"It's just some pictures of cats inside." Nanako said calmly.

"Pictures of cats, cats?"

Nanako nodded: "I took photos of the cats in the cute cat house this morning."

Wei Nai hesitated for a moment.

If it was something else, then she would definitely not want it, but at this moment, the words of refusal came to her lips, but she couldn't say it anyway, because, because those cats in uniforms are so cute...

Wei Nai had been fighting between heaven and man for a long time, but finally reached out to take it, bowed and said, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Nanako Tamamo chuckled, "So, can I exchange contact information?"

"This one……"

Wei Nai hesitated.

"If you don't mind, I can share some latest photos of the cats with you in the future."

"Then, that's fine..."

Wei Nai is not born to refuse people, not to mention that he just accepted a gift from the other party, hesitated at this moment, and finally nodded in agreement.

After the two exchanged email addresses, Nanako Tamamo did not say much, nodded slightly, turned and left.


Time passed quietly.

In the blink of an eye, it was eleven o'clock in the morning, and the long-awaited show by Kang Na finally arrived.

The blue-eyed baby dragon stared at Hua Ye with sparkling eyes, raised its chubby little hand, and said expectantly, "Buffet!"


I always feel that taking you to a buffet in a hot spring resort is a regrettable mistake. Now when I hear the word "buffet", everyone's scalp will tingle.

"Got it, let's go."

Wei Nai raised her hand and pulled a strand of hair by her ear, and took the lead.

When passing by the entrance of the buffet restaurant yesterday, Kang Na couldn't help but cast an expectant light, which made the boss who happened to come out tremble and almost fell to the ground.

Long live!

The shop is going to be closed!

Many years later, in a dim izakaya, a down-and-out middle-aged man with a stubble poured himself a glass of wine and slowly told his story.

"You may not believe me when I say it, but I used to open a cafeteria...and then it was closed down."

Fortunately, everyone just walked past him and didn't intend to come in to eat, which made the boss feel relieved for the rest of his life.

However, after seeing Hua Ye and the others walk into the buffet restaurant opposite, the owner's eyes were soon filled with a gloating smile...

One hundred minutes later.

Under the tearful gaze of the owner of this buffet restaurant, Kang Na put down her chopsticks contentedly. It's not that she didn't want to continue eating, but the time had come.

Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief, took out a napkin and helped Kang Na wipe her mouth, then waved and said, "Okay, let's go home!"

Everyone nodded in unison.

Although it is true that seeing Kang Na eating so deliciously, my appetite will improve, but it will also be embarrassing under the attention of others.


Today is still a lazy afternoon, the sky is blue and clear, only a few white clouds like cotton candy are dotted, and the warm sun is falling on the body, which makes people feel drowsy.

After queuing up to get on the tram, there were not many passengers on board, so everyone was lucky to find a row of seats.

Soon, the tram fell silent.

Hua Ye glanced over, and saw that Wei Nai and Gabriel were all asleep.

However, because of the tram incident last time, Gabriel sat directly next to Wei Nai this time, resolutely refusing to take a step closer to Hua Ye, and the one sitting next to Hua Ye "righteously" was...

"Well, it's the smell of classmate Hua Ye~~"

The black-bellied angel quietly hugged Hua Ye's arm.


Rafael rubbed Hua Ye's shoulder lightly twice, "I like the smell of Hua Ye's classmate the most! (〃'▽'〃)"

Let go, you're about to be seen!

"What does it matter, they are all asleep."

The black-bellied girl closed one eye, stuck out her tongue, and said with a coquettish smile, "And it feels so exciting to carry Xiaojia and Wei Nai on your back~~(*^▽^*)."

To shut up!

You immoral angel!

Sure enough, there will be greater pleasure in sneaking around! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

(PS: There is no single nominee for Sata Meow... Even if you are a fool, you still need to care! (serious face))

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