"How many thousand is it?"

"About [-] to [-]?"

"Hun Dan, why are you asking so many questions!" The crippled angel clenched his fists and threatened impatiently, "Anyway, lend me a couple of bucks, or you'll be dead when you go back tonight!"


Fast forward to Tuesday.

The last class on Tuesday morning is an art class. The art teacher is a young female teacher who has just graduated. As a result, she was frightened by the "sunflower growing out of sunflower seeds" copied by Satania shortly after the class. , I heard that I had nightmares for several days in a row, and I don't know what's going on now.

When Hua Ye walked into the art classroom, he heard a girl chirping inside.

"Hey, have you heard? The art teacher has changed."

"I heard that it was because the teacher was not feeling well and took sick leave for a period of time, so a new teacher was replaced."

"It must be because of the painting by classmate Satania, right? I also had terrible nightmares after I went back."

As soon as these words came out, several girls immediately agreed with them.

"By the way, is the new art teacher male or female? How old is he?" A girl asked curiously.

"There are already people in other classes who have taken art classes. I heard from them that the new substitute teacher is also a female teacher, and she seems very cute..."


Hua Ye didn't care at first, anyway, he didn't have any contact with the female teacher who didn't even have a name, and he didn't need her to teach him painting skills.

It's just that when the class bell rang, and a legal loli with a petite figure, delicate and cute appearance, but with a flat chest and a height of only [-] meters walked in, Hua Ye finally couldn't calm down.

The new art teacher stood on the podium and introduced himself with a clear and tender voice: "Hello everyone, I am your new art teacher..."

Chapter 304 The Shape of Sound

"Hello everyone, I am your new art teacher, please give me more advice in the future..."

This legal loli introduced herself with a clear and tender voice, then turned around and wrote her name on the blackboard.

"Igarashi loves."

The handwriting is delicate and beautiful.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is why you are here, and you have turned into an art teacher!

If you guessed correctly, you are actually a member of the Truth Society, right?

You defeated that guy named Ninosuke Suzuki, but you came the next day, and you used probing techniques to look around, you must be a gang, right?

And last Saturday, someone actually sent me a fat message. After thinking about it, you are the most suspicious, because when I was shopping for underwear in the mall the day before yesterday, I happened to meet you in the store!

It's fine if I didn't settle accounts with you, but you still dare to appear in front of me?

Don't know how to write the word "fear"!

"Okay, so scary..."

Seeing Hua Ye's unfriendly gaze, Igarashi said that he was not afraid that it was a lie, but he had what Raphael said before as a basis in his heart: "As long as you can grasp Hua Ye's bottom line, then in this It’s okay to do anything online~”

"Have you exceeded his bottom line?"

"should not."

"I came here as a substitute teacher. I asked for leave because the last art teacher was unwell. I came in through the formal process and channels. Although I spent some money in the middle... But generally speaking, it is still in line with the rules, so he is sure. Won't hit me."

Thinking of this, Igarashi glanced at Hua Ye secretly, and saw that Hua Ye did not make any other movements other than a little upset eyes, so she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then pretended to be majestic with a small face and said: "Next The formal class begins, today we are talking about Lihui..."

During the class, he neither made things difficult for Hua Ye nor favored him, as if he was just like an ordinary art teacher. After class, he turned around and left, which made Hua Ye have nowhere to get angry.

After class, Hua Ye came to the corridor and heard many boys chatting and gossiping there.

"Hey, the new teacher Lori is so cute, I really want to hug and hold her high."

Still want to hug and hold high?The opponent can crush you to death with one hand.

Another boy shook his head and said, "That's right, from now on, I will be a member of the Love Sauce Club! Although Lori is good, she can only watch but not act, otherwise if she is found out, she will go to jail..."

Your sister, it turns out that you have already passed the test of condemning your conscience, but you never attacked the real loli because you were afraid of the law!

"But the new loli teacher is different. She can be a substitute teacher, at least she is also a college graduate... In other words, she won't grow up anymore!"

The talking boy pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose with a frenzied expression: "Not growing up means that the other party will always maintain such a state of loli face and baby voice!"

"That's right, this is the legendary legal loli!"

"It can not only warm the bed, but also push it down, and it can also be hugged and lifted high. This is the goal of life that I have been pursuing so hard!"


Uncle policeman, there are two terrific perverts here, pull them out and shoot them for ten minutes.


After school.

in the community room.

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