eh? Is it okay?" Mianma said flattered.


"Is it really possible?"

Hua Ye snorted: "Forget it."

"No, Mianma will come in right away!" The thin and thin girl with a smile on her face, her pale little feet bouncing into the room, then bowed to Hua Ye, "Sir, you are a kind person! "

The corner of Hua Ye's mouth twitched slightly.

Could this be the legendary good guy card?

Sure enough, I feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Tell me what you can do." Hua Ye turned around and took a can of juice soft drink from the refrigerator, took a sip, and asked casually.

"Eh?" Mianma blinked her big blue eyes and looked at him innocently.

"You want biscuits, don't you?" Hua Ye said lightly, "But there are no free biscuits in this world. If you want to get something, you have to pay first. Otherwise, why would I give you biscuits?"

"That...sir, you made a mistake..." Mianma pinched the corner of his clothes, hesitatingly corrected him in a low voice, "It should be 'there is no free lunch in the world', not biscuits."


Hua Ye almost spit out the juice in his mouth.

I didn't see it, but you female ghost is very serious!

After thinking for a while, Mianma stretched out a finger and tapped his lips, blinking and said, "Can Mianma help you with your homework? Can you also cook and wash clothes?"

So are you a female ghost or a maid?

Why the first thing that comes to mind is housework!

Could it be that my cousin Xiaolin's family raised a dragon maid, so I'm going to follow the trend and raise a ghost maid!

"Can you pick up the pen?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows.

"Huh?" Mianma blinked, and tried to pick up a black carbon pen on the desk, but the pen only trembled slightly, and then remained silent.

"I'm sorry." Mianma turned his head to look at Hua Ye, raised his hand and clenched his fist, and tapped it on the head, his big eyes bent into crescent moons again, with an innocent smile on his face, "It really can't, hehe."

Can't even hold a pen, shouldn't you be very disappointed?

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