She said the dirty jokes, not me!

Why is it always my fault!

"It's really delicious under me. Both soba and udon noodles are fine. Would you like to eat it?" Satania asked again, still not giving up.

"No, go away."


After handing an apron to Satania and successfully diverting the other party's attention, Wei Nai finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the kitchen area is not large, because it is inconvenient for Wei Nai to wash vegetables there with her butt pouted. After going in and out, he hesitated for a while, and said to Hua Ye, "Hua Ye, give me two eggs from the refrigerator..."


Hua Ye got up and took two eggs.


"You bring two more tomatoes."

"By the way, there are laver..."

You are enough!

You keep ordering me to run around, can't you just finish talking about what you want?

After Satania finished washing the dishes, Wei Nai drove her to the side to watch TV, while she started cutting the vegetables, and saw the light of the knife flashing by. After a while, the potatoes, green peppers and other ingredients were chopped. Immediately afterwards, the hot pot was ignited, and as the onion and garlic were added, a scent soon permeated.

Not long after the rice was cooked, Wei Nai brought a few dishes to the table.

"These are all Chinese dishes that I learned online recently. How about you try them?" Wei Nai said as she untied her apron.

The dishes on the table are very rich, including green pepper shredded pork, hot and sour potato shreds, tomato scrambled eggs, pork chop rice, a vegetable tempura, and the essential miso soup.

"I used to think that green peppers were unpalatable, but after Wei Nai made them, they suddenly became delicious." Satania couldn't wait to pick up a chopstick of shredded pork with green peppers, and then said vaguely.

"Swallow the food in your mouth before talking!" Wei Nai reprimanded.

Hua Ye took a mouthful of hot and sour potato shreds. Although he is not very picky about food, he still prefers this kind of slightly spicy food to light rice balls or sashimi.

"It's really delicious." Hua Ye nodded.

"That's good." Wei Nai pursed her lips and smiled lightly. It is a kind of enjoyment to turn ingredients into dishes with both hands, and it is also a very happy thing to watch others eat one's own dishes.

After eating, Wei Nai cleaned up the dishes and prepared to wash the dishes, while Satania sat on the sofa, covered her stomach with one hand, and said lazily, "I'm so full, I really want to sleep..."

Wei Nai snorted and said, "Sleep after eating is not good for my side, stand up and take a few steps."

Well, it is worth mentioning that pigs are not the only ones who sleep when they are full. In fact, humans do too, because when the stomach digests food, a large amount of blood is needed, and when the brain is hypoxic, it will feel tired A signal that makes people want to sleep... It's a pity that pigs can sleep when they want to, but many people can't.

"Don't get up, don't get up." Satania rarely acted like a baby.

Wei Nai raised her eyebrows and asked, "Have you finished your homework?"

Satania's voice paused, and then the shameless shout sounded: "No road game, no road game, no road game!"

"Weekends are obviously for rest. Even God is written in the code, but those teachers actually use homework to torture people... Sure enough, they are all super S-rank demons!"

Enough is enough, you're the devil, only to turn to God in favor of a weekend break!

And super S-rank demons are not that cheap!

This is not just an excuse for not wanting to do your homework!

"Vinette, have you finished your homework?" Satania folded her arms and raised her head and said, "For the sake of inviting me to dinner, I will reluctantly accept your homework..."

"I won't give it to you!" Wei Nai said angrily, "Of course I have to do my own homework, otherwise what's the point?"

Satania couldn't help but let out a mournful cry: "How, how can this be done!"

"In short, you have to finish writing before class tomorrow, otherwise the teacher will definitely make you stand outside the door again."

Hua Ye just wanted to laugh when he thought of the idiot Satania standing at the door with a bucket in his hand.

As a result, Wei Nai suddenly looked over, "You too, have you done your homework?"

Chapter 179 Feeding Gabriel

Facing Wei Nai's question, Hua Ye replied confidently: "Of course I didn't."



A true warrior never bows down to homework.

"You—" Wei Nai puffed up her cheeks, glared at Hua Ye, and was about to speak, when she suddenly saw Satania arching on the sofa like a silkworm baby, because her posture was a bit indecent, causing the skirt to lift slightly, Showing a touch of snow-white thighs, and...

Wei Nai's face turned dark, and she hurried over, "The skirt, the skirt is lifted!"

"It's okay." Satania said vaguely, "I've been wearing safety pants since my classmate Hua Ye saw me fat last time..."

"Huh? What did you say?" Wei Nai paused after hearing the words, and looked at Hua Ye with hesitation.

"I'm not! I didn't!" Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, "I only saw safety pants that time, did you remember wrong?!"

As soon as the words fell, Hua Ye's mouth twitched.

Next time, I will definitely not be in the same space as an idiot like Satania, my IQ has been lowered!

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