Matsushima Aoi was stunned.

What the hell is the pineapple bun? You can buy bread in supermarkets and convenience stores all over the country?

That kind of thing is basically made by machines in the supermarket. No matter how you look at it, it will not be as delicious as fugu ramen.

Aoi Matsushima continued to smile: "Are there any other delicacies?"

"Limited Edition Pineapple Bun."

A drop of cold sweat fell on Matsushima Aoi's forehead: "Apart from pineapple buns?"

Satania turned her head and thought for a while: "That's... Rainbow Pineapple Bun?"

Are you on a par with pineapple buns?

There are so many delicious food at the food festival, why do you have to stare at the pineapple buns!

"Ha ha……"

Matsushima Aoi took back the microphone with a smile, raised her hand to cover her mouth, and whispered to the photographer behind her, "Go back and cut this part."


Matsushima Aoi blinked, then looked at Gabriel again, and asked with a smile, "Did this little beauty come out to play with my sister?"

"Huh? Sister?" Gabriel opened her eyes wide.

Soul light!I'm just short, I'm not their sister!

"Did you like the food festival held this time?"

Gabriel said lazily, "I don't like it."


Matsushima Aoi was stunned, shouldn't you say you like it at this time, why don't you play your cards according to common sense.

The hostess smiled a little stiffly: "Well... can I ask the reason?"

Gabriel looked up at the sky: "There are people everywhere on the street, and I can't even see the signboard... I just like it when all the guys taller than me disappear."


Matsushima Aoi gave a dry laugh, "It looks like a little girl with a lot of personality."

He said in a low voice: "...cut this paragraph when I go back."


The photographer nodded sympathetically.

The hostess took a deep breath, and turned to look at Kang Na. This blue-eyed young dragon was holding a big ramen bowl, biting a noodle, and ate it. It looked indescribably cute and cute.

Matsushima Aoi's eyes lit up immediately: "What a cute little loli!"

She handed the microphone to Kang Na's mouth, bent down and asked, "Little sister, what grade are you in?"

Kang Na looked up at her silently, without any intention of answering, then continued to eat ramen with her head down.

The hostess was a little embarrassed: "Is the fugu ramen here delicious?"


The air remained silent.

Aoi Matsushima's smile froze, and she reluctantly asked again: "Did you come to play with your older brothers and sisters?"

Under her repeated questioning, Kang Na finally looked up at her.

His eyes... super disgusted.

They don't feed me snacks, and they keep interrupting me to eat noodles... →_→.

"Hehe, it looks like this little sister is very scared of life..."

It's not that she's afraid of strangers at all, but that she doesn't have time to talk while eating. If you're willing to bribe her with snacks, that's another matter.

Matsushima Aoi just felt that the muscles on her face were going to be stiff, which family's child is this? It's fine if you don't say a word, but you actually disliked me just now!

Matsushima Aoi took a deep breath, then looked at Hua Ye again: "Sir, can I ask you a few questions?"

Hua Ye glanced at her and said lightly:



The beautiful host froze in place in astonishment.

My old lady greets you with such a sweet smile, you, a teenager, don't pay attention to you at all?

Is it you who are drifting away, or I am not good enough!

"Can you tell me the reason? Is it acclimatization or physical discomfort?"

Hua Ye remained silent, eating noodles quietly.

Wei Nai couldn't stand it anymore, and kicked him lightly under the table, Hua Ye nodded: "Well, the climate is not acceptable."

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