"So leave it to me."

Hua Ye said in a deep voice.

Then the next moment, Gabriel's voice became flustered:

"You you you you, what are you doing?!"

"Rub your stomach for you." Hua Ye replied calmly.

Didn't you say that kneading by yourself doesn't work?

I can help you knead it.

It has to be said that this useless angel's stomach is so soft, although she is trying to tense her body like an electric shock, and there is a layer of shirt, but she can still clearly feel the delicate and smooth touch flowing through her fingertips.

"Hun, Hundan! I'll kick you to death!"

Gabriel blushed and almost exploded in anger.

Do girls rub their bellies casually?

Not even through clothes!

Don't act like you're kneading bread in the supermarket!

The crippled angel was about to go mad, but it felt a warm current flowing from Hua Ye's hand, rushing towards the abdomen, and the pain began to dissipate quickly, as if soaking in warm water, it was extremely comfortable.

"Damn, I didn't expect it to be really useful... Is there really such a big gap between rubbing by yourself and rubbing by others?"

Gabriel couldn't help but get tangled up.

"How dare you touch it without my consent, death penalty!!"

"Although I really want to beat this guy up, my stomach still hurts..."

"Forget it, forget it, let's wait a while, wait until the stomach pain is gone, and then make him look good... Well, that's it."


Thinking of this, Gabriel snorted softly, and finally didn't do anything, just opened her eyes wide, gritted her silver teeth, and looked over with murderous eyes.

If eyes could kill, Hua Ye would be riddled with holes.

Time passed quietly.

Neither of them spoke, only a strange silence spread.

Feeling the big hand gently rubbing her abdomen, no matter how hard Gabriel tried to tense up her little face, accumulating murderous aura, her little face still couldn't stop turning red.

The strange gaze cast by passers-by made Gabriel grit his teeth, wishing he could find a crack in the ground.

Although it's just rubbing the stomach, who knows what others think?

Maybe I'll think of some terrible things... Anyway, it's all this guy's fault!

The moment the pain completely disappeared, Gabriel immediately took Hua Ye's hand away: "Okay! You can die!"

Hua Ye withdrew his hand and didn't get up, but looked at the useless angel with burning eyes.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Gabriel was suddenly a little nervous.

Hua Ye replied seriously: "I want to kiss you."

A few spots of light fell through the gaps in the branches and leaves above the head, and happened to land on the delicate and lovely face of this crippled angel. A few golden long hairs hung down beside the cheeks. Thin lips that are as attractive as jelly... really want to kiss again.

"There's no door!" Gabriel looked disgusted, "It's so disgusting! If you dare, I will bite your lip!"

"Not afraid." Hua Ye replied.


Gabriel only felt that she was going to die of anger.

I have never seen such a thick-skinned guy, how dare I say it out loud!




Big hentai!

And then……

A muffled groan could not help but sound slightly painful.

Hua Ye raised his hand to cover his lips.

Gabriel snorted triumphantly:

"Rocket Headbutt!"

Your sister, do you think you are a Pokemon?

Although the golden hair looks a bit like that electric mouse, but that Pikachu is much smarter than you, and there is no elf like you.

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