"Eh? What game?" Satania's eyes lit up, gearing up.

The fan girl Alice even raised her hands in support: "Okay, okay, I will always support Lord Baiyu!"

"Well, it's very simple, that is..."

Chapter 329 Gabriel's Feeding

"What game?" Wei Nai hesitated, "It's already half past nine, and I have to get up early tomorrow..."

"Don't worry, it's a very simple game." Rafael grinned, took out a few boxes of puzzles from his shopping bag and said, "When I was shopping in the afternoon, I happened to see puzzles for sale, so I bought a few on a whim. …It just so happens that everyone is divided into groups for a jigsaw puzzle competition, and the loser in the end will wear cat ears and become the winner's exclusive maid."

"Huh? Jigsaw puzzle?" Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief. She often played jigsaw puzzles when she was at home, and she had some confidence in jigsaw puzzles. request?"

"Am I that kind of person?" Raphael puffed up her pink cheeks, showing a slightly wronged expression.

It was!

No one here knows that you are black-bellied.

"Ann." Raphael said with a smile, "There's still Kang Na Chan here, I won't make bad demands in front of children."

That is to say, is it okay not to be in front of children?

"Alright then." Wei Nai nodded, "Just play for a while, and it's time to go to bed after playing..."

After finishing Wei Nai, Rafael turned to look at Gabriel: "Xiaojia, Xiaojia, come and play."

"Don't play." Gabriel said without looking up, "Puzzles or something, it's not interesting at all, but this plumber is more interesting..."


Hua Ye glanced at it, and it turned out to be a new game recently released. The general content is a story about a plumber wearing a red hat rescuing a princess and reaching the pinnacle of life.

So since you are a plumber, you should take out the pipe wrench to unclog the sewer, and use your hat as a weapon all day long to make trouble.

"Little Jia?" Rafael walked over and hugged Gabriel, "Let's play together."

"No." Gabriel's voice full of resentment came from Rafael's arms: "Go away, don't use facial cleanser..."

Looking at the two unknown objects that submerged Gabriel in it, at this moment, except for Kang Na and Satania, the faces of the other girls showed a trace of self-deprecating resentment.

"Yes, damn it!"

"It's obviously just a high school student, why is there such an exaggerated size."

"What did you eat..."

Hua Ye took a visual inspection and quickly came to a conclusion:

It is indeed bigger.

Although it can't be compared with the maid Longtor, it is still a size beyond the reach of other girls.

In a sense, this black-bellied girl really has the potential to be a nanny because she has enough milk...

"Get out of the way." Gabriel pushed Raphael away with a disgusted face, "I'll kill you."

"Let's play together." Raphael wanted to perform the chest rubbing kill again.

"Got it." Gabriel reluctantly put down the game console, "Let's talk about it first, just play one game."

Rafael blinked at Hua Ye and smiled coquettishly:

"Hmm, everyone is here, and it's time to form a team..."

Soon, the grouping is complete.

Rafael is in a group with Alice, Liuhua is in a group with Satania, Huaye is in a group with Kanna, and finally is a group of Wei Nai and Gabriel...

"Why do I have to be in a group with Xiao Jia?" Wei Nai couldn't help shouting.

"Eh?" Raphael stretched out his hand and tapped his lips, blinking his eyes and asked, "Could it be that Wei Nai dislikes Xiao Jia and will hold her back?"

"That's, that's not the case..." Wei Nai retorted without confidence.

Well, that's exactly what she thought.

To some extent, Satania is more reliable than Gabriel...

"So there's no problem?"

"No, no..."

Raphael made a final decision: "Then let's start!"


After a while.

Win or lose.

"L, lost..."

Wei Nai supported the ground with one hand, and the painting style became black and white, with a look of lovelessness.

"It's okay." Gabriel comforted from the side: "The gap is not too big, it's just a little bit..."

"Whose fault do you think this is all about, idiot Xiaojia!?" Wei Nai's forehead was twitching, "If you just helped a little bit, you wouldn't have lost!"

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