"Then eat chestnuts, they are indeed very sweet."

The IQ of Wei Nai in the pinching face dropped rapidly, as if she had been hit by the aura of reducing intelligence, Hua Ye seriously doubted, if Kang Na sold her, would she still help count the money...

"Is it okay to just buy this much?" Wei Nai bought about a catty of sugar-fried chestnuts, bent down and said, "There are still a lot of delicious food in the future, if you eat too much now, you will lose your stomach later ate."

Hey, you shouldn't worry about this blue-eyed baby dragon having no stomach to eat, but you should worry about your wallet, it will definitely cry later!

Chapter 316 Dark Cuisine

The blue-eyed young dragon picked up a candied chestnut and put it in front of his eyes, looked at it silently for three seconds, then raised his face and handed the candied chestnut to Hua Ye.


Hua Ye was immediately shocked.

How dare you give me the first bite?

Ah, suddenly there is a faint sense of accomplishment, like a pet I raised, finally knowing how to repay her kindness...

However, the next moment, a soft and tender voice sounded:



The blue-eyed young dragon looked up and said with a cute face, "The shell is not delicious."


your sister!

So it's not for me to eat, but for me to peel it off for you? Give me back the touch I just had! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!


Seeing Hua Ye's slightly dark face, Wei Nai couldn't help but chuckled, her eyes bent into crescent moons, cleared her throat and said, "Kangna sauce, let me peel it for you, actually when I bought it just now , there is a delivery tool..."

When buying these sugar-fried chestnuts, they will come with two small plastic tools specially used for shelling, so tourists don’t need to bite with their teeth. After all, many people pay great attention to their image. Unsightly.

After buying the fried chestnuts in sugar, the three of them continued on their way.

Not far in front is a high-end seafood shop. Looking through the glass, you can see domineering crabs, round puffer fish, and octopuses with their teeth and claws. The time and location of fishing are also marked next to it. In addition, there are also geoduck clams. And other ingredients that are usually hard to see, but without exception, the prices are all frighteningly expensive.

Kang Na stood outside the window, looking inside without blinking her big eyes.

Wei Nai held her wallet nervously. Although she earned some money from part-time jobs, most of it was used to buy cat food to feed the cats. If Kang Na insisted on eating at this high-end restaurant, she probably didn’t have enough money .

However, Kang Na only looked at it twice, then silently retracted her gaze, and then gently pulled the corner of Hua Ye's clothes.

Hua Ye was speechless: "What do you want to eat?"


Connor pointed forward.

Hua Ye turned his head and glanced at the advertising signboard, and was immediately shocked.


I have heard of strawberry sundae, strawberry ice cream, strawberry mousse, and strawberry yoghurt, but this is the first time Hua Ye has seen strawberry oden.

As for the city of gourmet food, this stuff is actually dark cuisine!

The so-called Oden is somewhat similar to hot pot. It puts various ingredients into a prepared soup pot and cooks to make the ingredients tasty, but no one has ever used strawberries to cook hot pot. No matter how you think about it It won't taste good.

"The name looks very powerful..." Wei Nai's forehead was also sweating, "Kangna sauce, why don't we change it?"

Kang Na blinked her eyes, and her fleshy little hand pointed to a restaurant across the street.

Hua Ye looked over and saw the restaurant's signboard, which read "Tonkatsu Sandwich Drink"...

You sister, tonkatsu and sandwiches are barely compatible, but what the hell is a drink?Could it be some kind of indescribable horrible liquid substance made by crushing tonkatsu and sandwiches!

Unexpectedly, there were quite a lot of people queuing outside these two stores, and the diners who came out of the store seemed to be okay... Hua Ye estimated that these two dishes were probably similar to the couple's lung slices and Foods such as wife cakes are just in name only.


Kang Na activates the skill "Hungry Dragon Gaze"...

Launched successfully!

Successfully captured a face-pinching girl!

"If Kang Na-chan likes it, let's eat it."

Wei Nai, whose IQ has dropped again, has completely abandoned her mind and took Kang Na to line up.

Hua Ye didn't like the hustle and bustle of the environment here, nor was he interested in tasting the taste of "Strawberry Oden" and "Tonkatsu Sandwich Drink". He looked up and saw the neon signboard of "Nobunaga Bookstore" flashing not far away. , so strolled over.

The bookstore is on the second floor.

Hua Ye walked up the stairs, picked up a magazine for people to read, and was shocked immediately.

Because after flipping through it casually, what caught my eye was a fair-skinned girl in a three-point swimsuit and cat ear hair accessories, standing on the beach with a skateboard in her hand, murmuring half-hiddenly. The mouth looks cute... no matter how you look at it, it looks unscrupulous.

No wonder I couldn't see a single female customer in the store. So this is a bookstore specializing in selling books!

Hua Ye didn't have any dislike for these notebooks.

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