"Master Baiyu! I've been waiting for a long time!"

A crisp voice came.

Alice ran over like a whirlwind, with a layer of sweat on her forehead, raised the ice cream in her hand, a small canine tooth was exposed at the corner of her mouth, and proudly said: "This is the crepe ice cream that Master Baiyu likes to eat. "

The proud look with its small face upturned is very much like a pet waiting for its owner's praise.

"Alice is doing well."

Raphael took out a tissue and wiped the sweat from Alice's forehead.

"Hee hee." The girl with two ponytails blushed slightly, and then gave Hua Ye a vigilant look, "Master Bai Yu is mine!"

With this in mind, hurry up and take her away, the farther you go, the better.

Seeing that Hua Ye was silent, Alice raised her chin triumphantly, "Hey, are these the octopus balls that Master Bai Yu bought?"

"Student Hua Ye bought it." Lafayer replied with a smile, "Let's eat together."

"Okay, okay."


A black line fell across Hua Ye's head.

You agreed to keep it as a family heirloom, you changed your mind too quickly! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!


Although they acted separately, everyone was not far away.

For example, Hua Ye could clearly see Xiaoniaoyouliuhua and Satania not far ahead, queuing up in front of a bakery... Is the pineapple bun the real body of that satania?

It belongs to the kind where you will feel weak if you don’t eat for one day, you will lose your mind if you don’t eat for two days, and you will die if you don’t eat for three days.

Wei Nai was still queuing up with Kang Na to buy a tonkatsu sandwich drink, but Hua Ye didn't intend to try it at all, but turned around and walked towards a nearby cold drink shop.

Today's weather is very hot, coupled with some thirst, so Hua Ye planned to drink a cup of cold drink to cool down.

However, when Hua Ye saw the billboard next to the door of the cold drink shop, he was immediately shocked.

A line of large characters was written on it with colored pens:

"Today's special new product 'Coriander Durian Salad', new and old customers are welcome to come and try it."

At the end, a cute cat paw print was added.

"Coriander... durian?"

Your sister, I have eaten fruit salad, vegetable salad, but what the hell is coriander durian salad?

After eating this thing, it's not as simple as diarrhea, maybe it will be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

As for the promised food festival, there is tonkatsu sandwich drink before, and coriander durian salad after. This is actually a dark food festival (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Of course Hua Ye would not buy this kind of dark cuisine.

Although I know that since this thing can be sold, it will definitely not kill people, but it is still difficult to accept it psychologically. It is like jujubes and bananas, which cannot kill people, but it can make you doubt life.

Among other things, even the blue-eyed young dragon is now terrified of these two fruits after being challenged to eat dates and bananas together.

Hua Ye finally bought a box of honeydew-flavored MOW ice cream. The reason why this ice cream is famous is mainly due to the good advertising. When many people see this ice cream, they will subconsciously think of the Hokkaido cow "moo" called scene.

However, Hua Ye chose this purely because he had never tasted it before, and now he has a taste of it.

There were a lot of people in the store, and there were already no seats, so after Hua Ye paid the bill, he walked out the door with the ice cream.

After tearing off the lid, you can smell a strong smell of honeydew melon, and the naked eye can see that there are many bean-sized honeydew melon pulp, which are fused with milk, which looks very beautiful.

Hua Ye took a bite, the taste was smooth and refreshing, and the taste was not bad.

"Poke, poke, poke—"

Just after taking two bites, the familiar triple poke came from behind.

Familiar strength, familiar frequency, almost no change in position...it is definitely Gabriel.

Hua Ye turned his head to look, and saw that the useless angel was standing behind him.

The sun fell on her blond hair, reflecting the dazzling golden light. The palm-sized face was white and flawless, like the most delicate porcelain, with no flaws to be found. The sun-baked face looked extremely cute... ...if you don't look at those lazy eyes that smell of salted fish.

This useless angel didn't talk nonsense, and directly stretched out his right hand, and said in the tone of a bad girl extorting protection money, "Hey, lend me two coins."


Are you begging for help? Don't say bow and salute, at least be sincere to me!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "What do you want money for?"

"There is a game store in front of it, and it happens to sell a limited edition of the Fire Passing game, so you must not miss it this time... Hurry up and give me the money."

So when you borrow money, be honest with me, and don't act like an uncle who owes you money.

The useless angel took the money, looked at the sun above his head, puffed up his cheeks slightly and said, "It's so hot, as expected, playing games and eating cold drinks at home is the best choice in this weather..."

However, all the cold drinks you eat are taken from my refrigerator.

Gabriel looked at Hua Ye: "Hey, I'm thirsty."

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