
The Superman cat raised a paw and pressed it on Wei Nai's hand, with a disgusted expression and rejection written all over its face.

As a result, Wei Nai was not only not angry, but two blushes of confusion flew up on her face, as if she was about to faint with happiness.

"Good, so soft, Meow Meow's meat pad..."

You're obviously looking down on you, what's wrong with your proud expression!

As Wei Nai spoke, she actually moved her face closer.

What, are you going to kiss it?

Obviously, I would never have been treated like this...

And then……


Hua Ye almost spit out the fruit wine from his mouth.

Your sister, it turns out that you didn't want to kiss it, but put your face close to let it pat you with its paws!

What about your dignity as a demon, if cats invade Hell, you will definitely surrender immediately!

Hell eat jujube pills!



The cat turned its face away, its face full of disgust, then shook its ears, stood up, and jumped off the table with light steps.

"Hey, meow, where are you going?"

Seeing the Superman cat leave, Wei Nai quickly stood up and was about to chase after it.

It's a pity that she forgot that she had just finished drinking the fruit wine, and her feet felt as if she had stepped on cotton. She only took two steps, but her feet were weak and she almost fell down.

Fortunately, Hua Ye had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he grabbed her and pulled her to the seat beside her.

"No, Xiao Miao is leaving..."

Wei Nai still struggled.

"Sit down, don't move." Hua Ye snorted softly, "You're drunk."

Wei Nai puffed up her cheeks: "Nonsense, I, I'm not drunk..."

Drunk driving accidents are all like you!

I don't know where the fan's self-confidence comes from. I think I'm not drunk, but in fact I can't even walk steadily.

With a little effort from Hua Ye's hand, he firmly restrained Wei Nai's struggle.

Wei Nai struggled twice, but seeing that she couldn't move, she had to lean on Hua Ye's shoulder.

With the onset of alcohol, she became more and more drunk.

The atmosphere is a little subtle.

An indescribable wonderful feeling rose from the bottom of my heart.

The soft and delicate body is attached to the body, even through the clothes, you can feel the delicate touch of the skin.

"Huh, huh..."

The dizzy Wei Nai exhaled softly, and the warm and sweet breath spewed on Hua Ye's neck, which was slightly itchy.

Hua Ye suddenly wanted to hug her tighter.

"How much is one plus one?" Hua Ye cleared his throat and asked.

Wei Nai raised her foggy eyes to look at him, and replied dumbly, "Stupid, stupid, of course it equals two."


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, and asked again, "What time did you go to bed last night?"

"Nine, half past nine."

"What's your favorite food?"

"Omurice and fried shrimp..."

"What do you like to drink?"

"Fresh orange juice."


Actually, you can answer whatever you ask, the side effects of getting drunk are a bit serious.

No, maybe there are still sequelae of just touching the cat.

Studies have shown that when people are doing things they like, their IQ will drop rapidly.

For example, when girls are shopping, for example, when boys are "beep--", their IQs will be much lower than usual.

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