It's just that this teacher Jing, who has gained a great reputation with a pair of loving iron fists in the school, and made countless students frightened, now puts one hand on his forehead and sighs, "Teacher, I asked everyone to write an article about summer vacation planning last week. I took a quick look at my composition in the morning, and most of my classmates wrote it well, but the composition of my classmate Satania opened my eyes to the teacher..."

This idiot hasn't understood the meaning of Jing Keai's words, and he is still looking around, looking proud.

"Student Satania, please don't laugh." Jing Keai put her hands on her chest, "Come on, read the composition again..."

Chapter 337 I Will Be Responsible

"Ah, summer vacation is here, and it's time to spread evil..."

Just the first sentence of the composition made the melon-eating girls in the class burst into laughter, and the class was soon filled with joy.

Hua Ye also twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

Your sister, this sentence is obviously a reprint of "spring is here, and it's mating season"!

Although it is true that I like to quote famous quotes at the beginning of the composition, this sentence seems to be a famous quote I made up by myself, and there is no chance for the marking teacher to hesitate.

"...Stupid earthlings, get ready to welcome the rule of His Royal Highness Hutaozawa Satania McVay!"

Well, no one responded to this sentence.

Because during this semester, Satania said this sentence at least a dozen times, and everyone has already seen it.

"After I become the ruler of the earth, I must let the people of the earth build a pyramid full of pineapple buns..."

How deep is your obsession with pineapple buns? Do you even use pineapple buns to build pyramids?

After using the pineapple bun as a unit of measurement, is it now used as a building material again!

If you were a pharaoh in ancient Egypt at that time, then not so many people would starve to death during the construction of the pyramids, because you can eat "bags" to satisfy your hunger when you are hungry.

"I want to defeat Gabriel, let her surrender at my feet, and repent of the sins she committed before by kissing my toes, ahahahaha..."

"Tch, you idiot."

Gabriel's feeble mumbling sounded from behind Hua Ye.

"And ask Vinette to help me tidy up my room every day, if I can't finish it, I will give her pineapple buns..."

Wei Nai sighed and covered her forehead.


Teacher Jing read for a while, then put down the composition, stopped everyone's laughter, and said: "Actually, the composition of student Satania, the teacher thinks it's not bad, it's very imaginative, of course, if it can be realistic Some are better, in contrast, most of the compositions of other students are regular plans such as part-time jobs, travel, and make-up classes."

"By the way, I remember that there is another student whose composition is 'I hope this summer vacation will never end, and then I don't have to eat or sleep, and I can keep playing the games I like'. The teacher won't read it here..."

When saying this, Jing Keai glanced at Gabriel intentionally or unintentionally.

The useless angel immediately lay down on the table and filled the ostrich.

Needless to say, this composition must have been scribbled by Gabriel during the time before handing in the homework.

More than one month of summer vacation is long enough, and you still want the summer vacation to never end?

It’s like a newly released game. Before buying it, all kinds of greed, envy, and cravings, but after buying it back, it was thrown aside after playing for a few hours at most... (I am (〃'▽'〃) )

Any good thing, once you get it, you will not care about it. If you really want to give you a never-ending summer vacation, you will definitely not like it.

"Student Satania." Jing Keai squinted her eyes.


Satania looked up in confusion.

"Next week will be the summer vacation. Those who fail the final exam need to make up the exam until they pass the exam." Jing Keai put her arms around her chest and said, "So, if you don't want to make up the exam, you can find someone to help you. .”



after class.

"Vinette, Vinet, what should I do?"

Satania stood in front of Vinai, asking pitifully.

Wei Nai covered her forehead: "What else can I do? Of course I have studied hard... By the way, there are also students Xiao Jia and Hua Ye. During the club activities in the afternoon, stop playing games. I will give you tutoring. "

"Call it...summer class for the time being?"

Hua Ye was speechless, and walked out silently, preparing to buy a bottle of drink.

When I walked to the entrance of the corridor, I happened to meet Machiko who came out of the office.

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye?" The black long straight girl hesitated for a moment, and shouted, "Please wait."


Hua Ye stopped and turned to look.

"That..." Machiko said nervously, "Chemistry class is about to start, and the chemistry teacher asked me to get some experimental props, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to hold them steady by myself... So can Hua Ye help me? "


The experimental props needed for class are in the utility room.

That's right, it was the storage room where Machiko took Hua Ye and hid in the file cabinet.

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