Thinking about elopement before she was even ten years old!

How much more bad posture do you know?

"Hinata!" Miss Miko also had black lines all over her face.

Unable to resist, Dirty Loli went to practice her sword aggrieved.

Miss Miko explained softly: "I don't plan to let Hinata get in touch with these things, but after eating the biscuits, the body has enough aura, if you don't train it, it will be wasted..."

Hua Ye nodded.

The human body is like a piece of rough jade. Although it may seem like a lot to practice hundreds of sword chops a day, with the accumulation of spiritual energy, the body can fully recover without leaving any damage.

"This is...?" Miss Miko turned her eyes and landed on Mianma next to Hua Ye, asking in a slightly questioning tone.

"Eh? Can this sister see the face code?" The face code blinked and exclaimed in disbelief.

Apart from the little loli on the tram and some small animals, this was the first time an adult other than Hua Ye saw her.

However, the breath emanating from Miss Miko made Mianma instinctively terrified, so that she hid behind Hua Ye timidly, and then quietly poked out a pair of big blue eyes, blinking and blinking curiously Looking over, it looks very cute and cute.

Chapter 174

Hua Ye briefly explained the origin of the face code.

"In that case, it's very fateful." Miss Miko was a little surprised, she didn't expect that half a biscuit that accidentally dropped would actually create such a coincidence.

As soon as they entered the room, the two rabbits, Xiao Ai and Xiao Xia, came over with brewed tea.

"Master, please drink tea meow."

It's obviously a rabbit loli, don't talk like a cat girl!

You are going to be spoiled by that little catwoman!

"Wow, it's so cute, and they look exactly the same, you can't tell them apart." Mianma exclaimed, poking out half of her head from behind Huaye, looking at Xiao Ai and Xiao Xia curiously.

The two rabbit lolis are wearing small maid outfits at the moment, and they also look cute and cute, but they have blue and red hairpins pinned on their heads to distinguish them.

"Why are you dressed like this?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and asked.

Xiao Ai raised her hand and replied, "Reporting to Master, Sister Liuli gives us super delicious apples to eat every day, so of course we have to do what we can."

Xiao Xia nodded: "That's what I said!"

Well, as long as you are happy...

It was still early, but it was only past nine o'clock in the morning.

The bright sunshine fell down, and it was extremely comfortable to fall on the body.

There is a breeze blowing, shaking off the broken shadows of summer.

Miss Miko raised her willow eyebrows, and there was a slight fluctuation in her eyes. She lightly parted her cherry lips, and said with a breath, "Mr. Hua, do you want to come?"

Hua Ye glanced at her: "Come on."

"I didn't enjoy myself last time."

"Me too."

"I also ask Hua Jun to give me some advice."

"it is good."

Then, the battle broke out in the living room.

Mianma opened his eyes wide and exclaimed, "Wow! That's amazing!"

"Sister, come on meow~" The little cat girl Linna came over from nowhere, and while cheering, she didn't forget to take the taiyaki that Hua Ye bought, and ate it in small bites.

After a while, the dirty loli who came back from practicing the wooden sword saw the two people in the living room, pouted her mouth immediately, and shouted loudly: "You guys didn't take me with you for doing this kind of thing! No, I want to play too!"

Lolita squeezed to Hua Ye's side, pouting and said, "Sister, you are no longer able to do it, let me replace you."

"Okay, you come." Miss Miko glanced at her and agreed in a subtle tone.


"No, brother Xiaoye, don't use that posture."

"Ahhhhh, brother Xiaoye actually hit a girl there, it's so obscene and shameless!"

"I-I'm going to die..."

"Don't talk!" Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, and he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Do you think this can shake my will!

Let me tell you, there is no water in competitive games!

Say no mercy and no mercy!

Among the two sisters, Ms. Miko lost more than she won and was barely able to beat Hua Ye a few times, but Dirty Lolita had a crushing defeat from the beginning, so she ran to the side to read comics angrily after a while.

"Okay, let's stop here for today." Winning the final victory of this round with an extreme operation, the corners of Miss Miko's mouth rose slightly, obviously in a good mood, "I'm going to cook first."

The two maids, Loli, hurriedly got up and followed behind, dutifully helping out.

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