What if classmate Hua Ye finds it difficult to accept what he said, and then alienates himself?

After all, angels and demons are hard for ordinary people to accept, and I don't look like a demon at all...

Just when Wei Nai was worrying about gains and losses, Rafael said again:

"So Wei Nai-chan should keep this a secret, don't tell others."

"Hey, why?" Wei Nai was puzzled.

"Because if you say it, it will cause trouble to classmate Hua Ye?" Raphael stretched out a slender finger, "After all, there are always people who are curious about these things, and classmate Hua Ye is already very famous after swimming class. Well, if you become more famous, maybe you will be pestered by girls on dates every day, and you won't have time to spend with us..."

Thank you for your reminder, but don't mention the black history of the crotch!

Wei Nai blushed, obviously recalling the terrible incident that happened in the swimming pool that day. As one of the people who faced it directly, the visual impact he received at that time has not subsided even today.

She bit her lip and gave Hua Ye a nasty look, took a step back, looked ahead, and said in a nonchalant tone, "He can date whoever he wants, and me... what do we have to do with it?"

"That's what I said. Hua Ye likes to be quiet, and he definitely doesn't like to be surrounded by too many people." Rafael blinked and said with a smile, "So this is the secret of the three of us..."


Connor looked up.

"Oh, I forgot." Raphael grinned, "And Kang Nachan, this is the secret of the four of us."

"As for Xiaojia and the others, let them find out by themselves."

"That, that's fine." Wei Nai raised her hand and pulled a lock of hair beside her ear, and said in a low voice, "I won't take the initiative to tell Xiao Jia and them..."

Hua Ye was listening, but he didn't explain, after all, it would be troublesome to explain.

I just don't know why this black-bellied angel said that she is an onmyoji. Although she doesn't know her true identity, she must know that she is not an onmyoji.

"Then it's settled."

Rafael giggled, and then secretly blinked at Hua Ye, with a charming expression of "I'm amazing, come and praise me".


Hua Ye now knows why this black-bellied girl said such things.

Because the joy in the corners of her eyes and brows can be completely translated.

"Vina doesn't know that I know, so I'm still the only one who knows...Happy (〃'▽'〃)!"

Chapter 328 You Are Back

"Rafi, why do you look happy?"

Wei Nai asked suspiciously.

"Because we successfully rescued Wei Nai Jiang." Rafael blinked and changed the subject, "How did you get lost at that time?"

"I didn't get lost." Wei Nai complained, "I just went to have a cup of tea..."

Wei Nai pursed her lips and began to explain what happened at night.

"... After everyone separated, I watched the fireworks with Kang Nachan. I planned to go back after watching the fireworks, but suddenly I heard a faint meow coming from the alley... It sounded like a little girl who was abandoned by the owner. Where's the cat?"

"As a result, after entering, a cat with two tails and can talk...the cat monster suddenly jumped down from the wall, but it's just cute..."

Are all cats cute in your eyes?That cat demon is clearly going to attack you, if you encounter it, you will be killed immediately!

Having said that, Wei Nai paused for a moment, and said with a subtle expression:

"Then Kang Nachan opened her eyes wide and looked at the cat monster, and then...the other party fainted from fright."

Being stunned by Kang Na's eyes, although it sounds unbelievable, it is reasonable.

Under Kang Na's "Gaze of a Hungry Dragon", it's only normal for a mere cat demon to faint from fright.

Repression from the level of life cannot be resisted by perseverance, just like when an experienced old hunter is camping in the wild, in addition to lighting a fire, he can also carry a piece of cake...not for Indians to brush their teeth Cow dung, but tiger dung.

You only need to sprinkle some poop around the camp, so you will basically not be infested by wild animals. Even if you take the tiger's poop in front of some timid dogs, even if these dogs have never seen a tiger in their life, they will still be harassed by wild animals. It's the same reason to directly scare the pee.

It is estimated that the hostility exuded by the cat demon caused Kang Na to be subconsciously vigilant, and as a result... she was frightened and fainted.

Not letting Wei Nai do it saves a lot of trouble. It seems that the blue-eyed young dragon should be rewarded...

Hua Ye looked down at Kang Na, and the blue-eyed young dragon also looked up, then took out a piece of dorayaki from his pocket, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Well, it's decided, I will continue to take you to the buffet tomorrow.

Vinay continued:

"Then Ms. Nanako appeared and said she wanted to tell me something~~ I didn't want to go, but she is the owner of the cute cat restaurant, and she said that if I were a guest, she would call all the cats to sit in front of me... ..."

"What about your mobile phone?" Rafael asked, "Why can't you get through?"

"Eh?" Wei Nai took out her phone and took a look. This time, she found that the phone was turned off. She was speechless, "My phone was taken away by a cat, and I put it in my pocket without paying attention when I got it back. It turned off..."

What is a cat slave?

Once a cat misses his life, his IQ is a passerby from then on.

"It's fine." Raphael said softly, "Call back first, everyone is worried about you."

"Yeah." Wei Nai nodded, turned on the phone, and finished making calls one by one, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

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